Chapter 28: Molly smolly

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"Alright sinners, that's a rap. Now get a drink or somethin'... Just get outta my sight!" The Director ordered as their clients goes out of the recording room, chatting and gossiping around, and outside of the recording room.

A sigh escaped the stressed out Director, pinching the bridge of the noseholes on their beak

"906?" "Yes Mistress?" "Go get that Val's precious toy or somesort of what he used to call himself before" The Director said waving her wings around with a narrowed look. The agent nods before fetching who the Director wanted to see.

'Urgh, can't wait till I get the fucking chance to quit this job. I need to be there for my kids, not here' The Agent sighed and shaked his head as he walk to the room at Wing A room number 707, knocking the door.

"Angel Dust, Director Cavvirm needs you in her recording room" he said once, before walking off elsewhere.

Angel Dust hummed with a stretch, raising his arms up to the tip of his toe, while the other was hugging the pole, before he decided to twirl around the pole and struck a pose, as he let out a breath.

Grabbing a robe to cover himself, but only let his chest fluff exposed to the light, placing down a wig to cover his right eye

"Guess it's time to shine for the Big Mama~" Angel strut out of his room and waltz over to the Recording room to see what the Director want to say to him.

Meanwhile back in the Hotel, progress had been slow as there were ups and downs in the Hotel, a few decided to help or well just to get a room for themselves in this forsaken hotel. a lot more just quit since there were too much nice things in store, and the rules seems to bind them like chains, which resulted to a halt for a progress of the Hotel.

Charlie let out a exhausted sigh and planted her face down on the table.

"Hey, you're alright, kid?" Husk's voice rang through Charlie's mind as she looks up and gives him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I'm good. How about you, Husk? Is the Bar good for you through this weeks?" Charlie asked, as Husk blinked with his usual dull look on his face

"Yeah, it's been great. The less that Spider bothers me in the Bar, the better I feel" he said bluntly before taking another sip of alcohol, before walking off.

Charlie frowned a bit, but didn't let Husk's sower mood breaks her day, as she walked out of the Bar, stumbling over a sight of Niffty making flower crowns for Alastor and herself in glee.

She smiled at the two's bonding time, and decided to approach the two, greeting the two with a smile. Niffty looks up and waved back Charlie, hopping down the stool she was using to put the flower crown on Alastor's head.

"Hi Miss Charlie!" Niffty greeted back with a smile on her face

"Hi Niffty, I see you are making flower crowns. They looks pretty nice, Niffty" Charlie complimented as Niffty giggled "Oh thank you. Do you want one for yourself too? I can make one for you!" Niffty offered, as Charlie giggled and put her hands over her in defeat

"Oh no, you don't need to, Niffty. I'm just glad you two seems like you are having a good time" she said finally, as the hotel doors burst open to catch their attention, as Vaggie spung up from her seat and raised a spear up to the Demon that just entered the Hotel.

The Demon let out a breath of exhaustion, before closing the door behind him ,and readjust his posture looking around, not peeking a mind of Vaggie's spear almost close to his face.

"This is where Angel Dust works in right?" The demon, while looking around for a white and pink spider in the room.

Vaggie only raised her spear even more to the demon, smearing a scratch on the demon's cheek as he shot a glare at the moth demon, as Charlie approached the demon who is a greyish black spider wearing black and yellow attire on with a fedora on his head.

"Uumm, what are you needing Angel Dust for... Eee, what's your name?" Charlie asked with a wave and a smile on her face.

"That doesn't matter. I need to know where Angel Dust is before--"

"Scower the area, look up or down and leave nothing left, Boys!" There were footsteps scuttling over everywhere as a few thumps and thud of a footsteps moved closer to the Hotel.

"Arackniss, where the fuck are you, my boy?" A elder man's voice rang through the door, as Charli blinked and reached over to open the door to see who it is, while Vaggie keep her spear on the ready, Alastor only smiled on where he was standing, Niffty had zooms off cleaning around the Hotel.

The spider demon stopped Charlie's hands from reaching over the door knob as he yelled out

"He's not in here, Pops. Maybe he's back that old shack!"

The footsteps stop reaching over the Hotel's door, before it goes away farter off to where the spider had yelled. The spider demon let out a sigh of relief and Vaggie glared and raised her spear at the spider

"Explain yourself. On why and what are doing here in the Hotel?" She demanded, keeping the spear inches closer to the greyish black spider's face.

The spider grunted and crossed his arms "Fine, but I'll only say it once!" The spider spat, as Vaggie lowered her spear when Charlie smiled at her with her hand on her shoulder.

"Angel and I one night stole back the package ma Pops needed and it was on that Porn Studio Angel worked on before. And now Pops is angry because we got the wrong box, and he's after Angel just because of it!" The spider explained as Vaggie was about to lose it.

