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*two weeks later*

I scanned over the letter twice and couldn't believe my eyes. My mind. I couldn't believe it at all. I refused to. It hurt to much.

'And to the girl in the back of the class, that feels the way I did...How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure, as to scar your skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more...please don't let this happen to you. My mind was messed up far before and I refuse to let someone so loving do this to herself. Don't forget that you're loved Erika.
Xx Farrah'

I pulled down my sleeves self consciously and looked around the room. They were all minding their own business. Paying no attention to me. They were all silent, respecting the death of Farrah. She was so loved. So....loving. I don't understand.

"Ms. Tanner?" I shot my head up and looked at the teacher. "You're leaving sweetheart, grab your stuff i'll see you Monday." I hesitated but got up and walked out. I could feel eyes on me as a walked out but I ignored it and kept walking. I walked to the entrance and saw Austin sitting there.

"Hey kiddo!" I smiled and waved. I hugged him and looked up "hi...d-dad." I said. He didn't know the story behind my family or my dad yet so he grew confused as I stuttered to call him that.

"Well you have a doctors appointment and then we go pack cause we have the next plane to California. The papers went through and your officially a Carlile." He seemed proud of this. I would most certainly be proud. I was happy to. I finally had a family. A dad that I've always wanted. "Well lets go. Can't stand here all day little one." I walked out with him and to the car.

But I was nervous the whole ride there. I hated doctors. They always knew how to annoy me. I like my bubble. My personal space. But they always invaded it. Before I could think twice about trying to jump out of the car just to avoid any doctors we arrived and I mentally groaned.

"Look I know doctors suck ass but we gotta get this physical done." He said. I slumped further down in the seat and he sighed and picked me up. "Stop being stubborn this is good. It'll be ok." He reasoned. I honestly didn't wanna hear it because it wouldn't change my opinion about doctors.


"Alright and I hate to conclude with this Erika but were going to give you a shot." The doctor said. Oh hell nah.

Erika Tan...Carlile is NOT getting a shot. Before I could run Austin laid me down in his lap and stroked my hair.

"I see that your scared just relax it'll all be ok." It was weird but as soon as he did that I completely relaxed. It was weird. Was I starting to..trust him? This was scary.

"Alright Erika. Just relax. It'll be over before you know it." My eyes widened and I panicked. "Wait wait wait!! What the hell are you putting in me!" I shouted as I backed up further into Austin.

"Baby girl ssshhhh it's only to help. Here talk to me, what's your favorite animal?" She looked right into Austin's eyes

"cats. I like cats. I grew up with them." I answered as I felt the needle pierce my arm. "Oowwww!" I cried as I latched onto Austin. He rubbed my back and swayed us back and forth afterwards to help me calm down.

"It's all over now." He soothed. To be honest I just wanted to leave. "Can we just go now?" He nodded and signed a paper as we were walking out and hugged me as he walked to the car.

"It wasn't so bad now was it." I looked at him like was crazy "was it really? I understand that. Shots are gross!" I just laughed while he drove us to the orphanage to pack. "Are you ready for California!" He basically yelled. I shrugged. But on the inside I was dying of excitement. "Just a shrug! You'll see once you get there." He seemed more excited then me.


"Annnnndddd that's it!" I was officially packed and ready to leave tomorrow and start new. New dad, new life, new everything. "You excited sweetie?" Katie asked as she walked into my room. She's actually the only one that I remember here. She's been here since I've been here and she was the first worker I met. The first worker that showed that she cared. I nodded and closed my suitcase.

"It's so surreal." I admitted. "Yeah that explains it. But it's a good thing. I'll miss you lots though." I went up to her and hugged her. "I'll miss you to Katie." She actually started tearing up before she grabbed me into a hug and crushed me. "I always thought of you as a daughter. It's a shame no one ever chose you. If I was allowed to I would've done it in a heart beat."

That meant a lot coming from her. At least I knew that one person wanted to adopt me before Austin. It felt nice. "Now get some sleep you got to get up extra early to catch that plane. Austin will be here to pick you up." I nodded and laid down on my bed. This was the last night I was going to be in this room. And tomorrow will start a new beginning.

His daughter (Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now