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November 26
friday morning
6:15 a.m.

Pippa woke up to her alarm and turned to her right to see Lin still knocked out. "Of course," Pippa giggled. She picked her mans face and hopped out. Snow flurries drifted down Phillipa's bathroom window as she turned on the shower and stripped. "I get to see you today," Pippa smiled to her stomach in the mirror.  Jumping into the warm shower, Pippa took the time to reflect on the day ahead of her. It was about to be along and grueling experience. However, the reward seem to shine brighter.

6:45 a.m.

Fully dressed and made up, Pippa made her way down the hall and slightly knocked on the door. "Rue, you up?" Pippa asked. She immediately remembered what time it was and opened the door knowing the answer. "Rue, rue! Time to get up.  We've got a lot to do today," Pippa called. The sixteen-year-old stirred a bit, rolling over in the comfortable full-sized bed.

"I don't want to leave this bed. Who would want to leave this bed? I would marry this bed!" Rue mumbled. Pippa rose a single eyebrow as she started to leave the room.

"Marry later, get up now. I have an appointment at 8," She announced, leaving the warm room. A groan was heard through the thin wood as Pippa headed back to her room to get her man up.

7:22 a.m.

Pippa stood in her kitchen eating breakfast, waiting for her husband and Rue to finally come down the steps. "Baby!" Lin called as he jogged down the wooden steps.

"What?" Pippa called back, taking a bite of cereal. Lin came around the corner in jeans and his favorite sweater wearing his Hamilton shoes.

"After your appointment, I gotta stop by the theater got little bit. Lac said he was yes to run something by me," Lin informed. Pippa nodded, swallowing her bite and dropping her bowl in the sink.

"Okay, well, We will drop you off, and after our meeting with SS, we will com get you," Pippa strategized. Lin agreed and grabbed an individual tea from the fridge. "Where is Rue? I've got to go in 7 minutes," Pippa inquired, moving towards the steps and up to her guest bedroom. "Rue Rue," Pippa called, coming in the room to see her mentee rushing to get out of the mirror.

"Hey, Phil," she awkwardly smiled, before shoving the borrowed shirt over her bra.

"Whatcha doing?" Pippa asked, confused. Prudence waved off the question, grabbing her jacket.

"Nothing. I wasn't doing anything," she blatantly lied. The actress could see through the show, but didn't want to seem pushy. She trusted that Rue was a smart girl. If something was going on she would say something. Right?

"Okay. Well, let's go, I can't be late," Phillipa smiled. A wave of excitement over took the mommy to be as she started down the steps. She was about to see the reason why she was feeling sick. And even though she hadn't met the child, the pain thus far was worth it.

8:10 a.m.

Pippa awkwardly kicked her legs as she sat at on the table with only a sheet cover her exposed lower half. "Nervous?" Rue asked, watching Pippa. Lin looked up with a small smile.

"I mean, yeah. Sort of," she mumbled. Never having been pregnant before, Pippa had no idea what to expect. She woke afraid, because she wasn't feeling sick or exhausted like previous days. She still had a few cramps here and there, but nothing as severe as before.

"What about you?" Rue directed to Lin. The musical genius glanced at her as if to say please.

"Me nervous? No way. I had to take care of an egg in high school. I'm prepared. I only broke my egg once," he bragged, leaving Pippa unsettled.

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