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December 2
wednesday morning
3:33 a.m.

Restlessly, Rue laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling fan that stood still. She was so excited to go to school, even though she had a month before she could even be enrolled. That small nuance didn't matter. Her fresh start was the only thing she could see.

Quickly, the teen sat up and threw the covers off of her. Lying in bed was doing her nothing, so she got up, got dressed, and ran to the living room. There, she saw Ginger perk her ears up and soon put her head up. "You wanna go for a walk?" She loudly whispered, exciting the pit bull.

A moment of realization hit Rue, reminding her that it was 3 am. However, with a shrug, she grabbed Gingers leash and let her out the huge crate. "Let's go,"

3:42 a.m.

As Rue walked down the dark street of the neighborhood, Ginger excitedly wagged her tail. The neighborhood looked different at night, especially with people's Christmas lights up and decorations out. It was her first real holiday in the Soo-Miranda household.

She was this close to experiencing a Hamily thanksgiving, but Pippa came down with the flu on top of her morning sickness, and Rue and Lin's first priority was making sure she and the baby were okay.

This time, Pippa was healed from the flu, jury was still out on the morning sickness though, but nonetheless Christmas was a go. The plan was that Pippa's parents were staying with them for a few days and Lin's parents would come over after they left his sister on the day of. That made Rue nervous. This was the first time meeting their parents and she didn't even know if their parents knew she was with them.

Thinking about that caused Rue to pick up her pace, allowing Ginger to start to run, which she never got to do when Pippa walked her. The two took on a few more blocks, before circling back to their neighborhood on the other side of the street.

4 a.m.

Pippa woke up with the worst headache ever, pulling her out of the warm king sized bed. Quietly, Pippa jogged didn't the steps to grab some water and tea bag. After placing the full mug in the microwave, Pippa notice the black crate door ajar. Since it was dark, Pippa got closer to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but upon further inspection, she saw her dog was gone. Confused, since Ginger hadn't opened her crate since she was a puppy, Pippa looked around.

First she checked to see if the lock was broken. Nope. Then. behind the couch to see if Ginger was chewing on the bone she had left there. Nope. She looked by the wooden coffee table to see if she was on her pillow. Nope. Where is my dog? Pippa thought. The microwave went off, but Pippa was already halfway up the stairs. She peaked into Rue's room. Maybe she is sleeping with her. The teens covers were pushed back and her shoes were gone. Where is my kid?

Phillipa shut the door and did her best not to panic. Still holding the tea bag, Pippa rushed to her room and shut the door. "Babe," she whispered. Lin stirred a bit and turned over to face her. "Baby!" She called a bit louder. Lin smacked his lips and slowly opened his eyes.

"I was in the middle of a good dream, so unless you're about finish it, I'm going back to sleep," he complained. Pippa blatantly ignored her husbands complaint, and leaned against his side of the bed.

"Anyways, don't freak out, but I went downstairs and Ginger is gone," she started. Lin sat up quickly ready to jump out of the bed, but Pippa placed her hand on his chest. "Rue is gone too. And I'm guessing if we looked in the kitchen draw, the leash is gone. I don't know when she left but let's give her twenty minutes before going out. Okay?" Pippa compromised. Lin ran his hand over his head and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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