{The Burning Building}

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Katsuki, Izuku and (Y/n) decided on going to a ramen place for lunch. The people working there were stoked to see three of the five strongest heroes.

"My name is Tsubaki if you need anything!" The short, brown haired waitress smiled, bowing.

"Thank you ma'am." (Y/n) responds for the group. The three pick up their menus and begin looking over what they want to eat.
"Hey Katsuki, they have spicy ramen." She says, pointing to the item.

"No shit. I've been here before." Katsuki says back.

"Still as tempered as ever." (Y/n) chuckles.
"How come you didn't drive here on your own Katsuki?"

"He totaled his car.." Izuku chimes in, setting his menu down.

"I don't even wanna know how he did that."
(Y/n) laughs.

Izuku laughs with her as Katsuki watches the two.
"You both act like fucking children." He comments.

(Y/n) shrugs, "Can't be young forever, might as well enjoy it... Anyway, how's hero work going for you Katsuki? I heard your agency is struggling a bit."

Katsuki sighs, "It's a total waste of my time at this point. I just need to find another agency. Shitty hair says he could introduce me to a company he knows."

"That's good to hear. I hope you find a decent agency." (Y/n) smiles.

Katsuki looks away from her and Izuku notices.
Although he doesn't say anything to the hot head.

The waitress returns with a notepad and pen.
"Are you ready to order?" She asks kindly.

"I'm ready, how about y'all?" (Y/n) says, picking up her menu to find the item she wanted.

"I'm good." Izuku says and Katsuki grunts.

"Okay! I'll start with you Mr.Deku!" The waitress blushed as she turns to face Izuku.

"Could I get just an order of soba please?" Izu politely says.

"Of course! And you Miss Cloud Nine?" Tsubaki moves onto (Y/n).

"I'd like an order of the Wasabi sushi roll please and some (favorite type of ramen)." She hands the waitress her menu.

"The usual Mr.Ground Zero?" Tsubaki grins, about to write down his order.

"Yeah." Katsuki hands her his menu too.

"Okay! I'll bring the food out in a little while!" Tsubaki bows and runs off.

"You like wasabi (Y/n)?" Izuku asks.

(Y/n) nods her head, "My favorite thing to snack on is wasabi peas. Do you guys not remember in High School when that's all I'd eat during class?"

"Oh yeah! You once told Mineta if he could eat one without crying "he'd be able to at least touch you without being socked in the face"." Izuku quotes.

"And he couldn't do it. And wasabi peas aren't even that spicy.." (Y/n) laughs.

"How many times did he try?" Izuku grins.

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure at one point he shoved a handful into his mouth out of frustration. The kid nearly died right in front of me!" (Y/n) exclaims.

Katsuki smiles as (Y/n) and Izuku talk about their high school lives together.

"Man.. it must've been so cool being part of the Big Three. How'd it feel to be in the number two spot Katsuki? Must've been nice." (Y/n) asked.

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