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Once again, I lie awake tonight. I'm not sure if I could call our spectacular dinner a date, but it was magnificent. 

I touch my lips. The place where he settled his own onto mine. 'My first kiss.'

I don't have an experience to compare it to, but just thinking about it is intoxicating. It may not have been clear before, but it sure as hell is clear now. I'm in love with him.

It was only 2 hours ago, but I just can't stop thinking about it. 'I don't even remember what I ate.' I gasp. 'He told me he loved me.'

An unusual thing was the fact that he called me daydream. Something he hadn't called me since my first day here. I moved my hand from my lips and then to my cheek.

I know he regrets hitting me. I hope.

Of course, he wouldn't have prepared our 'date' if he didn't regret it! 

My mind goes back and forth, trying to decide if he regrets what he did. 'Oh great, now i'll never sleep!'

I get up from my bed and walk to where Mando was organizing his weapons.

"Don't you ever sleep?" I ask him. He looks over at me. "I could say the same to you." I sigh. "I think I know the answer, but I couldn't sleep," I took a deep breath, getting ready to say the other half of my question.

"D-Do you regret hitting me?" I ask. My hand finds its way to my cheek. There is an uncomfortable silence that fills the room. "Why would you ask me that? I regret it every agonizing second that I live. I can't seem to let go of the fact that I hurt someone that I love so much. I can't stand seeing that bruise on your face and being reminded that I did that. I was just so blinded by rage that I didn't think about what I was doing. I'm so, so sorry...could you ever forgive me?" He bursts and puts his forehead on mine.

"How could I not forgive you?" I put my left hand on the side of his helmet. "I love you," I whisper and I could feel his smile radiating through his helmet.

He pulls something off of the table we were next to and hands it to me. I take my forehead off his and open the small box that was placed unto my hands.

It was a stunning silver necklace. The chain braided and the charm an infinity symbol. 

"Like I said before, forever and always," he whispered. "Thank you," I said and a tear slipped past my cheek. He wiped it away before it could fall from my face. I laughed a small, sad laugh. "I've only known you a week, but I can't keep away from you," I told him. 

"The feeling is mutual," he stated simply.

Suddenly, he got an idea. He walked away and reached for a cabinet where he pulled out a bottle of wine. "Eighteen," he chuckled.

I raised an eyebrow as he grabbed two glasses and set them on the table. He poured the alcohol and I smiled. He handed me the glass.

Once again, he only pulled up his mask halfway. I waited for him to take a drink and I think he was waiting for me to take a drink. I smiled and laughed a little too hard. He joined in and unconsciously took a drink.

I drank as well. Legitness.

We settled down and he took a breath. "I lied," he said and I cocked my head to the side. "My real name is Dyn, Dyn Jarren," he said, ashamed that he didn't tell me before. "Dyn...It suits you," I said.

He nodded his head in acknowledgement. We sipped our wine and silence until I found the courage to say what I was going to say next.

"What is our relationship?" I finally say. He took a drink. "We could be lovers," he said confidently. I choked, but quickly cleared my throat as if nothing happened. "Sounds good, Dyn." 

He smirked from behind his mask. "Thank you. Thank you for letting me stay on your ship, for giving me this necklace. And for giving me your love. You're an amazing being," I told him gratefully.

"Of course," he replied.

I look at the time. 2am.

"Wow, it's already morning," I chuckled. We had been sitting here talking for four hours. "Time flies."

I yawn. "It seems as if just moments ago I was wide awake," I said sleepily. My eyes go squinty and just moments later, my head hits the table. I'm asleep.


I wake up in my bed with a massive headache. I get up and the cold from the floor shoots through my toes. Each step I take is a sharp pain in my head.

I open the door and I'm met face to face with Dyn. I hold a hand up to signal for him not to talk. I put a hand on my head, knowing full and well that it won't stop the pain. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

Dyn hands me a pill and a glass of water. I grab it and nod my head. I don't usually take medicine so I only drink the menacingly cold water.

I walk over to where the kid sat in the cockpit. I pat his head and he cooed. He put his hand on mine and I looked at his curious eyes. The pain went away.

"What the..." I started.

"Weird isn't it?" I heard from behind me. I nodded my head. I turned around and smiled a close-eyed smile. I looked back at the kid and Dyn wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Ich liebe dich."

A/n: I am creating a story. It is called 'Protect Her' it's a Mandalorian x Reader as well. But I was just wondering if you could check that out when it's published. Because of the new story, I will be publishing every other day. Sorry for the inconvenience, but just letting you know. Thanks.




Forever and Always, Daydream (The Mandalorian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now