"He did what?!" She shouted in shock and anger fumming in her, as Charlie trying to reassure her that it's not a big deal.

"Calm down, Vaggie. It's not really a big deal, well sort of. B-But you can just returned the box you take and ask for the real one....?" Charlie tried to reason, bitting her lip a bit as she looks back at the spider.

"It won't be easy this time since that owner of that Studio noticed the package was gone" he said blantly as Charlie rubbed her arm slightly to keep her nerves away as she looks slightly worried.

"Sooo... what do you suggest w-we do then?" Charlie asked trying to be positive about the situation

"Well first you tell me where Angel is" The spider spat, looking over the grandfather's clock and growled a bit then back at Charlie and Vaggie.

"Why he work in a new studio downtown!" Alastor chimed, scaring the pair out of their skins, as he chuckled at their reaction while the Spider seems unphased by it and glared at Alastor before looking back at the pair

"I see. Well I would need a few hands to help me get him outta there before the place gone to bits. Are any of you skilled on using a machine gun?"

The room grew quiet as there were a bit of mumbling from Charlie as she never actually had used any kind of guns before, while Vaggie only glared at the spider and shaked her head while Alastor only stands there, smilling.

The spider sighed and running his hand on his hair and huffed "Alright, whatever you guys are good at, use that. And follow me, we don't have much time till Pops and the boys got there to blow the place up" The spider said, peaking out of the Hotel's doors to see if none of of the boys his father is around.

"Are we seriously had to follow this guy? He might be just lying or one of Angel's clients or whatever he called them. We're just going to get ourselves in more trouble if we follow him, Charlie" Vaggie reasoned as she was holding Charlie's shoulder with worry filled her eyes.

"I know, but if we just left Angel there, maybe they might blow the place up like he said" Charlie said back with a small frown, as Vaggie sighed

"Alright. But I'm not letting you just follow him without something to protect yourself, Hun" Vaggie adviced before going over to her room and picked out a large trident with a piece of an apple pierced on the center and gived it to Charlie as she walks out the room, while Niffty zooms in to clean some messes around.

"Here" Charlie smiled at her girlfriend and nods as the two went over to the spider, weapons in hand as he looks back at them "Good" then looks at Alastor "What about you, Freak? You're just gonna stay here?" The spider question still kept a serious look on his face.

"I'll follow, only to see some demons fall to their depts" Alastor mused as the spider only wave it off guides them out of the Hotel before Charlie gave Niffty to be in charge of the Hotel while they are gone.

Arackniss guides the trio to a car he and Angel stole before as he takes the driver seat on the front while Alastor, Charlie, and Vaggie on the back seat when Arackniss turn the engine back on, smilling a bit as the car still works even it was a old model.

"So where did you say Angel is?" Arackniss questioned looking back at the trio on the backseat.

"Uumm..." Charlie muttered as she looks over to Alastor for an aswer, as Arackniss followed her eyes and glared at Alastor.

"Well he's at that studio called "Lucious' Studio". It's a fine studio if I may say so myself!" Alastor chimed happily, as Vaggie looked at him with a angry looks, as Arackniss only nods and drove the car to a shortcut to get to the Studio downtown.

"Soo... you and Angel knew each other?" Charlie started, cutting the quietness of the ride.

Arackniss stayed quiet, eyes focused on the road, Charlie frowned and wonders of another question or two to ask along the ride.

"Uum, we actually never got your name before, what's your--" "Arackniss" Charlie shuts her mouth as he answers her before she even formed the question.

"O-Okay... So you're his Associate, yes? I mean Angel Dust. Are you his--" "I'm his brother. Now just be quiet we're almost there" Charlie nodded as she was taking notes at what Arackniss had answered as Alastor listened intently as his eyes looms over Arackniss with a furrowed brow.

'Is this the brother Angel talks about being his father's favorite out of the three?' Alastor hummed at the thought, taking the new information to consideration as they stopped a few blocks apart from the Studio.

"Now, the plan is get in, get Angel out before ma Pops and his boys gets he--"


"Cazzo di inferno!" Arackniss cursed as he heard a crash on the back of the tall bushes he parked the car on.

"Ha hah, I see you ladies are out here alone. Why don't I give your ride home for some fun, huh?" Asked a snake demon that was slindering closer to the pair in the backseats as Alastor grins widely in the shadows, before Arackniss sniped the snake down as he waved his arm at the others to follow him.

Vaggie helped Charlie out of the car and followed after with Charlie behind her, looking around cautiously and protectively of her girlfriend. Alastor followed after hiding under his shadows as they goes in the building with caution, as they passed by Cherri Bomb throwing one of the Egg Bois at Sir Pentious' face, before she dodges away from one of the bullets from his Egg Bois.

Lucky for the four that they weren't spotted in clearance.

