Chapter 19

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A/N: I recommend you go read the smut part of the last chapter before reading this to -um- refresh your memory. 

But then he hears it. In a small almost innocent voice, Taehyung whispers out those lewd words that have his breath hitching.

"Please, fuck me."


Jungkook pauses in his steps, his body going rigid at the foul words that spill from those seductive lips. He turns around to see a very arousing sight: A naked sweaty Taehyung looking absolutely wrecked, bucking his hips up slightly into the air while softly moaning out Jungkook's name. 

Jungkook doesn't say much, he simply just walks up to where the other is laying. His dark eyes take in the stunning sight, mouth going dry at the small sounds that the boy continues to make. 

Without another thought, Jungkook flips the small boy over onto his stomach leaving his plump ass on display. "Don't move," Jungkook demands, his voice sounding slightly strained. 

Taehyung doesn't listen, he can't listen. He wiggles his hips against the mattress, moaning at the friction which only prompts an angry growl from the ravenette. 

"I said don't move!" The ravenette states firmly, his hand coming down to harshly slap the other's pale ass. 

Taehyung whimpers at the sharp sting but his length just pulsates at the burning sensation. He can hear the other rustling something behind his back but he can't see what and all he feels is the pent up pleasure begging to be released from him. 

"P-please, Jungkook-uh."

Without warning, a cold slick finger is thrusted into his ass, causing the boy to jolt forward with a pitchy moan. Taehyung feels his cock twitch indicating his release but just as he's about to spill, Jungkook's hand firmly grabs onto his cock, preventing him from coming. 

Taehyung cries out, head spinning from the overbearing sensation in his member. He tries to rock forward against Jungkook's hand but the other's hold is too tight. 

"Don't come until I tell you to," the husky voice behind him says as he adds two more fingers. 

Jungkook curves his fingers within Taehyung's tight walls, brushing ever so slightly past his prostate but never quite reaching it.  Taehyung pushes himself back against them, trying to feel him deeper. Jungkook watches with dark eyes as the innocent boy tries to fuck himself onto his fingers, the sight is so alluring that Jungkook feels the bulge in his pants strain painfully against his trousers. 

Taehyung whines when those warm fingers pull out of his ass, leaving him to feel cold and empty. He opens his mouth to complain but is immediately shut up by something bigger and something hotter slowly entering him. 

 "J-Jungkook," Taehyung moans out, his eyes squeezing shut in both pain and pleasure as the other slowly bottoms out. 

Jungkook doesn't move for a second, he just firmly grips the boy's hips with his free hand and waits for him to relax. Taehyung's smooth walls are so tight around him that all he wants to do is ram into the boy, take him mercilessly with no pause. But he doesn't. Instead, he bites back a moan and waits for the blue-head to be ready. 

"J-Jungkook, p-please m-move." 

And that's all it takes for Jungkook to start his steady thrusts. The ravenette rocks his hips forward powerfully which causes the smaller boy to also rock forward. Taehyung clutches onto the sheets in desperation, trying so hard to focus on the pleasure rather than the burning sensation in his cock. Jungkook moans slightly when the boy pushes back against him, wordlessly instructing him to go faster. And so he does. 

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