Chapter 37: Puppy Sitters

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"You sure Alastor going to be okay with this? We can always stay you know if it's too much pressure for you guys"

Angel rolled his eyes, sipping down a soda that Cherri had bought him in the Morning earlier.

"Yeah, I'm sure Al will be okay with Minty. He's just to get used to it" Angel reasoned with a wave of a hand and a grin on his face

"Now you go give Vaggie a smacking good time!" Angel said after, pushing Charlie out and to the limo that Vaggie was waiting for her, as she was blushing a bit from Angel's remarks.

Vaggie looked at Angel and glared at him a bit, but smiled after Charlie goes into the limo to sit beside her.

"Just don't forget not to kill each other when we're gone!" Charlie called out once the limo has driven off to the other side.
Angel smiled in content, as he turns around and walks back inside the Hotel, whistling a tune

"Mon Cher, are you sure this would be a great idea? The Mutt is watering the plant like no demons' business, and we're just going to let it?!" Alastor sounds irritated when the little Cerberus pup, Mint raise a leg to pee on the potted plant in the corner of the room

"Well no. I thought you were watching the little baby and told her not to shit everywhere!"

A part of the room on the side are filled with some of Mint's poop and pees before but Niffty is on her way to clean them with a bag, a pincher, and a gas mask on to clean up after the little pup.

"Yes. But how can you not know that I hate those mangy le clebs, cher" Alastor replied, taken back slightly by his boyfriend's responds

"Because you never told me, duh!" Angel responds with an eye roll and his arms crossed.

"Now we gotta give little sweet ol' Mint a bath, Al" Angel said while picking up a long list that he was given by Charlie to go over.

"No. You can't make me" Alastor said, as he was on the edge of the sofa with his feet on top of it, glaring over the pup who is happily trotting over to him with a unison bark of its two heads, wagging its tail happily, while they had their tongues out full of joy.
Alastor only gave the little pup a distant glare, while keeping his distance from the puppy dog.

Angel snickered and rolled his eyes as he picks up the pup to his lower arms and petted it's head when it barks back happily with a wag of its tail.
"I'm still not going to bathe that le clebs or even lay an inch of it. Ever!" Alastor stated with a huff, while his arms crossed after putting his legs down to the ground, once the Pup was on Angel's arms.

Angel giggled and shakes his head "You'll get over it eventually, babe" he said with a snicker before turning around "Hhmm, now where should I give you a bath, my little baby?" Angel gushed while picking up the pup to his face, earning a lick to the face from the Cerberus



After the bath for Mint, next up was to gives it a walk, Alastor denies to do it when he wished to switch places with Angel on getting the dog food instead.

"But Cher..." "No buts, Al" Alastor grunts and glared at his boyfriend

"You're lucky that I love you, dear. Or not you'll have a smack after this, Angel" Alastor said with a sigh, as Angel chuckled and place his hand on his palm
"Oh, you really want your dick in me now, Daddy~?" Angel asked with a purr, as Alastor laughed and tiptoed up to give Angel a peck on the cheek

"Don't keep your hopes up, Cher~" Alastor replies with a wink and a grin, as Angel smiles back and chuckled "Alright then. You and Mint have fun okay?" Angel said, giving Alastor a one arm hug before pecking his cheek and left the Hotel with a wave.

Alastor waves for a moment, before he neck cracks and turns back at the Cerberus pup who'd happily licking it's paw, wagging its tail when Alastor approached it.

He sighed "Why did Lucifer give Charlie this stupid le chienne..." he murmured as Niffty hums came passing by them, giving the dog a pat on the head and smiles when they barked at her.
Then an idea pops up in Alastor's mind, and his grin grew wider

"Niffty, darling?" Niffty looks up and smiled at Alastor "Yes, brother?"

"Would you accompany me on giving a little darling Mint a walk?" He asked as Niffty giggled "I'm sorry, brother. But Mister Angel did give you the job to do it. And I need to keep watch this Hotel. Miss Charlie told me to!" She replied blissfully with a twirl, before bouncing away to the other room to clean.

Alastor sighed as his eyes lands over to Husk that was walking out of the kitchen, he grins and raised his hand, but the cat cut his tongue with "Don't bother, creep. I ain't walking that horrid of a mutt with ya. My body doesn't like 'em" before going to his Bar with a yawn.

Alastor sighed again, and looks down at the pupper, and shook his head

"Lucifer you bastard..."


The walk was pretty plentiful & calm as Mint was actually pretty well mannered and follows every command, well some of it. There's still a few that the pup still doesn't understand and thought it was playtime for the most of the time, getting off her leashes just to chase down a demon nor a squirrel to bark at or to chew on like a chew toy. Even for her size, demons nor sinners are chew toys on the pup's eyes when they come across anything with green or yellow dressing on.

This fascinates the Radio Demon, as Mint has tried to chew another demon's fiance's dress and ripping it half only to almost get shot by the man beside his beau. Alastor just stayed where he is, watching in amusement letting the pup leads him elsewhere of the corner of Hell, causing more chaos and carnage around town without a care of the world of this sweet pup of a Cerberus.

The whole walk was a blast of chaos, screams, and fun for both Mint and Alastor, the screams filled Alastor's ears seems like music to him, before when time to go back, Alastor sighed and tug Mint back to the Hotel, the Cerberus frowned and whines a bit when they were going back to the Hotel.

Alastor ignores the whines from the pouch, even he had quiet an entertaining day with the little pup, despite he still dislikes the little canine Cerberus.

Mint pouts and let herself followed the bigger demon than she is. Once they are back on the Hotel, Angel already sets up Mint's bowls with dog food and a bowl of water. Mint's pout turn upside down at the sight of food and water is on her sight.

Alastor carefully letting her leash off and Mint sprints off to her meal and munch down happily with a wag of her tail, making her seemed content and happy from the Walk & the Bath earlier.
Angel giggled and looks back at Alastor who leans back on the side of the door, sighing with a head shake.

Angel goes up to him with his arms on his waist "By the smile you're making, I'll assume that the walk was not entertaining for you, babe?" He asked with a crooked brow

"You may say that so, Cher.." Alastor responded with his hand on his face, going down with another sigh.

Angel rolled his eyes playfully "Well next time if Charls ask us to sit the Pup. I'll walk them next time, is that a good deal?" Angel suggested with a sly grin on his face. Alastor grins and quickly shakes Angel's hand, grinning happily as Angel shivered slightly after the shake of a hand.

Damn, that's tingly Angel chuckled and smiled at his boyfriend, not minding the tingling feeling that he felt after the hand shake before the limo drove in and the two girls comes out from the limo after their date.
From the look of Charlie giggling happily with a teddy bear on her hands, and Vaggie smiling softly at her girlfriend, all we can say that their date was a Blast!


Just got back watching "Spies in Disguise" & welp I may had a few new ideas fer ti next chapters before something big I am planning on ouo

Also I just thought Charlie getting a Ceberus puppy from Lucifer is a good idea & a good time writting Alastor disliking them even if he had a good time -u-

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