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5:37 p.m.

Rue had split off from the group, watching them head towards the Bronx as she moved towards Brooklyn. The sun was still pretty high in the sky, illuminating the buildings. Rue watched people fly by, cars roaring, life happening. She never climbed past her school, so to be able see what the city held, slightly scared her.

Rue shoved her hands into her pocket to feel a piece of paper. She pulled it out to see, Pippa's address, thankfully legible. Which was great, despite having no idea where to go. Should I ask someone? Is that weird? Oh well. Rue decided, moving into the local coffee shop.

5:45 p.m.

Pippa laid on Lin's couch, watching him get ready for his second show. He was sitting at his desk eating the dinner she'd brought him. "Baby, you sure you don't want any?" Lin asked. Pippa grimaced, glancing at the takeout plate.

"Definitely not," Pippa replied. "I had a hard time just bringing it to you," she gagged, before looking at the time. Broadway's royalty slid off the couch and stood behind her husband in the mirror. "Give me kisses, I'm heading home. I gotta let Ginger out and honestly...I'm exhausted. I'm over this whole baby thing already," Phillipa sighed, pecking her mans lips then watching him look to her flat stomach. Lin's eyes looked to hers, then to her stomach, then back to her. "Go for it," she reluctantly allowed.

Excitedly, Lin pulled up Pippa's Eliza Project t-shirt. He stared at the delicate, but strong home his child was living in. "Hi, mija or mijo. It's Papá. I know, you're growing, but can you go easy on mommy. She's new to this," he whispered. A small smile came to Pippa's lips, as he placed his soft lips on her abdomen. "Alright Mamita, be safe. Text me when you get home," Lin said, fixing his wife's shirt and sending her on her way.

6:11 p.m.

Pippa stood in her kitchen, listening to music while making dinner. Ginger sat at her feet, hoping she would drop something though she never did. "Ginger!" Pippa smiled, watching her first baby, jump to her feet. Phillipa took a sip of her tea, when her doorbell rang, confusing her. She wasn't expecting anyone.

Cautiously, she looked around the corner to see through the glass panes of the door. She could sort of recognized the figure, but not well. However, something inside told her to answer anyways.

Upon opening the door, Pippa saw her ingenue starting at her clutching her backpack straps. "Rue? What are you doing here?" Pippa asked, letting the teenager in. Rue looked around the modern home in shock. She'd never imagined Pippa's house to be so... up to date.

"Uhh, you want to hear a funny story, that actually, now that I think about it, might not be that funny?" Rue asked, taking a seat at the clean marble island. Pippa turned her sauce down with raise eyebrows.

"Shoot," she replied, turning her back for a moment to put water in pot for her noddles.

"The GW caught on fire and in the madness...I think I ran away," Rue slightly giggled. Phillipa's brain processed what was said, forcing her to turn around, forgetting about the water filling her pot.

"You what? Wait, what? Are you okay?" Pippa immediately worried. Rue held her hands out, shaking her head.

"No, I'm fine. I can't say the same for the building, but come on! What are the odds that the powers that be bring us together a week before I loose my home? This kind of feels like fate," Rue tried, pulling all the stops, so Pippa didn't send her back.

"Fate? This seems like you ran away! They're probably worried about you!" Pippa assumed. Rue shook her head while sliding her backpack off.

"I bet they aren't. No one is. I was just another check for them. They didn't actually care what happened to us," Rue truthfully said. Pippa, turned off the water in the overflowing pot and poured a bit of the water out.

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