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November 19
friday night
9:36 p.m.

Phillipa laid on the couch watching her husband and dog play on the floor. She was still feeling sick, but glad she had one last day before going back to work. "What do you want for dinner!" Pippa asked, as their hyper pit bull hopped onto the couch and snuggled into her mama's lap. Lin looked back with a shrug and watched his wife, in slight pain, slide the energetic dog over. Lin whistled catching the dogs attention.

"Ginger, get on your pillow," he commanded, getting up from the couch and sliding up next to his wife. "I don't care. Whatever you want, mamita," he smiled, pulling her into his side, and placing his hand on her stomach, a.k.a the source of her agony. Pippa uncomfortably shifted at his touch, moving into his side. "You wanna take a test? Or an Advil?" Lin asked. Pippa shook her head.

"That's contradicting," Pippa smirked. "I'm fine and I truly don't think I'm pregnant," she sadly said. Lin shook his head with a sigh.

"How are sure? We've been trying for a little while now, and you continue to refuse to take a test," Lin pointed out. Pippa sighed and looked to her husband.

"You really want me to take a test?" She asked. Lin profusely nodded, pulling them up and to the master bedroom of their Brooklyn Townhouse.

A hop, skip, and a jump away, Rue laid in her bed watching her roommate get dressed. "Umm, where are you going? Curfew was 30 minutes ago?" She asked. Johnny slid her a smirk and pulled on her boots.

"I know, it's early right? Anyways, Mia and I are going to a party at Paco's new place. His foster parents are gone for the weekend!" Johnny squealed. "Everyone's gonna be there. You wanna go?" She courteously asked, knowing that Rue never went anywhere.

"Nah. I'm cool," Rue decline, once more. With a shrug, Johnny grabbed her jacket and crept out of the room. From her window, Rue watched a small group run down the side walk towards the subway. She wanted nothing more than to go and explore the city, but she knew her mother was looking down. She couldn't disappoint her mother. "Hamilton it is," Rue smiled, slipping under her covers.

10 p.m.

Pippa stared at the test on her bathroom sink as her husband sat on the edge of the tub staring at the floor. "Wait, are you sure you took it right," Lin asked, placing his hand over his mouth. Pippa nodded.

"There's only one way to take it," she huffed. Lin bit back his smile, unsure of how Pippa would react. "See, this is why I didn't want to take it. I don't what you to get excited in case it's a false positive," Pippa mumbled. Lin hopped up confused.

"Baby, this is not a false positive. We are having a baby!" Lin smiled, taking his wife's hands, and causing her to smile. "Wait, does this mean your going to continue the workshop? I don't want you to put to much stress on yourself," Lin asked. Pippa pulled her hands away and threw the test in a draw.

"See, that's what's not about to happen. You're not going to treat me like I'm some sick puppy. I'm carrying a child, not a deadly illness. I'm not going to stop my craft until I absolutely have to," Pippa said, leaving the bathroom. "Speaking of which, I have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to bed. You should do the same with a two show day ahead of you," Pippa smirked, as she started to strip, knowing it drove him wild.

December 20
saturday morning
9:06 a.m.

Rue leaned against the building of The Public Theater, watching people walk past. "She's not coming. This was too good to be true," Rue muttered, hoisting her backpack higher. Sadly, she dropped her head and started to walk off, accident running into someone. "Sorry," she mumbled, trying to move past the person.

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