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THE WIND whips my hair to the side in warning as Eris and I march into the once friendly and warm, now cold and distant club Kalon.

It looks exactly as I remembered it, only it's morning now so the lights are on, the floor has been cleared and theres only one dark silhouette of a person wiping the glasses clean and placing them on the table with a hum.

"We're closed," an all too familiar husky deep voice echoes throughout the club as Eris and I march forward. "Don't you college kids sleep? It's five thirty in the fucking morning, give me a break." He groans disinterestedly, not even bothering to look up.

I stop dead in my tracks, jetting a hand out before Eris to halt her movements. Her brows furrow as she glances up at me, confusion swirling in those jade green eyes of here.

That voice. That male voice sounds familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. I take a moment to observe the bartender.

He rakes his fingers through his dirty blond locks, eyes darting up to the subject of his irritation as his brows furrow, lips pursed into a straight line. "Alright, look. I told you we're clo – ARIEL?" His eyes widen in bewilderment when his gaze focuses on mine. He drops the shot glass and the cloth in his hands as his plump lips part into a gaping hole.

My heart skips a beat at the boy behind the counter, the boy who broke my heart a year ago and had landed me in this very club the night I met Ares.

He looks exactly the same as he did the day he broke my heart. He had told me I was much too boring to be his girlfriend and left me hanging, completely ghosting me a day before my birthday.

Arcangelo Pedrotti is a Class-A dick, and even though I told myself that I would hate him forever for shattering my heart into pieces, a sense of gratitude washes over me. If Arcangelo hadn't told me I was boring, I probably wouldn't have agreed to go on any quests with Ares and requested he take me straight home, I wouldn't have searched for the courage resting deep within me and I sure as hell wouldn't have fought any wars on Mount Olympus.

I have him to thank for my life now, for the fact that I'm an immortal with immense supernatural power, and that I am now a queen.

I am now the queen.

He licks his lips, raking his fingers again through his hair as his gaze drifts away from me and onto Eris.

Eris takes a step back at the sight of him, pale and fear stricken, she shakes her head and then pulls on another front when I shoot her a questioning look.

Her body is shivering, her eyes are watering but she absolutely refuses to acknowledge that something is wrong.

Arcangelo tilts his head to the side, confused at her reaction but pays her no mind as his gaze zeroes back on me.

"Arcangelo!" My eyes widen, mirroring his shock just the same.

I place a hand on my him, tilting my head towards him.

Arcangelo is a rich, narcissistic asshole. What is he doing, wiping glasses in Aphrodite's club?

He seems to notice my eyes on the cloth in his hands and he throws it under the bar with a nervous chuckle. He scratches the back of his head as his cheeks tint rose pink.

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