Chapter 30: Gossips & Games

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Another week, another normal day in Hell, as the Hotel called "Happy Hotel" or well "Hazbin Hotel" still has a slow progress as the goes as normal as it can be as in the Hotel was growing quiet as eyes were on the center of room, the main room that is, as the Hazbins are focused in grabbing a stick from a tower of sticks that on Earth they called "Jenga".

'Just focus on this one stick. It'll be fine' A lip has been bitten as sweats trailing their way down from a grey skinned face. As the stick was taken out a slight gasped from the audience behind can be heard as they were holding their interpretation on the edge of their seats.

Vaggie let out a sigh of relief as she place the stick above the bunch there were on top carefully, as it was put down, Vaggie wiped the seats that was coming down from her head and leaned back to her girlfriend as she smiled, as now it was Alastor's turn.
Alastor smiled as he took the ones on the bottom and quickly place it above without a sweat, as Vaggie and Hisk gave a glare to the smilling chad.

Next was Charlie's turn as she takes a deep breath and goes with the safest route by taking the slightly on the upper side and carefully take it out before placing it on top with a nervous giggle.

Niffty grins as it was her turn, as she quickly took the bottom one as everyone gasped as the tower was shaking slightly before they let out a sigh of relief when it still stands, Niffty giggled and with the help of Alastor picking her up as she put the stick on top with a clap, before she was put down after.

Next was Angel Dust's turn as he gulped slightly and grabbed the one on the center and takes a deep breath as he pulled it out and slowly placing it on top slowly.

Fat Nuggets ran out of the kitchen, oinking in fear as a flying creature was chasing it, claws ready to snatch the pig in half. Fat Nuggets yelped as they were close to be clawed and ran bellow pass Angel's feet and under the table bumping one of the table's feet as it makes the table shakes before panic ran to a few of the hazbins and their guests, before Angel fell down on hit ass, as the tower of Jenga has fallen on the table, and cusses were thrown everywhere

"You gotta be kidding me?!" "Oh come on!" "Angel, you shit!" "I'm going to kill that pig!"

Niffty hold up a broom and chases Fat Nuggets around with Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust following behind her, yelling "If ya hurt my pig, I will break your bones, bitch!" "Don't hurt my bird either, twirp!"

Vaggie sighed as she decided to tidy up the Jenga sticks with the help of her girlfriend. Husk stands up and walked himself to the Bar for a drink, Alastor shaked his head with a chuckle as he followed Husk to the Bar with Mimzy who Niffty invited to join the Game Night Charlie was hosting that day.

"I s'pouse you have told him how you'd feel, Darling?" Mimzy asked, twirling her hair a bit with a cute smile on her face.

"Hhmm? Oh I haven't" Alastor responds plainly, twirling his cane happily as they seated on the Bar, as Alastor ordered a booze for two, but ends up ordering just one when Mimzy told him that she doesn't need a drink for tonight.

Husk shrugged and grabbed a booze for Alastor a cup beside him as he pour in the booze in a cup before he drank the whole bottle after.

"Why haven't you told him, Sweetie?" Mimzy asked as she watch Husk served the other demons on the Bar.
Alastor took a sip of his drink and put it down after "Well, I don't feel like it, dear. It's just... pety if I do, Mimzy" he said as turn the tunes of the Radio in the Bar to jazzy one, Husk glared a bit at the man but didn't mind him much on changing the music.

"Well you know you are going to say how you feel one way or not, Al. Those feelings will be very hard to keep if you keep waiting, you know, Sweetie" Mimzy adviced as Alastor hummed as he thinks, before Angel Dust burst in to the Bar with Fat Nuggets on his hands, holding them tightly.

Harder as a Rock, Softer to The Touch [RadioDust] {Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now