34. rien n'est éternel

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34. rien n'est èternel


AFTER I'VE TOLD Psyche everything, there is a frown on her pink lips and even Apollo besides me seems taken aback by my confession.

I remind myself that it's because I haven't told him a thing about Cyrene threatening me and this is the first he's hearing of it.

Psyche takes a shaky breath, eyes darting to Apollo, who shares a worried glance with her.

She seems startled. "Lay down, dear." She motions for me to lay on her bed. I shrug off my shoes and do as I'm told, laying head up on her floating cloud of a bed.

"When you passed out last night, Cyrene didn't appear to you?" She asks me, hovering above me on the side of her bed.

I shake my head. "No, it was all just dark, I hadn't even realised I had passed out until I woke up. It just felt like I was nothing. Like I didn't even exist... and I woke up without a hitch." She turns back to Apollo with a grim expression.

"Okay, guys? Am I missing something?" I attempt to sit up but Psyche pushes me back down.

"Do not move." She deadpans and a sliver of fear forces me to sit perfectly still.

She sighs. "Firstly, somebody definitely took your memory of last night." She explains. I nod, realising that this is why I don't remember anything.

"Okay then, you can just make me remember, right? You have my permission." I close my eyes, waiting for her to put her hand on my forehead or something along those lines.

"It's a little more complicated than usual, Gayle." Apollo's voice urges me to open my eyes and look up at him with furrowed brows.

"What... what do you mean?"

"They didn't just make you forget this time. Gayle, somebody stole your memories."

His words come as a shock to me and my eyes widen, breath hitching.


"I realised it when you were passed out. I tried to get into your head, but there was some kind of barrier. It was like a black wall right in the center of where I was trying to get to. I was hoping that it was just me, but now I'm certain. Whoever took your memories is somebody we know and trust. You probably caught them helping Aphrodite." Once Apollo is finished explaining, I am speechless.

Who would even do something like that? Why would somebody we trust try to help Aphrodite?

I should have known this time was different. When Ares wiped my memories the first time, they came to me in flashes, in dreams.

Now, there was nothing.

"That also explains why Cyrene did not attack you last night when you passed out." Psyche chirps in besides me. I turn to her and her light brown eyes are worried for me even though she barely knows me.

"What do you mean? What does she have to do with any of this?"

"Wiping the memories of a mortal is damaging to the soul, Gayle. It's like every single time a memory is wiped, it forms a crack on the surface of the soul." She explains, pulling in a chair so that she can sit right besides me.

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