Chapter 37: A Gift of Life

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   I thought it was a ghost at least that was the only explanation I could think of. Berellas figure came in plain sight, the sun and ground seemed to form her before us. "Is it really you?" I sobbed. I couldn't let myself believe it, some cruel joke, Valkri mocking me.

   Berella sank on her knees beside me, tears streaming down her face. There was something different when she touched me, not to mention her new pointed ears and long green horns. "It's me, I'm here they brought me back."

   "Who?" I whispered.

   "Your faith in me, my sacrifice for our land, Gregory, Rone, love, it all brought me back."

    Her green wings stood tall beside mine, as the tips of our wings brushed together they seemed to glow a faint silver, "What was that?" Gregory asked standing over us. Rone was still beside me, staring at Berella and I in awe, as Orion did as well there truly was no words, no real answer that could be found.

   I looked back at Berella as we stood up, our wings glowing brighter the closer we got, "The true heart of Valkri," Orion said as a small knowing smile spread on his dirty face

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   I looked back at Berella as we stood up, our wings glowing brighter the closer we got, "The true heart of Valkri," Orion said as a small knowing smile spread on his dirty face. "Everything is now in order, the land, the skies, the seas. And soon the elves."

   "I'm a-"

   "Creator," I said trying to tell how she was feeling. She didn't say anything for a long few seconds, then she thrust her arms around my neck.

   "I wasn't ready to die," She said as her bottom lip quivered. "I wasnt ready to leave you guys, i love you guys, quirks and all!" We both couldn't stop crying, touching each other, laughing. This was real.

   I laughed against her soft hair, squeezing her back tightly as Gregory and Rone huddled into the hug. "I thought I killed you," Gregory said. I looked into his tear stained face, there was relief in those black eyes, pain, love.

   "You did, turns out I'm too special" Berella grinned as she shoved him playfully. "Never thought I'd see real trees in this lifetime," she said as we looked into the now over grown forest.

   "It's like a whole new world," I mumbled as I stared at the bright green woods, beckoning us with adventure.

   "No longer the Rotton woods," Rone said pulling me into a hug, I sank into his embrace a creeping pull of sleep gnawing at me. From almost losing Rone, to losing Berella, to getting her back, I think I was starting to feel the effects, the drainage. "We need to head into town, get some healers, not to mention the handful of confused elves."

   "Right, and you need to ring the palace bells for a town meeting, everyone deserves to know what happened," I said straightening up. "Berella and I will heal as many as we can, Gregory can you find someone to collect bodies?" I asked painfully. Berella set her small pale hand on my cheek.

   Something tingly seemed to prick my face as she set her warm hand on my face, I realized she was healing me, like second nature. I'm not sure anyone knows exactly how Berella was brought back as creator, but we weren't going to question it. Maybe faith is on the right track. "How about that celebration you were planning Orion? You think we can lift our peoples spirits tonight?" Rone asked as we all began to walk to the intertwined roots and veins I had made to block out the demons. Berella held my hand tight, Rone holding my other, even though Gregory was still learning how to be happy, he was growing right before me. And Orion, a man who whisked my heart without knowing it, I'm not his mother, but in a lot of ways I was. I couldn't see a life without these people, all that was missing was Musho and my family.

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