Chapter 27

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"I was so desperate to get you out of jail, Jungkook..."



Taehyung knows what he has to do.

The blue-haired boy anxiously taps his foot against the floor as the dull ringing of the phone resonates through his ear. Each ring is mockingly nerve-wracking, it's hollow vibration like a wicked cackle against the boy's ear, teasing him for being so weak.

The line finally picks up and Taehyung has to restrain himself from ending the call. Instead, he takes a deep breath and decides to follow through with his plan.


The man seems rather surprised to hear his son's voice. "Taehyung?"

Taehyung takes a deep breath before speaking. "D-Dad, I need your help."

There's a pause at the other end of the line, the only sound being the obnoxious buzzing of the phone line. Then he hears his father scoff, making his heart drop. "Help you? I thought I made it clear last time, Taehyung. For as long as you go by that ridiculous title of yours, I, nor your mother will be helping you in any which way."

Taehyung lets out a ragged breath. "Dad, please. My friend got wrongly convicted for a crime and I need to bail him out b-but I don't have any money."
He feels pathetic saying it; Like a beggar running after some people for cash. Except he's not a beggar, and these people are actually his so-called parents.

"How close are you to this person to feel the need to bail them out of jail?" Taehyung can hear it; He can hear the underlying tone of suspicion in his father's words.

He sighs into the palm of his hand, "w-we're cl-lose."

His father seems to ponder for a few seconds before he chuckles unamusedly, the laugher null of any actual joy but rather filled with disgust.

"He's another one of your faggot play toys, isn't he?" The older man spits, the venomous tone slithering through the phone line, right into Taehyung's awaiting ear.

"N-no! Dad-"

The man interrupts him. "Why would I want to help you, huh? So you can go against my words and continue to disgrace the family name?"

Taehyung pushes his hair back in frustration, his grip on the phone tightening. "Dad, he's not-"

"Forget it, Taehyung. I've already made up my mind. I will not be helping in any way if it means that disgusting mental illness of your's is going to be fueled. If you won't listen to me, why should I listen to you?"

His dad is seconds from ending the call but Taehyung finally speaks up.

"I'll stop," he says.

"Stop what?" His father's voice is gruff, tainted with annoyance towards his son.

"I'll stop being... the way I am."

His dad pauses his actions to take in the words. "You mean... you'll stop acting like one of those homosexuals." The words slips bitterly out of his tongue and Taehyung takes a courageous step to accept them.

"Yes... yes, I'll stop being gay."

He waits in anticipation for the answer, his heartbeat doubling as the silence stretches into a thin line and wraps itself around his neck.

"Do you really think I'll take your word for it?" his father finally asks, making Taehyung feel even more anxious.


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