C h a p t e r 23: Homecoming

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Oliver's POV:
Once I reached the driveway I just sat in my car for a bit. My parents were here and they probably want me to go back home with them.

I let out a groan and bang my head on the top of the steering wheel. I didn't know what to do.

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't it was troubling my mind. Like Alice, I don't think that I can wait till morning.

I called my mother.


My mother was waiting for me in the lobby. As I entered the room my mother ran over and hugged me nearly to death.

"My goodness, my baby," she says.

"Mom!" I say in embarrassment

"I thought you died, we were all so worried about you!" she says loudly. At this point, a few people were starting to look in our direction.

"Mom, I've told you this before, I Am 27 years old, I can take care of myself. Now, why don't we go to your hotel room." I try to explain, however, I think that I'll always be a little baby to her.


I entered the room to see my father looking out at the skyline very stoically, with a glass of scotch in his hand. Taking a small sip and probably thinking of something important, I don't know.

He turned around to look at me. "Oliver, you're here! come stand beside me" he said very excitedly. 

I slowly stepped beside him and he handed me a glass that he had prepared for me, which was set aside. "Here take this," he said handing it to me.

"Son, I wanted to say how terribly sorry I am, I've done a lot of questionable, things," he said. "That's for sure," I say in agreement.

"I can't expect you to forgive me but just know that I am sorry for being such a terrible father," my father said to me.

And I believed him. He sounded so genuine and sorrowful.

"Thanks, Dad that means a lot," I say back to him. Just then from behind us I could hear my mom squeal.
I turned around to face her. "So you'll come home with us?" She asked excitedly.

I don't answer quite yet and I look down at my feet. "Oliver!" My mother said in a firm tone.

"Well I just got here and I unpacked everything so it will take a few days for me to pack everything so..." I wasn't able to finish before my mother interrupted with an "oh I knew he hated us he'll never come back."

My father went by her side to comfort her and she just started crying.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I'll come home!" They give me a look of hope. "But I need to go pack my stuff," now they roll their eyes.

"Fine!" They eventually agreed.

The sun had started peeking through the curtain and I realized that I hadn't slept at all today. I stopped daydreaming and realized that my parents were carrying their luggage out the door.

"You know what, let me get this downstairs and I'll meet you all there," I offered and they agreed.

I helped one of the bell boys to bring everything down and into the car that was waiting out the entrance.

Once everything was put away I saw my parents come down the elevator and Alice was with them. As soon as I saw her I felt my heart beat faster.

She ran up to me and we hugged and kissed, "let's go home?" She asked.

"Alice I'm not coming with you to the airport," I say softly.
"What!" She yells. I tried to explain myself but I couldn't get the words in on time.
"I came all the way here to come and get you back and it was all for nothing!" She said loudly.
"Alice, just listen," I say very quickly before she could say anything else. "I'm not coming to the airport with you today, because I need to pack my things," I try to explain to her.

She turns red and nervously smiles.

"Oh, sorry," she said in an embarrassed tone. I smiled back at her and I put my hand on her shoulder comfortingly, and she smiles back.

I hold her hand and I walk her to the car.

Alice's POV:

After he helped me into the car I honestly didn't want to leave him. I knew that we would see each other eventually but it felt like a letdown.

I waved goodbye until I couldn't see him anymore.

The drive was short but tiring since I hadn't had sleep for about a day. After we checked in and went into the plane I slept the whole way back.

Maya was there to pick me up. The Kingstons had offered to drop me off my I needed some time to spend with my best friend.

After we entered her car she wanted to hear about everything that had happened. I told her everything of course. Maya was an amazing friend and I was glad that she was in my life. I knew that she would always be there for me and I knew that she cared.

"I know that you've only been gone for about a day and a half but I missed you," she said pretending to be emotional. In a sarcastic tone, I say "oh, really because I didn't miss you at all," back to her.

she gave me an eye-roll and we laughed.

After she dropped me off at home all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I entered my apartment and I just belly-flopped onto the bed and literally just blacked out.

Word count: 955

Holy Moly thank you all for 10k!
I started writing this book for fun and I can't believe that so many people enjoy this. I'm so thankful.

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