Loving you again

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Junho was lying in his bedroom, deeply immersed in his thoughts. His whole body was telling him to call Eunsang, it's been 2 weeks since their last so –called date and Junho tried a few times to text him but everytime he deleted the message. The old Junho would find any excuse to see Eunsang but this Junho had so many thoughts in his head that were stopping him from moving on. The sound of a text message was heard near his ear. He took the phone and read it.

'Second date? Tonight? Let's go out' E

His eyes suddenly shone more brightly than earlier and his heart started beating faster. He quickly replied and got ready. This time he decided to wear more casual clothes and when he left his bedroom he found Yohan and Hangyul playing games in the living room. When they asked him where he was going, Junho just ignored them. Tho, when he left the appartment, he smiled, because it seemed like Yohan and Hangyul are taking it slowly too, by spending more time together as friends.

Eunsang picked him up this time and it seemed like he wasn't bothered because Junho wasn't the one who set up their second date. Junho was confused, not sure how he feels about it.

For a whole night, Eunsang acted really friendly towards him, mostly laughing which Junho like the most about him. As the time passed by, he started talking more and more without even noticing.

They spent a few hours together and before going home and Junho was afraid that Eunsang will expect something in return. But, in his surprise, Eunsang only dropped him off and waved him before leaving. Junho felt relieved but on the other hand...something was missing.

After two days, Eunsang called him again, this time he wanted to go out and see a movie together. Junho immediately accepted and when he went to meet him, Eunsang already bought them tickets and food. It was strange for Junho to sit that close to Eunsang so he couldn't focus on a movie and instead he kept thinking how good Eunsang smells and how soft his hands are. He hated the fact that they couldn't talk and after the movie was finished, he tried hardly to think of something to say so they can go somewhere more quiet but Eunsang has told him that he had to go home earlier and that messed up Junho's hopes.

For the next three weeks, they kept going out on a dates. And after every date, Junho couldn't think about anything except Eunsang. With each date, he became more and more relaxed, he smiled more often and talked about the past without feeling the old pain as he used to. With each date, he also felt more nervous and the butterflies in his stomach kept flying around whenever he was with Eunsang. They also met with their friends, after so many years, all 11 of them were all together without any awkward moments. Junho even felt slightly jealous because Eunsang wasn't sitting next to him or paying attention to him when they were all together, instead, Eunsang looked so relaxed while Junho kept glancing at his side and burning inside whenever their eyes met.

After their yesterday's date, Junho wasn't focused on work anymore which has never happened before. He kept looking at his phone, expecting a message but he knew Eunsang didn't plan to call him right away. So he started typing and it was the first time he actually sent it.

'Let's meet tonight.' J

'Okay. Where do you wanna go?' E

Junho knew the answer but it took him a few minutes before replying.

'Your place.' J

'Deal. I'll cook us dinner. Around 8pm?' E

'I'll buy everything, just wait till I come. 8pm it is.' J

Junho felt bad if Eunsang had to make dinner because till now Eunsang was the one who suggested all the ideas for their dates and now when Junho finally decided to call him he wanted Eunsang to do nothing. Junho would invite him to his appartment, but Yohan was still living with him and Hangyul often stopped by to visit them so he picked Eunsang's place instead.

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