C h a p t e r 6 - dads and by gones

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Oliver's POV:
I started the conversation. "Good morning sir you said you wanted to talk to me," I said hoping that I wasn't interrupting something.
"Oliver, you're here, how are you son?" He asked. "Umm....doing fine, how are you, sir?"


I talked to her father for about 30 minutes. It was mainly about my new promotion. But then, at the end, he asked me about Alice and my face heated up. Why did it do that? I like her but this is an arrangement why should I care?
I had to get to Denver & Co-publishing for a meeting, I was helping my father decide whether or not to sell it, to see if it was making a good income or not.
I always arrive a few minutes earlier to see the work ethic of the employees and management. Just to make sure that the people who should be working is working. From my observations, they seemed to be doing great, but that is just the employees. I'll see their stats in the meeting today.
As I reached the meeting room I saw some very familiar faces. It was Alice and Bentley!

Alice's POV:
I turn around to see who had tapped me. It was Bentley! What are you doing here?!" I asked disgustedly.
"Now is that the time you use to speak to your new boss." He said with a very cocky tone. "What are you talking about? What new boss?" I asked very confusedly.
"Well, this company was sold to good ole me!" He exclaimed. "Mr. Kingston sold the company but he didn't even tell us anything!" I feel myself getting angrier and angrier.
Does Mr. Kingston know that what he is doing is illegal! Selling the company without telling the employees, there's a huge chance that the new owners might make people resign for a new team.
Just then I hear Oliver. "Bentley, what are you doing here?"

Bentley laughs and proclaims "well since I might buy this dump, I wanted to see what i was getting." then he looks me up and down. "And I got to say, Oliver, somethings really just spark my interests."

"That's quite enough Bentley, we haven't even deiced to sell yet. Also, this is privet property, since you weren't invited to come here you're technically trespassing, you should probably leave before I call the police." Oliver said with a very stern voice. Bentley sighed in annoyance and barged to the elevators.

Oliver's POV:

Alice gave me a weird look. Was she mad at me, why was she mad at me. "Hey!" I said. Really Oliver all you have to say is hey after someone was verbally harassed in front of you!

"I'm surprised that you didn't encourage him, see that you and seem to share the same values," she said leaving me very confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked trying to get answers. "Don't act like you don't know what you're talking about!" she exclaimed.

Just then Mrs. Servo, Alice's boss, came in and asked for her. She left staring daggers at me, what was she talking about, what values?


The meeting was fine but I couldn't stop myself from staring at Alice. I've never seen her work before but it was nice, you could tell that she was really passionate about the company even though she was just helping out. The meeting didn't give me the answer I wanted. Their numbers weren't where I wanted them to be but it was bad enough that I was going to sell. I gave them 10 months to improve their numbers.

I tried to talk to Alice but she didn't seem like she wanted to talk with me, and I didn't want to cause a scene in front of her co-workers. So I left. I called my father and he sounded like usually does, every work out of his mouth coated with disappointment. But he did say that he liked the way I took initiative and went to Denver & Co.

On the drive home I was contemplating whether or not to call Alice or not. Why was she behaving like this? I wish I knew what I did wrong. Maybe I can make it to her but what should I do?

Alice's POV:

Mrs. Servo pulled me aside and got mad at me for yelling at Oliver. I wasn't in the mood to get fried today so I apologized and said that it wouldn't happen again. I entered the meeting room and I tried to focus on what was going on but what Oliver has said wouldn't leave my mind. I looked up to see him look at me a couple of times. What was that about, maybe looking for a few more flaws to tell his friends about?

After the meeting, I left the room very fast. I really didn't want to talk to him. Well... I mean I wanted to talk to him but not here.  Maybe I'll visit him after work. Not because I want to, because it would only be right if I have finished yelling at him for what he had done and his complete and utter incompetence to admit to his faults. Fine, I'll go visit him.


I felt my knees get physically weaker and weaker. I wasn't scared was I? It is just the doorbell. Pressed it but I didn't hear anything maybe I didn't push it hard enough. Just as I was about to press it again when the doors opened inward and revealed a very unsuspecting Oliver.

"Alice! I was just about to call you," he said surprised

"Yes, well I was on my way home and I thought I would come and say good night," I replied, forgetting what I had rehearsed to say.

"You came here instead of going home to just tell me good night?" he asked confused.

"Yes precisely," I replied in a cool tone.

There were a few moments of silence that followed.

"uh....would you like to come in, it seems pretty cold out here," he said concerned.

" I suppose that would be nice," I said as I entered his home.


Hello my wonderful readers how are you all doing? I hope you enjoyed this new chapter of The Boss and The Wife. I will try to update more and don't forget to like and comment.

I know that times are hard right now but we must do what is right. So practice social distancing, wash your hands, and only go outside if you need to.

word count: 1022

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