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I yawn. 'Wow, that must have been the best night's sleep I have ever gotten.' I look over at the Mandalorian who slept by my side. I couldn't tell if he was awake or not because he still refuses to take his mask off. 

Last Night

Mando figured we were in a safe enough place to where he could let the ship just cruise while we slept.

"I'm tired, you?" I asked. He nodded his head. "If you're tired then sleep," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "I could say the same to you," I said suspiciously.

He ignored me and pulled out a book while propping his feet on the chair next to him. Once he was comfortable he said, "I will sleep at midnight." I laughed. "Midnight? that's ridiculous, you should sleep!" I said.

"And you should, too. Now off you go," he shewed me. I huffed and puffed in defeat and walked to my room.


I was awoken by foot steps outside of my door. I look at the moon outside. 'It's midnight.'

My door is opened and I don't bother pretending that I'm asleep. Mando stood in the doorway and I tilted my head to the side. He chuckled and walked towards me.

He layed in the bed next to me. "You're eighteen," he said in delight. I giggled. "I am aren't I?" I said. 'I'm an adult!'

"I don't mean to wake you, go back to sleep," he said and ran his fingers through my hair. I drifted to sleep, protected by the Mandalorian.


'I wish he would take off his helmet for me, just once.'

"Ngh," I heard from behind his helmet. "Were you watching me?" He asks. "Yes i was and I'm not afraid to say it because I am an adult now," I smiled. "That's creepy," he said and laughed. "Happy Birthday, though," He told me.

I frowned. "You slept in your helmet." He sighed. "I already told you, I can't take it off infront of anyone." I sighed and lied on my back. "caa!" I heard from my side and I looked over to see the kid lying there. "Holy, Almighty Squash!" I yelled and jumped away.

Mando took a deep breath and picked up the kid. "He scared the mushrooms out of me!" I exclaimed and then chuckled. He looked at the kid and then back at me, then back at the kid, then back at me.

He laughed, the same laugh as yesterday. I raised an eyebrow then laughed as well. Soon, the kid was doing his own little version of a laugh, too.

I decided that it was time to get out of bed and start the day.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked Mando, specifically intending to ask of his job. "I'm taking the day off," he said. "I thought Mandalorians never 'take the day off'," I said in disbelief. 

"Today is special," he tells me. I raise my eyebrows then giggle, "Whatever you say."

I go off and try to find something around the ship to eat for breakfast. I found a bunch a of bananas and a large bag of frog legs, probably meant for the kid. I take a banana and eat it quickly before anyone notices.

I throw the peel out into space so no one finds it.

I walk back to where Mando was. "Where did you go?" He asks. "I was just looking around." 

"Kind of overdue, don't you think?" He asks another question. "Meh," I said. "Hey, um, I know we are basically living together and all. But do you wanna have dinner with me tonight," he asked.

 I smiled. "Of course," I said. 

The Mandalorian wished that she could see his smile.

"Six o'clock," he told me the time. I nodded my head. It's noon, but I don't know that i can't wait that long.

'I don't have anything to wear.'  Now that is something to think about. 

I got an idea! I hurry off to my room and grab my old robes from when i was a padawan. Although it pained me more than anything to do this, I cut the robes. First separating the brown from the white. The white was already the length of a dress, so that was what I was going to wear.

I cut the high v shaped neckline into a lower, circular (modest) neckline. I also cut the sleeves to not go past my shoulders. I looked at my work. It was a beautiful, long, white, flowy dress. I felt proud.

'wow, that took a while.' I checked the time. 5:30. Oh my squash!

I put on the dress and did my hair and makeup. By the time I was finished, It was a few minutes until 6.

I walked to the middle of the ship where Mando was. Then I realized something, he has to take his helmet off to eat. "How are you going to eat with your helmet on?" I asked as we sat down at the table with our food in front of us.

He took a deep breath and pulled his helmet up to where only his mouth was visible. Even the lower half of his face was enough to make my jaw drop. He had beautiful golden skin with perfectly pink lips.

I realized I was staring and looked away. "You can do that?" I asked. He nodded.

I looked down at the food. "Did you make this food? It looks delicious!" I exclaimed. "I did, I hope it tastes as good as it looks," he said. His voice was beautiful, clear as day. Without that mask on, his voice was almost angelic. Is that weird? no.

Out of nowhere, soft music started playing. I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled a gorgeous sideways smile.

We finished eating and the Mandalorian stood up. I looked at him in confusion. "Dance with me?" He asked and I wanted to cry from pure joy. He offered me his hand and I gladly took it.

I stood up and we danced to the slow song that was playing. We were rocking back and forth with his hands on my hips and my hands on his shoulders. "I wish I could kiss you," he whispered. "You can, all you need to do is take off the helmet." I suggested.

He shook his head in disappointment and his hands went loose. They fell from my hips and my hands fell from his shoulders. He started to walk away, but stopped to think of his decision.

Then without my mind having time to process anything, his helmet was off and his lips were on mine. My eyes widen, but it was at this moment, the butterflies that were in my stomach flew away and I knew this was right. I kissed him back passionately.

We stopped for air, but he kissed me again, not wanting it to end. He stopped. "I will love you forever and always, daydream. Don't forget."

His helmet was back on and he held a finger to where his lips would be, telling me not to tell that he took his helmet off. 

He walked away.




Forever and Always, Daydream (The Mandalorian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now