C h a p t e r 14: Good Management

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Oliver's POV:

Why would she say that to me? I just don't like to talk about myself a lot I mean there's nothing to talk about. Maybe I should tell her that I'm a disappointment to my father and that I don't know how to make friends because I've dedicated my life to the business. Or that I wanted to punch Chase's face in for talking to her for that. All I have to tell her is negative things why would anyone want to talk to me after that. And my father always said to keep everything to yourself because you can only depend on yourself.

I went to sleep and got ready for work. I could always work my worries away because whenever I work I can take my mind off from the problems. I wore a regular work suite and went to my dad's office. My father seemed to be in an annoying mood, not like that was anything new.

"I need to talk to you," he said to me once I entered the office. "Nice to see you too, father," I said grumbly. 

"Oliver, the sale prices have gone up after you've started helping me," he said to me.

"Well, I've always paid attention in business school, DAD," I said back. "so what do you think can I run the company once you retire?" I asked naively.

"Oliver, I didn't say that, most likely you would make a great head manager," he said all cocky.

"MANAGER! Who's going to take over? DON'T tell me that you're not really considering Bentley," I say in a very angry tone.

"I don't need that attitude from you, Oliver," he said in a stern tone. Then everything went quiet.

"Is this because of the engagement, remember we told you that you might marry her," he while rubbing his temple.

"NO...I mean it's not just about the engagement, it's about everything in my life, you have decided every part of my life. From where I went to school, what house I bought, what car I drive, and now the person I'm going marry." I lash out

He was quiet.

"WHAT IS IT? huh? didn't get the perfect son you wanted, well newsflash everyone's not perfect." I continued he was still quiet, I got up and went to my office and tried to focus on work but was something that I couldn't take my mind off of.

Word count: 405

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