Chapter 14: The Package

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When his brother called him he thought it was something involving what his Dad needs his brother to get. Angel's thought was right as he arrived near a shop before being pulled over to a alleyway with his mouth covered by a black and white glove.

Angel looked up to see who grabbed him as a cheeky grin sneaks over his lips, as he licked the hand of his capture or well his brother to be exact, as he slapped Angel when his hand was licked, as the soft pink spider giggled at his shorter dark grey brother growled and glared at him.

Arackniss eyed Angel's clothing up and down as he crossed his arms "Why are you wearing that, and not those disguises that Paps gives us last time?" Arackniss complained with a whisper like tone

"Well... ya called me here and not tellin' me to go get change or anythin', Archie" he said with a sly grin on his face, and arms crossed

Arackniss growled at the nickname his brother called him, before he slapped his again and grabbed Angel down to his height

"Don't fucking call me that, brother" he said with a growl before letting his hand go from Angel's shirt, as Angel rolled his eyes and rubbed his cheek as he said "Fine, fine..." as he muttered something under his breath after, when his brother take his black coat off and handed it to Angel

"Use that" he said, before peeking out of the Alleyway, looking at the right and left cautiously, before eyeing back at Angel who already wore the black coat over his pink and white striped attire

"Alright, follow me. We're getting something to cover your face like a hat or something, brother" he whispered to him, Angel shrugged and nods, before the two spider brothers walks out of the Alleyway and goes over a nearby clothing store, as they saw a demon in black attire walks out of the store, before Arackniss pulling Angel to a bush, as their eyes blinked under the bushes.

Arackniss signaled his brother to get the demon while pointing at them

Angel blinked and raised a brow, looking down at his brother in confusion, mouthing "What do you want me to do?" as Arackniss points again at the demon in black, and motioned his fist to his head and glared back at his little brother.

Angel blinked, and looked back at the demon in black who seems to be waiting for a bus nor a taxi, before he looks back at Arackniss and nods, as he snuck out of the bushes, grabbing a rock and sneak behind the demon when they look in a different direction. Angel's arms loomed over the demon as he slammed the rock to the demon's skull, knocking them out cold to the ground, as Arackniss walks out of the bushes as he gives a smile at Angel, as Angel only shrugged and throw the rock aside, hitting someone else's car's window.

"Now what?" Angel asked, as Arackniss bend down at the demon in black, and take their clothes of and handed to Angel "Wear this" he said

"I'm not fucking wear that! It's black!" Angel spatted as his brother sighed as he stood up "Just wear it. You're just going to wear it for this occastion, you can dumb it on the fire after this"

Angel groaned in annoyance as he grabbed the coat and fedora from Arackniss as he handed Arackniss' black coat back as he wore the one he was given before Arackniss leads Angel on the farther part of Pentagram City


The two spider brothers arrived to the direction they were told or well what Arackniss directed Angel to. Angel felt his body stiffened like a frozen shell as they arrived to a big building with a huge sign above it that had a sense of familiarity and a overhelming baggage inside his gut as he gulped

"Why are we here again?" Angel asked, whispering to his brother as his voice has a sense of nervousness around it

"Paps said there's something he needs in there, a small package. A red one" Arackniss said, as he looks up at the Studio "It should be on the 4th floor in the East Wing" he continued, narrowing his eyes over the building, examing it

"I suppose there are sinners you know in there?" Arackniss asked, looking up to his brother. Angel was eyeing the building as his breath seems to be shaken slightly "Y-Yeah..." Angel looks down at his brother

"I want you to go inside--" "Wait what?! No!" Arackniss looked at his brother in surprised, as Angel seems to be shaking slightly, Arackniss sighed

"I'll watch your back if any shit goes over our plan, alright?" Angel looked down at his brother as he shutter as he speaks, while his face shrunken under the black coat

"Y-You will?" Arackniss smirked and ruffled his brother's hair with his hand while the other patting Angel's back

"Duh, like why would I let my lil' bro die again or shit? That's Paps not me, dummy!" Arackniss playfully punched the side of Angel's arm as Angel smiled and pulled Arackniss to a hug, ruffling his hair as well when he takes the fedore off from his brother's head

"Aawww, I knew you wouldn't betray our promise, Archie~" "Hey stop it and give me back mah hat, you dink!" Arackniss shout-whispered to his brother, grabbing the fedora back and place it back on his head.

