The Wedding

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The music cued. The doors opened wide and came my best friend. I saw her, she looked gorgeous with her white, shining wedding dress. I fixed my suit and stood tall. She looked up at everybody, tears filling up her eyes. Each step, she became more comfortable. Every step she took was as if the floor and everything inside the church was blessed by such an angel. She looked at me. Finally, her father let go of her arm and sat down. Too bad she wasn't marrying to me. Instead, she was marrying some dude she met in her college. They had dated for a long time and had break ups. She never liked me the way I did, I regret not confessing my feelings to her. If only I could just turn the time back when we were kids.

After the ring engagement, they kissed. She enjoyed it, he enjoyed it. It hurts. We had dinner now. We were held in a huge dancing ball room with tables with delicious food surrounding us. The wife and husband wanted to take photos with their beloved ones. I was one of the first ones to take a picture with them. I walked up to the two happy love birds as they smiled at me. "Hey..." I start off with.

"How you doing?" Her husband grabbed my hand and patted my back. I chuckled. Then, I didn't no whether or not if I have permission to hug her or not. She was taken now. Before I know it, she bashed herself at me. She hugged me tightly, arms wrapped around me. We fit so perfectly together. I put my arms around her and patted her back. "Alright, pictures! Shall we?" The husband interrupted our moment. Her and I laughed and nodded.

"Tzuyu, can I speak to you?" I looked down at her. She looked at her husband who gave me time to talk to her alone. I lead her into some hallway. "Tzuyu, I'm glad you got married today. Honestly, I didn't know you'd be married before me." I joked. She laughed along and nodded her head. "I'll miss you a lot. When you're on dates with him, you probably won't be able to see me."

"Who said I couldn't hang out with my best friend?" Tzuyu put her hands on her hips.

"Tzuyu...I'm saying that maybe you should focus on your life. You're going to have tiny baby Tzuyus running around the house with your happy husband and happy life." I put on a bittersweet smile.

"Y/n, we may have different lives and we will change. Especially me from now on, but I'm still going to make time for you." Tzuyu tried to assure me. I knew it'd be like this anyways.

"We change and all, I know that. But you don't have to make 'time' for me. You have a husband now." I shove my hands in my pockets. I clenched it inside my pockets so she couldn't see. She did.

"Give me your hands." She put out her hands. I saw her ring. I pulled out my hands. She took my hands into hers. "Do you remember the first time we met each other? We promised, pinky promised that we'd be friends forever. No matter how separated we will be or when we get married with someone else. We made our own handshake. Y/n, it's not only like I have  to make time for you. I want to make time for you. You're very important to me and I care for you like a brother. Stay by my side and I'll always stay by yours. Invite me to your wedding too." She flicked my palm. I smiled.

"Fine...but you and I don't have to happen if you don't want it to." I mumble under my breath. 

"I want us to happen. I want us to be best friends and have double dates with our spouses. It'd be pretty cute to me. Right?" She giggled.

"Alright then..." I shrugged. 

"Let's get back inside now. My husband must be worried." She dragged me inside the ball room.

"Tzuyu. Wait." I stop her. She looked up at me.


"I think I may have to go. I got to go somewhere. Urgently. I'm sorry Tzuyu." I let go of her hand.

"What? Really? Okay me whenever you have time. You better had gotten me a present." She shoved me away playfully and laughed.

"You shall see. Bye Tzuyu," I stop her before she goes away. "Here's a white rose I found in my garden. It was the only white rose I had grown. It reminded me of you, you truly are one of a kind Chou Tzuyu." I hand it to her. She gently grabbed it and smiled.

I took steps away from her. I could sense her still looking out for me while I was walking away. I open the car door and sit in the driver seat. I turn my car on and drove out the parking lot. Seeing her in her beautiful dress was the best thing I've ever seen. But seeing her having a ring owned by somebody else and her owning someone else's ring made me regretful and filled with sorrowfulness.

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