29. training day

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29. training day


DO YOU HAVE even the slightest bit of experience in hand to hand combat?" Apollo's voice is drowned out by the sight of the most beautiful training room I've ever seen in my life.

Black PVC and leather flooring has been plastered onto the ground, sanctioning my bare toes as I step into the dark room.

Every square inch of the black walls has a shelf on it housing multiple different things. Weights and dumbbells and other things to keep fit are neatly tucked into the shelves on one side.

There is a weapons dispensary stacked on the shelves on the other sides. Multiple different types of daggers, brass knuckles, throwing stars, bows, arrows and any other type of weapon you could possibly imagine are decorating the wall.

Smack in the middle of the wall is a giant blurred glass case, I can't tell what's in there but whatever it is draws my interest. I try to shake it off, focusing my gaze back on Apollo who looks very proud of himself.

Multiple dummies, targets and punching bags are stacked carelessly in the back, creating space for Apollo and I to roam free.

"I could probably kick your ass if I really wanted to, Apollo." I smirk, answering his prior words with all the confidence in the world knowing damn well that I'm talking shit.

Apollo seems mildly impressed by my response, though a smidgen of doubt etches itself onto his face with the arch of his brow.

"You? Kick my ass? The same girl who's basic instinct is to run away screaming at any sign of danger?" He counters in disbelief.

It's hard to concentrate on anything he's saying cause I'm too busy drooling over his gorgeous body. He's changed into a black tank top and grey sweatpants.

I've been trying to ignore the way his muscles flex and relax so easily, and how his veins are so clear and visible under the light of the training room.

He's wearing a thin gold chain around his neck and the drawing of the sun on the back of his neck is no longer black like a tattoo, but is glowing the same shade of yellow light his eyes sometimes glow for no reason.

I roll my eyes at his words, ripping my gaze away from his sculpted body. I can see his abs through his shirt, and I find myself thinking he might as well take it off seeing as his abs prefer to bulge through in any case.

"I took mixed martial arts classes for a while in high school. Don't be fooled by this weakened version of myself, I was once a great warrior." I reply sarcastically, swirling my toes along the PVC carpeting.

"I'll believe it when I see it," he shakes his head passively. "We've had plenty of opportunities but I've never seen you make a fist. I call bullshit." He retorts, flicking his hair to the side.

Childishly, I blow a raspberry at him. "Allow me to demonstrate, then." The truth is that I prefer not to fight, but if I absolutely have to, I will defend myself. It's all in the spirit of self preservation.

Apollo smirks, crossing his arms over his chest as intrigue flashes through his eyes. "You challenging me to a fight, Lovegrove?" He questions me, taking slow calculated steps closer and closer to me.

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