C h a p t e r 10 - Sweet then sour

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Oliver's POV:

She's taking a really long time in there, I hope she is okay. I should probably go check on her.

"Hey, is everything okay in there?" I say after I knock on the door. There was silence but then she replied. "Umm...sniff....I'm all good..sniff," she said sniffling.

She came out of the washroom after about 5 minutes. Her eyes were red and it looks like she had been crying.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but is everything okay?" I ask concerned.

She looks to me with a soft smile, "it's really embarrassing I really shouldn't have come here."

I got up from my bed and went beside her, and I gave her a hug. I not the best with dealing with emotions but I've always heard that a hug can help.

We pull apart and she looks at me and softly says, "thanks for not pushing me to answer."
I smile back, "it's your choice and it would be wrong for me to do that."

We started moving closer and leaned in I was just inches away from her lips when a notification pops up on Alice's phone. We separate ourselves.
"Uhh I think it's time for us to go downstairs," she says.
"Of course I'm pretty sure our parents would have sent the FBI to look for us if we stay any longer," I say.

Alice's POV:
To be honest I'm a bit glad that I got a notification. I didn't know why he was going to kiss probably as pity.

When we got downstairs it was our mothers were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. They pulled us apart and started introducing us to people.

My mother started scolding me for running, and I had to explain to her that I wasn't 16 anymore. This time I knew there was no escape I was just stuck with my mother.

I think I'm met about 18 people and saw about 30 I was confused about how so many people could fit in a house and not have it cave in.
While I was being pulled through the rooms by my mother I bumped into someone and almost tripped but the person caught me.
I got up to see who it was and it was Oliver, he gave a slight smirk and says "can't stop falling for me I see", I reply with a sarcastic eye roll.

After meeting all those people, which at admittedly I forgot by this point, Mrs. Kingston wanted to see me. Why does Oliver's mom want to see?

Turns out that she wants me to put some chairs away in the garage and she couldn't find anyone to help her. At this point, I was so tired of meeting people I would do literally anything else. So I agreed.
I entered the dimly lit garage holding two of those foldable beach chairs. I placed them near a pile of those same chairs. I turned around and bumped into someone and chairs came crashing down. It hit me on my arm and I flinched in pain.
The figure came closer, it was Oliver again! "Alice! I'm so sorry, are you okay" he asked very worriedly. I try to feel any pain but after the first hit, the pain subsided.
I looked at him with an apologetic smile, and replied, "I'm okay."
He gives me a hand up and we decide to put the fallen chairs away.

Oliver's POV:
My mom pulled me away to get some hot dogs to my dad. I got the plate and went to the backyard. My father was still at the grill surprisingly. I put the plate beside and just before I was going to leave my dad stopped me. "Oliver, I know eventually you'll get to take over the company..." but before he could finish I cut him off. "Dad, let's not talk about I hear," I say gesturing to his business friends in earshot.

I went back inside and I bumped into Alice and she seemed happier than before. She got her mind off of whatever was bothering her.

I wasn't sure who I was looking for but it was anyone but my father. Just then an arm pulled me to a secluded area. And pushed me against the wall. It was Chelsea.
I was really confused. "What are you DOING?" I ask very concernedly.

"Oh, don't act dumb, I know our little interaction outside was just you playing hard to get." She says confidently. "I don't think you understood me," I said while getting out of her grip. "When I broke up with you I broke up with you for good, so that means there will never be an us again," I say finally given freedom.

I didn't stay long enough to hear a response, neither did I care.

I went to the kitchen and met my mother she handed me five beach chairs and lead me to the garage. Once I entered I could see a pile of the chairs in my peripheral view. But because I could reach it I hit a small figure. I tried to make sure the chairs didn't tumble but by the time I realized what had happened, it was too late.

I can't believe that I hurt Alice. What is wrong with me if I had just been watching where was going then, she would be okay.

After I put away the chair I slowly picked up her hand and checked it to see if they were any cuts or bruises.

"Oliver! I told you I'm okay" she said trying to comfort me. Just as she spoke Alice's mother ran into the garage.

"There you are we've been looking all over for you." She said sounding distressed.

She grabbed both our wrists and led us to the backyard where my dad and her dad were standing center.

My mother saw us and said, "finally the lovebirds are here!" LOVEBIRDS! What was going on!

Alice is starting to look confused. Then my dad does a little whistle that catches most people's attention and the rest follow the crowd.
Now all eyes were on us. Everything was quite to the point it was uncomfortable.
"Now that we have gathered your attention I and my good buddy here have an announcement to make," My father says. "Yes, our families have been closed and now we'll be getting even closer." Alice's father says.

There was a pause where our fathers looked at each other and smiled then looked back at the crowd and said, "Oliver and Alice are getting married!" The crowd claps in excitement.

"WE'RE WHAT?!" Alice and I say in unison, starring daggers at our fathers.

Word count: 1129
Hello, my fabulous readers! CRAZY right! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, don't forget to like and comment. I love to read all of your comments, they make my day. Have a nice day, bye.💕

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