C h a p t e r 17: Off Colour

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Oliver's POV:

Days had passed by this point. My father wouldn't even acknowledge me and Bentley was showing up in the office more and more. Also, I didn't hear anything from Alice either.

I was very antisocial and now I was facing the problems with it. What's the point of having all this money when you're just sad all the time.

For the past few days, my life had been a roller coaster. And I knew that I had to do something soon or things would only get worse.


My mother had decided to make a visit. She wanted to ask me about the plans for the wedding were going smoothly. She especially concerned because she hadn't seen Alice and I together in a long time.

"I know something is going on!" She said demanding answers.
"It's nothing," I try to brush it off.
"No, it's something so tell me what is going on!" She exclaimed.

And I explained how me and Alice weren't on good terms now.

Alice's POV:

I could hardly sleep last night. I was sure that something was wrong with me.
Maybe a tumour, maybe appendicitis, the common cold.

Well what ever it was I woke up with a terrible headache, that made it feel like my brain had turned to mush and that it had been scraped out by a rusty spoon.

I thought that it would end but as the day went by it kept getting worse and worse I took two painkillers. However, even after an hour it was still hurting.

Maybe I should go for a jog and get my mind off of it, I thought to my self. I wore something lightweight so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I tried to think of something to get my mind of the pain.

Once, I got out my apartment and started with a light jog. I started to think about the things I had to get done that day like laundry, cooking, calling Maya and other things. It still wasn't going away.

So I thought I could think of people I know. Maya was a wonderful friend and would help out with anything especially with the Oliver stuff.

Also, Oliver what was his deal I tell him about how he hurt me, and he can't even apologize. If he thinks that he'll be forgiven because he's tall, hansom, and is nice well he is very mistaken.

As I turned the corner I could feel my head getting heavier and heavier. And that was the last I could remember before everything went black.

Word count: 427

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