{Baby Talk}

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~ Both Katsuki and (Y/n) were admitted to the hospital for emergency care and treated for their injuries ~

Katsuki had suffered two broken ribs and his left hand had three layers of skin burned off. There was some damage to his head, but there was another thing about Katsuki's left arm.

The gunshot wound he hadn't gotten treatment for, became infected. He was told that the doctors could do one of two things, amputate his arm and replace it with a prosthetic or attempt in treating in hopes it doesn't spread.

Katsuki looked over at his arm and sighed, "Will I still be able to use my quirk if you amputate it?"

"I don't believe so. Which means you'll have to retire as a hero." The doctor explained.

"In that case, I'll take the treatment." Katsuki said.

The doctor nods, "Might I remind you, this infection can show up again in later times and we can't treat it a second time. If the infection is still in your bloodstream, it will eventually grow into something more serious. Then, we won't have a choice but to amputate it. Are you alright with that?"

Katsuki nods. The doctor leaves the room and goes to find Katsuki's parents, who had came to check on their son, of course.

"You may go see him." The doctor said.

Mitsuki and Masaru both walk down the hall and notice a door marked with the name (Y/n).

"You don't think that's the same girl, right?" Mitsuki asks her husband.

"I'm pretty sure that's her." Masaru responds, "Um. Doctor? May we see Ms.(Y/n)." 

"Oh of course, she loves the visitors." The doctor nods and the Bakugous enter the hospital room.

"(Y/n)?" Mistuki calls.

"Mrs.Bakugou?" (Y/n) looks up from her book and sees the ash blonde whom has a striking resemblance to her boyfriend.

"Oh I'm so glad you're alright!" Mitsuki rushes to the girl's side and gives her a tight hug.

"It's good to see you're doing well (Y/n)." Masaru nods.

"I'm glad too, how's Katsuki?" (Y/n) asks.

"I'm not sure yet, we came to see you first." Mistuki says. Masaru silently stands beside his wife as the women engage themselves in a delightful conversation. "Um. Honey."

"Yes?" Masaru says.

"Could you go check on Katsuki? There's something I want to talk about with (Y/n)." Mitsuki smiles at her husband.

"Of course." Masaru exits the room and leaves the two alone.

"Now that he's gone. There's something I wanted to tell you." Mitsuki begins, "As you know, Katsuki has had a crush on you for the longest time and his feelings never faltered..."

(Y/n) nods her head as Mitsuki takes her hands.

"My Katsuki may be a pain in my ass but I want what's best for him. If that be living the rest of his life with you, I want to know... if you would be there for Katsuki. I'm asking-"

"Always." (Y/n) cuts off Mitsuki, "Katsuki has been there for me so many times. He saved me from my brother, my father, the league of villains and myself. After Katsuki had fought my father.. I realized something..." (Y/n) paused and smiled to herself, joyful tears in her eyes, "I want to be with Katsuki for the rest of my life!"

Mitsuki grins and hugs (Y/n), "I'm so glad to hear that!" The two of them continue their conversation about Mitsuki's son and an interesting topic comes up.

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