Chapter 32

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Jungkook didn't come back that night.

Taehyung was thankful because he didn't know what would happen if he had to face the boy after all that. That night he didn't get a blink of sleep. His eyes were tired and droopy from all the crying and his whole body felt numb but his mind was wide awake. He kept replaying the events over and over again in his head, those faces morphed with disgust, the look of anger on Jungkook's face, the silence of the room after everyone left. The room felt colder that night. It felt lonelier.


He is awake when he gets the phone call.

He tiredly sits up and reaches out for his phone but then furrows his eyebrows when he sees his father's name on the screen. He hesitates slightly before deciding to pick up.


There's silence across the line for a few seconds and it causes Taehyung's legs to weaken. He can't help but feel this horrible gut feeling that something is wrong. Did his father find out about him and Jungkook...oh no.

"Taehyung," the man speaks up, voice laced with venom.

"Y-Yes?" He stutters out weakly, nervously anticipating the man's words.

He hears his father laugh humourlessly at the end of the line before saying, "you never learn, do you?"

Taehyung's heart drops. He definitely found out. Taehyung internally curses at himself. He should have been more careful. He's stupid. So so stupid.

"N-no father, it's not what it looks like- It must be some sort of misunders-"

Before he can continue, his father cuts him off.

"Don't try to play dumb with me, Taehyung. That boy called me and told me everything."

Taehyung freezes. Jungkook did what?! "N-no father, h-he's lying," Taehyung tries but his father isn't buying it.

"Why would he lie?" His father asks, voice laced with anger. "Huh? Wasn't he your loverboy before?"

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows, slightly confused by his father's words. "W-who are you talking about?" He asks hesitantly.

The man scoffs, "don't act stupid, boy. You know damn well I'm talking about that ex of yours. The one that you went whoring around with! He called and told me everything."

Taehyung grips onto his phone tighter. Ex? Jinyoung? Jinyoung called his father?

"I always knew you were a disgusting slut but honestly didn't think you could be that shameless. The boy had called ME, telling me how you were begging to get back with him!"

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows. What? Before he could even attempt to speak, his father's raging voice cuts him off.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING EMBARRASSING THAT WAS?" He screams causing Taehyung to wince from the volume. "He had called and asked me to tell you to stop. I wanted to bury myself from embarrassment. I knew you were pathetic, Taehyung, but to go around begging for another man's cock like some street whore? Your mother and I are absolutely disgusted. And to think you do this after you promised to never behave like those faggots."

Taehyung is left speechless. He can't believe the words he's hearing. Jinyoung called his father and LIED to him to make him look bad. Jinyoung knew his parents were homophobic! That prick. Taehyung can't believe that he would swoop so low.

"Father, listen. He's lying to you-"

"No." His father cuts him off. "I will not listen to you, don't expect me to. Do you know how outrageous this is? WHAT IF THAT BOY LEAKS THIS TO THE PUBLIC?! Imagine the headlines!?"

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