Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry." 


Taehyung freezes in shock. 

What? Did Jungkook just...apologize? No, no, this has to be one of his little games to toy with me, no way did he actually apologize

Taehyung tries to brush off the sincerity lingering in the other boy's charcoal eyes and quietly replies, "i-it's okay."

Taehyung doesn't exactly know what Jungkook apologized for. Was it for spilling coffee all over him earlier? For calling him disgusting names? For yelling at him on the first day they met? He doesn't know, but he certainly doesn't want to ask. 

Jungkook doesn't say anything more. The ravenette saunters off to his bed and lays down casually, looking as nonchalant as usual. 

But despite his tamed mask, the boy was shaken up by his own actions. 

Did he just apologize to Taehyung? 

Jungkook is known to be a bully. A tormentor who shows no mercy. An antagonist in a novel. He is never one to show sympathy nor was he someone to own up to his actions. 

So why on damning earth did he apologize to the blue-haired midget laying in the bed opposite his?

"Fuck my life," Jungkook mutters, quiet enough to go unheard by his roommate. 


"Ouch ouch ouch ouch," Taehyung yelps as he bursts into the room, startling the ravenette that was casually laying on his bed. 

Taehyung rushes to Jungkook's bedside table and hurriedly place the piping hot plate of food onto it. 

Jungkook stares at the steaming hot porridge and then at Taehyung. The two boys stare at each other in silence for a bit before the blue-haired one decides to speak. 

"I made breakfast," he mumbles, fiddling with his fingers. 

"Oh, did you now?" Jungkook asks, raising his eyebrow amusedly. 

Taehyung nods, "Y-yeah, it is hot," he lifts his hand and shows the ravenette how red they've turned from carrying the porridge. 

Jungkook bites back a smile and nods. "That looks painful," he says while gesturing towards the boy's red hands. "Want me to kiss it better?"

Taehyung stares at the boy, completely horrified. "W-what, how can you- no- I"

Jungkook chuckles, "relax, Bambi, I was only messing." Then the boy proceeds to pick up his porridge and eats it, staring directly at the Taehyung as he does so. 

Taehyung flushes red from embarrassment and walks off to his side of the room, quietly muttering insults towards his confusing roommate.


Jimin eats Taehyung's sushi roll as the blue-head ponders over the newly brought up conversation. 

"Athletics day? What's that all about?" he asks with furrowed brows.

"Basically a day where you build on teamwork and do a lot of athletic shit," Hoseok replies casually. 

"Is it compulsory?" Taehyung asks with hesitance. 

Jin laughs loudly, "Of course, Tae, practically everything in this school is compulsory."

The blue head pouts slightly before grabbing his sushi roll back from Jimin and taking a large bite. 

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