"Now..." Arackniss started "I need you to get inside and distract the demons in there, while I go fetch the package. And if anything goes haywire... Do ya still have that thing I gave you?" "You mean this?" Angel's third lower arms retractted out with a Rifle gun on the left hand "You mean this baby?" Arackniss smiled and nods

"Heh, glad you still had it. And I thought you come unarmed" he snorted as Angel rolled his eyes "Pfftt, pe-lease why would I go unarmed if it's something that has to do with Paps" Arackniss shrugged, before he watched a limo droved away from the Studio

"Alright, cost's clear. Now come on!" He whispered, hopping out of the bush followed by Angel behind him, hiding themselves against a pillar when a demon passed by, as Arackniss signaled Angel to go inside as he nods and snuck in slowly, trying his best not to break any vases as he enters the building with a gulp

'In the name of Lucifer, please hope Val is not here' Angel swallowed the fear in his guts as he looked around, before he approaches the Register Lady, as Arackniss sneaked inside the building.

The Register lady, Sarah had her hands on the phone, grunting and rolling her eyes as she was painting her nails red and purple, before she saw a taller demon with a black coat approaches her, as she sighed "One moment please" She said through the phone and hangs up

"What do you want?" She asked blantly, bored and annoyed in her tone, as the demon let out a breather as he speaks

"Hey, toots" Sarah's eyes widened "Angel--" Her mouth was covered by the pink gloves as he chuckled "Yeah, it's me... How ya doin'?" He asked

"I-I-I'm doing good. But Angel I... The Boss is going to be angry that you're here you know!" She whispered with a glare, as Angel rose a brow

"How so?" Angel asked, confused. Why would Val be mad when he's here? Is it about the cash again, or is this something else?

"Well... I've heard that the Boss made a deal with the..." Sarah gulpes as she whispered "The Radio Demon..." 'Alastor? What did he do this time?' Angel shakes his head of the thought as he speaks

"Oh really?" "Yeah, and I think the Boss is searching for someone new" Someone new? That raises more questions in Angel's mind

"I see. Soo..... Do I still work here or...?" He asked, looking at Sarah for comfirmations as she only shrugged as Angel ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. On the one side he's happy that he doesn't have to work for that Pimp nor being like any of his lackeys anymore, but on the other hand where should he go now? Sure the Hotel is where he live in now, but where do he need to work now? He was well known to be the Porn Star and nothing else than that. So what now?...

"Angel?" Angel snapped himself back to reality as he looked at Sarah "You looks like you've seen Lucifer himself, Angel. You alright?" She asked "Yeah... I..." in the corner of his eye, he sees Arackniss rolling over to hide behind a lounge, before getting himself into the elevator.

Angel only sighed and smiled "Yeah..."


"Damn, that was easier than I thought. Paps said it was hard, am I right?" Arackniss laughed as he drove their way out with a stolen vechicle, driving back to the Hotel

"Yeah... It was easy..." Angel had his arms crossed, leaning against the front seat, changing stations on the radio.

Arackniss eyed back to his brother and sighed, as minutes later they approaches the Hotel

"Here we are" he said, as Angel stepped out of the car, as he walks over to the Hotel's door

"Hey Angel?" His head turns around to face Arackniss that were in the car

"Cheer up, brother. At least no one of us died... Again" Arackniss smiled a little to reassured his brother, as Angel chuckled and smiled back

"And... Thanks for... Helping at least" "You mean being a distraction for an hour and you forgotting which floor we need to go and almost got to the girls' bathroom?" Angel teased as Arackniss growled, and then laughed after

"Yeah... I'll see you around, Alright?" Angel nods and smiled

"Bye Angel!" His brother waved goodbye as he drove off

"Bye Archie..." Angel waved as the car drove far and away, chuckling

"You little shit you..." He mumbled before walking back inside the Hotel


Just thought a chapter for this two would be great to the mix :P sooo... Enjoy :3!

Oh also I did doodle tis boys plus Niffty a few days ago & welp here ya go qwq, idk why I am posting it here, but I'm posting it anyways -u-

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Oh also I did doodle tis boys plus Niffty a few days ago & welp here ya go qwq, idk why I am posting it here, but I'm posting it anyways -u-

Harder as a Rock, Softer to The Touch [RadioDust] {Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now