09. huntress trumps mortal

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09. huntress trumps mortal

TELL ME AGAIN WHY my very own precious baby is being dragged into all of this madness." Thalia groans for the umpteenth time since we started moving to implicate the plan Apollo came up with.

It's honestly a miracle Thalia's beat up old Volkswagen Beetle can still will itself to move. It looks pretty much older than my 97 year old nana, so much so that the faded yellow paint is even peeling off... but Thalia loves it probably more than she loves me.

Apollo groans from the back seat, running his fingers over his face. "I told you. We have things to do and since my powers are missing, this is our only means of transport." He replies in a know-it-all manner.

I filled Thalia in on everything properly yesterday while Apollo was snoring away. "You really didn't have to come with us." I murmur softly so that Thalia is the only one who can hear.

She briefly glances at me, an unfamiliar emotion racing through those chocolate pools she calls eyes before returning her gaze to the vacant road ahead of us.

"Just because you know I'm your guardian, doesn't mean I get to stop being your guardian, Gayle. Besides, all the trials coming your way – you're gonna need a super sexy warrior around. I might come in handy." She winks at me playfully, though her voice oozes a sense of seriousness.

Her words help calm my nerves. Even though I have a huntress as my driver and a has-been god in my backseat, I can't help the racy feeling that I'm in over my head, that I should leave all this myth stuff to pros like Ariel. But the ancient greek princess in my body urges me to keep going, and I assume it's her taking over my body when I continuously glance back to watch over Apollo in the back.

As expected, he's ravishing the bag of chips I gave to him earlier, eyes wandering across the label in bewilderment as he shoves loads at a time in him mouth.

He's like a big baby, you feed him and he's quiet for the rest of the ride.

A smirk flickers onto my lips as I turn my stare back onto the road, but in my peripheral I can see Thalia passing me curious glances.

"Where exactly are we going? We've been driving for hours, and this place is deserted." Thalia looks out the window where wheat fields have us surrounded and there's no sign of modern civilization anywhere around.

Apollo chews on another handful of chips and respectfully swallows it before addressing Thalia. "We're headed to one of Hades' safe houses here in the mortal world. If I've been sprung, then so have the titans and Zeus – and if that is so, I believe Hades would have fled his kingdom." He explains, and a chill races down my spine with the mention of the king of the Underworld fleeing his kingdom because of these guys.

They must be bad news.

"You know, it'd be easier for me to see where we're headed if I was sat in front." He mumbles childishly and I groan.

"We've been over this. I called shotgun ergo I get to sit in front." I retort back impatiently, crossing my arms over my chest.

Apollo rolls his eyes. "Yes, but I was unaware shotgun was a thing that exists. That being said; I demand a rematch." I turn around to face him, annoyed to the highest degree at his childishness.

"No backsies." Apollo's brows furrow at my words and his gaze flits to Thalia, who's lips are pursed in annoyance.

"Surely I'm not the only one who can see you're making all of this up." He's addressing me, but his eyes are on Thalia, who's wearing a full blown frown now, her grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"Gayle called shotgun, so she gets to sit in front." Thalia states dismissively and I grin smugly at Apollo who pouts his lips dramatically.

"I am a god. I demand – "

"Correction; you were a god. Right now, you're a mortal. You know who's the most powerful being in the car at this exact moment?" Apollo's lips part as if he wants to answer, but is unfortunately cut off when Thalia continues speaking.

"Me. I, immortal huntress. You, mortal. Huntress trumps mortal which means I'm in charge, got that? So unless you want me to turn this damn car around, the both of you better shut up." Apollo and I both murmur in agreement at Thalia's words.

Soon, the only sound for miles is Apollo giving directions and the wheels sounding smoothly against the tar.

There's no longer a sea of wheat fields surrounding us, but large mountains now. There's no sign of life around for miles and the silence is deafening.

After a while, I cannot seem to stop my fingers from wandering towards the stereo, and flipping through the stations. Most of it is white noise, but one station plays clear as crystal. The sound of an electric guitar echoes into the car as I nod my head to the beat.

"Louder!" Apollo shouts from the back, and when I turn it up, I'm shocked to hear him singing along to the song.

I turn it up, pleased with myself as I turn to face him. He seems completely enthralled with the music as he mimics the guitar sounds with his fingers. My brow arches at him, but he doesn't seem to notice. He's too lost in the music.

"You like classic rock?" I ask him, disbelief leaking out into my voice.

He's concentrating so hard, his eyes are screwed shut as he takes in the sounds. At the sound of my voice, however they dart open, silver eyes finding me immediately.

He smirks. "Well, Gayle I don't know if you're aware but I was once the god of music. All music, not just classical." His tone is a confusing combination of amusement and condescension. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not. The mention of classical music seems to excite Cyrene as I feel my stomach flutter.

I'm about to say something, when suddenly a cold chill passes into the car, making me shiver as I look around.

Sure enough, on my side of a car is a small shack, its pitch black, and it looks busted up and broken down. It's far into the fields and is gleaming into the gloomy sunless sky.

A bunch of crows flutter around the building, making their sounds. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they're sounding an alarm.

Thalia parks on the side of the road and glance back at Apollo questioningly.

Apollo's face darkens. "We're here."

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