Angel Dust was told to be in a next shot with the other actors, lucky for him all of them were mens, more oppurtunities for him to sway their attention to him, and if they payed extra, they will get his services, which the Studio still let's him does his old routines that Val used to tell him to do, but less on the cash part, but more of the sex and drugs part.

As much as he hated the place on how the agents treated their clients, but if there's more sex or drugs on the table than that's acceptable enough for him to give the studio a three star ranking.

The shot Angel were told to be in, involves the dancing that Alastor had taught him few weeks ago, as he seems to cherrish that moment together of the two since they have been friends for long or well a couple of weeks after being trapped in a room together that is, butterflies still flutters in him when being close to the other demon, but he hates to admit that he may had fallen for a Man that had different taste as him, not like the Johns he fucked before, they were one time thing. But Alastor is something else, the only problem to him that if he'll be rejected nor turn down again.

"Angel, you're on!" Called on of the Agents, snapping Angel to reality from his thoughts as he quickly put on a dress for the shot and a wig for extra sass.

The shot Angel was partaken in was about the part of having a threesome with two other male actors in a alleyway background of some sort as the light dim red and dark blue for the scene.

The shot sents a few boners and drolls throught the crowd as Angel naturally was enjoying himself on the scene, eyeing a few thirsty demons, smirking as his movements are estatic to see as they were whistles and cheers from the crowd.

Arackniss, Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor arrived at the upper floors for the audience to sit if they payed extra, or they have bucked a VIP seat, lucky none has just yet.

Arackniss didn't pay much attention at the scene that was playing bellow them, as Vaggie mouthed "This is where he worked at now?..." while looking both disgust and shocked, while Charlie trying to stir her eyes away at the scene, but still curious at what will happen next. Alastor seems to be glaring at the two actors that was 'playing' with Angel on the scene as it seems to bring some sort of hunger in him for a kill or two, but it seems hidden under the smile he's soo good at on putting for show.

The scene goes one for the proximate of ten minutes before the curtain falls and the scene ends. Arackniss waited for another moment or two, before spitting out silk from his mouth and giving Vaggie and Charlie to hold it.

"W-What?!" Vaggie shouts as Arackniss shushed her "Just hold it, I'm going to get Angel" Arackniss said directly, before throwing it down till it was slightly close to where Angel is chatting with the two actors he had played with in a scene.

"Just hold it, and don't make me fall, alright?" Arackniss asked, making sure they are on the same page as he is.

Charlie nods as Vaggie mumbled "This is still a bad idea being here" before keeping a hold of the silk rope with her girlfriend, while Alastor seems to dissapeared elsewhere.

Angel Dust chuckled as he sway his hips near where the other actor's boner should be visible as he walked a few steps to the door with them, sly smirk plastered his face before he bumps over the red clad.

"Hey what the-- Oh hey, Smiles!" Angel Dust greeted the other demon with a smile while the other two behind him, eyed the Radio Demon in fear, backing away slightly as they excused themselves on getting a sandwhich or a drink, and before Angel can responds of wanting to join them, they ran off to the backstage.

"Aaaww, guess maybe next time I can get to join them for brunch" Angel said with a pout, before looking back at Alastor "Al, why are you here? I thought you don't like seeing my peformances" a smirk sprail on Angel's face as he leaned closer to the other demon "Or did want to have a part of me, hhmm~? My offer still stands you know~" Angel's sluttery voice sends shivers a bit to the other, but he only laugh.

"Oh no no, I'm not here for that or even ever!" He chimed "Oh..." Angel frowned a bit under a pout "But I'm here to bring you back to the Hotel!" Alastor added.

"What? But my work doesn't finished after 7 PM, Smiles. Shouldn't I should just finished my work first before I go back?" Angel questioned, confused on why he needs to go back to the Hotel now, he still had a few shots to finished first.

Arackniss grunts as he glared down at Alastor as Alastor looks up and shot the black spider with a grin.

Arackniss huffed as Angel blinked and looks up to see Arackniss was hanging upside down to reach him

"Archie?" He mumbled before a few gunshots were heard behind the curtains with some screams and yells of other demons on the audiences.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit. They're here!" Arackniss shout whispered as he tried to grab Angel by the shoulders but he backed away

"Who's here?" Angel asked as he freezed at the sound of a elderly man yelling his name, or well "nicknames".

Arackniss grunts before one of the bullets sliced through the curtain and through the silk rope that Charlie and Vaggie was holding as Arackniss fell with a loud thud as Angel goes up to him to help him up, and make his brother face him

"What did you do?!" Angel shouts as there was a hit of anger and fear in his tone

"Pops got the wrong package" Arackniss stated dryly "What?!" "I'll explain later, now we got to get you outta here before Pops see us!" Arackniss warned as Angel let out a sigh with a pout and his arms crossed.

