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(This is kinda like a filler chapter where she's just experiencing school)


Alex walked me into class and sat down next to a girl with colorful hair and glasses. He motioned me over and the girl started freaking out a little bit. "Alex Alex Alex please no I don't wanna look like a fucking idiot!" She whisper yelled.

"Erika this is Sabrina, Sabrina this is Erika." I waved shyly and held out my hand. "Hi it's nice to meet you." I whispered. She nodded and Alex patted the empty chair next to him.

I placed my belongings down and sat in the cold chair and shivered. "Good morning class. Before we get started, lets everyone say hello to our new student Erika." Everyone looked at me and I immediately felt self conscious. I waved and everyone turned around.

I was relieved. I hated being the center of attention. But I was getting more and more anxious by the end of class because 1) I knew nothing about anyone 2) I would have to do this for the next 5 classes and 3) more people would look at me.

The bell soon rang and Alex pulled my arm back and looped it with his. "We have the same schedule remember. The gym is this way." He said guiding me along the hallways. Expertly maneuvering around people and still maintaining a normal pace.

"Can I just sit on the bleachers?" I whined. I didn't want to change because 1) scars 2) blotchiness and 3) I just didn't want to. "That's usually what I do. I don't change at all and still pass with a 90." I nodded and sat down next to him on the bleachers.

I was thankful that the teacher made no mention of me and I didn't have to go through the pain of being the center of attention again.

"So how did you feel about moving here? All the way across the country." He sparked conversation. I hated how I couldn't do that but loved how he could do it so easily.

"It was definitely scary." I admitted. I didn't think he would push it any further but I was wrong. "How so?"

"It's just that well...uh I uh got bullied in my other school and I was terrified that it would happen again." He looked sincere and hugged me. "I promise no one will do that to you here. Except Hannah, watch out for her and her posse. Hannah, Lilly, and Jeanette are the middle school mean girls. Hannah is Regina, Lilly is just stupid so she's Karen and Jeanette knows everyone and everything so she's.." I started laughing and he stopped explaining mid sentence.

"I get it. Avoid them. This whole school is like the mean girls movie except we're in middle school and will only be freshman next year. Don't fall for the populars ex and don't wear my hair in a ponytail more then once in a week." I laughed. "Oh we break that rule all the time, just ask Sabrina." I laughed and suddenly really wanted to watch the movie. I'll definitely watch it when I get home.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" I pushed. He smiled and shrugged. It was surprising me that I was being so social. "I'm in your grade and I have the same schedule as you..." I slapped his arm and he laughed and continued. "I can't say much. My full name is Alexander Louis Jett if that helps any."

I just laughed and shook my head. "What kind of music do you like?" He asked. "Is that even a question!" I exclaimed gesturing to my Memphis May Fire sweatshirt. "Soooo nothing mainstream?" He took a sigh of relief and wiped invisible sweat off his head. "I love Memphis May Fire. And a bunch of other bands. What's your favorite song." He asked. I just smiled and fist bumped him. "I don't really know maybe vices." He nodded and agreed.

"What sports do you like?" He asked. "I have to say either volley ball or softball cause I play those sports."

"That's so cool! They're holding try outs for volley ball if you're up for it." I nodded and looked at the time. Just as I looked the bell rang and we jumped off the bleachers. "Off to Science we gooooo!"


"I can't believe it's our last class already!" I exclaimed. The day went by so fast. I had such a great day that I didn't want it to end. Alex and I spent the whole day together considering that we had every class together.

Even in classes that we sat in separate seats we texted each other and made fun of the teachers voices and laughed when they turned their backs.

Before I knew it the final bell rang and we were all dismissed. "So what bus are you going on?" He asked. I shook my head and pointed to Austin's car. "My dad is picking me up.-" he beeped and stopped me from saying my next sentence. "Ugh so impatient! I gotta go i'll see you tomorrow!" I ran to the car and yelled "TEXT ME!" Before I got in.

"So I assume that it was a good day?" He asked as I got in and buckled my seatbelt. I smiled and nodded as I answered Alex's text. "The best."

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