Chapter 25

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I woke up under my blankets. The memories of last night flood through me.

If I'm telling my secrets I'm already getting to close to Mason . How can I trust him that much? I don't share my secrets to anyone. Not a single secret was shared to my parents, friends, therapist, or teachers. I didn't trust anyone enough to share anything so why do I trust Mason? Is it because I love him? Is it because we have a kid together? Is it because he's always been there when I needed him?

I take a chance to look at Mason and I see him sleeping like an angle. I can tell from the bags under his eyes he let Tyler sleep a little longer than he should have.

I take my bag and set off.

                              Masons POV
When I wake up my eyes immediately look for Emma. I notice she's not their and neither is her bag. Of course she would leave. She was just opening up to me.

"Hey man thanks for letting me sleep a little longer"

"No problem. Where's Emma?"

"I don't know but she will probably be back"

"Why do you say that"

"Her sleeping bag is still here"

That doesn't mean much.

"Ok. I'll be back. I'm going to clean off by the lake"

"Sounds good"

I walk on over to the pond and I spot Emma's naked body. The sunlight is shinning perfectly on her body. I can see her hair shimmering in the sun. Emma is laughing as she plays in the water. I can see her face getting brighter every second she is acting like a child. I think I made a noise because Emma turns around. I expected her to yell at me but she surprises me by saying "Are you going to get in"

I look at her like she is insane.

"I was just getting out anyways" she says as she reaches for her clothes. I throw her clothes further away and jump in fully clothed. I splashed her and I watch as you eyes open wide and her smile grow.

"You did not just do that!"  She screeches

"Do what?" I ask trying to sound innocent.

"O don't give me that"

"Give you what?" I ask

"That innocent attitude"

"Am I doing that" I ask as I splash her again.

"O you are going to regret that decision"

"Am I" I ask just as a huge splash came my way

"What was that? I can't hear people under water

"I said-"


"I hate"


"You know I am really having a hard time understanding you" Emma said with a smirk.



I took her head and put it under water. Then I waited for her head to pop back up.

"Hey dude you know cleaning up means getting out of your clothes?"

"I know that"

"Sure you do."

"What are you doing over here anyways?"

"I came to see what was taking you so long. I mean I could understand if Emma was taking a little longer but-"

"O really!" Emma asked as she emerged from the woods fully dressed. "And why is that?"

"Um because you a girl"

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