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Sorry this want you sooner! I actually left my house for once.

1:15 p.m.

Pippa had canceled the rest of day, claiming to her publicist that morning sickness was getting to be too much. No one fought with morning sickness. Rue did her best to calm down Pippa. "Hey, think of the baby! The baby doesn't want you to stress and— owe!" Rue cried, falling over a bag that sat right in front of the door. "What the?" She asked, looking to the suitcase under her legs. Phillipa's eyes went dark as she saw the condition her stairs and living room were in from the door way.

"Are you okay?" Pippa asked, grabbing Rue's hands. The teen nodded until her parental unit started to pull her up.

"Owe, no!" Rue winced, loosing Pippa's grip and rubbing her left wrist. Pippa dropped her bag on the floor and tossed the suitcase to the other side of the tiny walkway. Kneeling down before her, Pippa gently took a look at the source of Rue's pain.

"How does it hurt, Rue Rue?" Pippa asked, needing to know if she was going to have to postpone her yelling fest. The teen shrugged, with her lips sucked in as Pippa moved her fingers. Knowing what a wrist injury was like Pippa could clearly see nothing was broken, it still felt terrible. "Let's get you some ice," Pippa decided, mentally searching for her brace from Amélie.

The two walked towards the kitchen, this time careful not to trip over any other items thrown about. The mess was getting to Phillipa's head and she was about to have a melt down. "Miranda!" Phillipa yelled at the top of the basement steps.

Rue, with a towel cover ice pack on her wrist, watched from her seat at the counter. She'd never had to see parents fighting in her home, but she also watched her mom and brother fight. And knowing his that ended, she was a bit afraid.

"Yes, my love?" Lin sweetly smiled, before feeling his face jerk and cheek sting. Rue tried not to yelp, seeing Lin hold his throbbing skin. "Pippa? What—" he stuttered. The actress shook her head and moved back a few steps to stand in the middle of the foyer hall.

"You are unbelievable! You know that?" She started, choking back her tears. "I go out of town for a few days and before I've even left the city, your looking at porn of other girls? Not even random girls, but Carleigh?" Pippa loudly accused. Lin's mouth gaped a bit, before he ran his hand over his scruffy beard.

"I— it's not what you think," he downplayed it. Pippa rolled her eyes, folded her arms, and leaned back onto her right leg. A true "are you serious?" stance.

"Okay Lin, so what is it? Because I think that you were watching Carleigh have sex with, who I hope isn't, but can only assume is, you. So tell me," Pippa said, starting to break. "Tell me it's not you in that video. Tell me you have a good reason for watching that," she cried. Rue could see Phillipa's tears from her seat, crushing her heart. This is all my fault. What if they break up because of me? Rue hyperventilated. Before she knew it she was out of her seat and standing between the couple.

"I'm so sorry. This— I— I shouldn't have said anything," she apologized, before running up to her room. Lin watched her, confusion written on his face. Pippa, on the other hand, dried her tears and ran after her charge, forcing Lin to follow.

Upstairs, Pippa barged into the room to see Rue trying to pack her backpack with one hand. "Hey," Pippa softly called.

"Mija, where are you going?" Lin asked, ready to barricade the doors and windows. Rue shook her head, wincing her way through.

"I shouldn't be here. I'm causing trouble. Trouble you don't need with a kid on the way," Rue explained. Pippa took a seat in the bed as Lin shut the door, standing in front of it like a body guard.

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