"This is all your fault after this!" Angel scoffed before the three of them runs back to the backstage before a few of Henroin's mens was already there to cornered them

"mi stai prendendo per il culo ..." Arackniss cursed as they backed away as Angel glared at them,as Arackniss growled at them with guns on his hands on the ready.

"Ha hah, we got 'em cornered, boys. Just like the Boss man wants them" laughed one of the demons in front of the spider brothers.

"Oh yeah. We got guns and we can shot you all in one shot!" Angel spat with smirk on his face, as Arackniss grunts at his brother being quick to challenge the group that was cornering them.

The group only laughs as Angel pouts but keep a brave look on to them, not knowing a sinister smile from shadow looming behind them will soon became their end.

Meanwhile upstairs, Charlie and Vaggie seemed to be cornered as well. As Vaggie had her spear on the ready, while Charlie trying to act as intimidating she can be with her trident. The group didn't mind their defensive stance, as one of them pounces forward and get speared directly by Vaggie's spear as another tried to attack as Charlie hit them with her trident before apologizing to them after.

As more tries to attack them seems to fail or get speared or hit by the girls, but as one of the demons came down from the ceiling, hissing, before they were shot down after, falling to the carnage bellow.

"Need a little help there, little misses?"

Charlie and Vaggie looked over to their side as they see a pink and white spider almost looks alike Angel Dust aside from the big silky light pink hair tied to a black band on, as she blow a smoke from the gun she shot the demon down.

Charlie nervously smiled at the spider and thanked them after, as Vaggie stayed cautious and kept her ground.

The spider only giggles at the pair as she placed one hand on her hip and shot a smile towards the two

"No need to be soo tense, Sweeties. Molly's here to get'cha outta here!" The so proclaimed spider "Molly" beamed lightly with joy in her tone, before shooting another demon down behind the pair and smiled in content as she approached the two

"Now how about I get 'chu and ma brothers and their friends outta here, okay?" Charlie raised a hand to speak but she and Vaggie was carried down by Molly with a grabling hook, swinging down from the upper floors and down to the stage with Charlie and Vaggie set behind her and her brothers, while Alastor was having the time of his life, hearing the scream of agony from one of the demons that was cornering the spider brothers.

"Am I late for the party, boys?" Molly chimed " Molly!" The two brothers said in unison as relief struct in them when their sister is here.

Molly giggled at her brothers and joined in the shooting of the carnage, before once some of them are down and dead, Molly guides them out of the Studio before anymore of their father's mens came by to get them.

Angel grabbed Alastor by his arm when they were running out of the Studio, ignoring his remarks on being touched as they quickly hopped on a different car and drove off before anything else happens.


Once they was far enough from the Studio, Molly hopped to the backseat while Arackniss drived.

"Sooo.... How's everyone's day been going?" She asked with her hands on her lap, as Angel let go of his grip on Alastor's arm, before scotting away from him with a chuckle, while Alastor turn his narrow look to his usual one, while Vaggie seems to glaring daggers at Angel Dust.

"Well... it's been doing great, before this that is" Charlie answered with a small smile on her lips, before trying to confront her girlfriend to calm down before she hurts anyone else with her spear.

"Eeeh, it can be better. It was better, but now it was pretty awesome after that happen!" Angel chimed with a laugh.

"What?! That wasn't better! That was awful, we're all almost got killed because of this!" Vaggie barked, fuming with more anger as Charlie tried to calm her down again as she sighed and sat back down.

Molly only giggled "Now now, we know you all could've got killed, if Archie here didn't pick the wrong package~" she sang, teasingly, Arackniss glared through the mirror in front of him

"I didn't know what package Pops wanted, he just told me to get them! Also don't call me that seriously" He defended with a tight grip on the wheel, eyes back on the road. Angel snickered at his brother's reaction as Molly rolled her eyes with a giggle.


Once the Hazbins arrived back at the Hotel, Charlie offered Molly and Arackniss that if they wanted, they can sign in the Hotel and help them, but they denied it, and says their goodbyes to Angel before driving off.

Angel waved goodbye as the car drove off, smilling happily before walking inside the Hotel when the pair walks in. But Angel was stopped by Alastor grabbing his hand to held him back.

Angel looks back at the other demon, raising a brow

"Yes? What do you want, Smiles?" Angel asked as Alastor hands him a small yellow dead daisy, Angel blinked and looked at the flower in confusion and takes it after as Alastor smiled at him and walks back into the Hotel leaving Angel in confusion of why he gave hism the flower, but shrug it off and goes back up to his room to feed Fat Nuggets.


Damn this one a long one & welp I got inspired by listening to "Alive" by Krewella & decided writting tis chapter ouo

And I did used Google translate for a few words on tis chapter qwq

cazzo di inferno = Fucking hell

mi stai prendendo per il culo .... = you gotta be fucking kidding me....

Harder as a Rock, Softer to The Touch [RadioDust] {Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now