Trip To The Past

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A bang on the table woke me up. I was sitting at my old desk back in 6th grade. "Y/n, Chou Tzuyu will be sitting next to you." The teacher demanded. Oh jesus, is this a dream?

"Hi." Tzuyu had her same old sweet, soft-hearted voice.

"Hey..I'm Y/n."

"Friends? It'd be nice to have my first friend at my first school I've ever been new to." She put out her pinky. My pinky wrapped around hers perfectly. We touched thumbs and let go of each other's hands.

"Wanna sit by me at lunch? I can introduce you to my friends." I insisted to her.

"Yeah, of course." She agrees. I smiled at her while she returned the smile as well.

It was lunch already by time passes. "This is Chou Tzuyu. The new girl here." My friends waved and introduced themselves. We had a good time, it was the same conversations as I remember it.

Then, I felt sleepy again. My legs fell asleep and my body did. I knocked out again.

I woke up at my old 7th grade class. I saw Chou Tzuyu bugging at me. "Y/n, you have to stay up. So we can play tic tac toe." She whispers.

I sit up and played a game with her. I won, of course. "Hah, I won." I grin. She pouted. "Don't be so sad about it, we all knew it before then I'd win."

"Oh be quiet Y/n." She hushed me.

It was second period now. We had the same classes. "Chou Tzuyu, please read the second paragraph." Tzuyu sighed as I silently snickered at her. After she got done reading, the teacher called me up to read the next paragraph. That's when Tzuyu hit me in the leg softly. It was the same spot as I remember.

It was now lunch, I sat by her. "Y/n, I bet you won't eat that." She pointed at my disgusting food mix-up I made.

"Bet what?" I was intrigued, even though I already knew what she was going to say.

"10 bucks, you won't do it." She giggles. "If you do it, you'll get 10 bucks and you'll be considered nasty." She rested her chin in her palms.

"That's a bet there, Chou Tzuyu." I ate it, joyfully. Tzuyu groaned out in disgust.

"You are so disgusting Y/n, please don't ever listen to what I command you to do or any bets I say." I laughed after she says that.

"Alright then, I won't. But that'd be a bummer." I shrug and smile. She grabbed her napkin and wiped off a smear of orange juice on my mouth. "Thanks." I smiled at her.

I knocked out again.

I woke up again but I was in the middle of shooting a soccer goal in. I saw Tzuyu in the crowd cheering out for me. I smiled and kicked the ball, it curved around the defender's legs and went past the goal keeper's legs as well. I jump and scream with the crowd. This was 8th grade soccer team. I jumped onto my teammates as they cheered for me. I saw Tzuyu running to me and hugged me, absorbing my disgusting sweat but not even caring. "Y/n, that will be the only time you'll ever look cool in my eyes." She says after handing me a bottle of water. I chuckle and chug the water.

"Thanks Tzuyu. It's cause I saw you in the crowd cheering for me. So really, thank you." I smiled at her. I saw her ears turn red, how come I never noticed this? I don't remember her blushing or turning red at all.

I knocked out on the bleachers outside while my head lied on Tzuyu's lap. I woke up in the car. "Y/n, we arrived at the highschool. Ready for your first day of being in highschool?" My mother said with excitement.

"It's scary, but I'll look forward..." I shrugged and shouldered my bag. I saw Tzuyu walking my way. At first I wondered why she was walking but remembered that she now walked to school since the high school was too far away from her parents' house and her parents had no time to send her to school. "Hey Tzu. You walking now?"

"Yep, pretty tiring but a good workout in the morning." She looked a bit nerdy now that she's been having braces since 8th grade summer.

"You look a bit weird with braces. No offense." I chuckle to myself.

"I know, I'm afraid to smile." She rolls her eyes.

"It's not that bad. I like the color you chose."

"Blue? It was the only thing that was close to indigo." I held the door for her, we entered the high school and headed to our classes.

"Blue suits you, a lot. I like it, really." I looked down at her, for once I was taller than Tzuyu. 8th grade, I was the same height as her. 7th she was a bit taller than me then in 6th she was so much taller than me.

"You grown a lot. I like the new growth spurt." She patted my head with a smirk.

"Are you making fun of me?" I glared at her.

"No I'm not. I enjoy being smaller than you now." She adds.

"Do you have the same classes as me?" I ask her. She pulls out her schedule, she did. "Again. That's nice."

"We've always been in the same classes. How is it 'nice' to be stuck with you?" She laughed.

"Trust me Tzu, I'm the best thing to ever happen in your life and you know it." I puff my chest out.

"Mhm..okay." She hummed in response.

We sat in class and that's when I knocked out again. I woke up in the same class, I guess I was still in freshmen year. "Y/n, you won't believe this. So many letters are from these random guys. I know it's Valentine's Day but jesus.." 

"I know, I saw the note." I glare at her.

"Could you help me read it?"

"Can you not read? You're in 9th grade Tzu." I joke with her.

"Just because I'm in 9th grade, doesn't mean I'll read so many letters by myself. Just do it. For me." She pouted. I gave in, I always did when she pouted.

"Ugh, fine. Just know none of these were ever from me. Like, at all." I joked with her. I saw her smile fade into a frown. I guess she wished I wrote one? I did. I just never gave it to her.

"Whatever, let's just go to the buses." She grabbed all the letters and shoved them into my arms.

"Hey Tzuyu, I can carry your bag." She threw her bag at me. I glared at her. "Someone's on their period or something.." I muttered.

"Say that again. Y/n." She turns around and looked dead at me in the eyes. It was the first time I've seen her like this. Like, mad at me.

"Tzuyu, are you alright..?" I follow behind her.

"Not really." She quietly replies.

"Why?" I ask.

"Maybe I had my hopes in something that I was stupid to have hope in for." She shrugged. Her frown made me frown.

"And what was it?" I was intrigued even more into this.

"Girl business." She walks faster away from me. I follow into her steps. We arrive onto the bus. I sat next to her. She only wanted to sit next to her, she always said that she just wants me to sit next to her because the only boy she trusts to sit next to is me. I was a bit flattered by that. Her and I were basically the last stops. She slept on my shoulder. I look at her and moved her hair out of her face. I put my arm around her slowly and let her heavy head rest on me.

"This truly is a dream. I like you Chou Tzuyu. I just couldn't bring myself to confess it to you because I was scared of rejection and our friendship. Ended up just me being family and friend zoned. I love you. I certainly do."

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