{Introducing; Red Riot}

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Katsuki and Izuku help (Y/n) back into her house, even though she doesn't need it.
Lucky greets her owner but ends up laying on Katsuki's shoulders again.

"I see she's already very fond of you." (Y/n) comments. Katsuki nods, scratching the cats head softly.

She sits down on her couch and Max lays on top of her.

"Thank you again Katsuki for watching them over night. I didn't think I'd be let out this early but I'm glad I was. Recovery Girl had come after hearing what happened and healed me herself. Of course, I'm still gonna have theses scars." (Y/n) pets Max's head while explaining what happened since Katsuki was gone. She smiles down at her dog.

"Don't work too hard (Y/n)." Izuku warns.

"Don't worry Izu. I won't." (Y/n) waves to him.

"See you tomorrow (Y/n)." Katsuki says, following Izuku out the door.

"See you tomorrow?" She questions.

-The Next Day-

(Y/n) got out of bed earlier this morning, since she had work today. She got in the shower after taking Max for his walk then put on her hero suit.

The suit itself was (f/c) with black/white gloves, and high boots. The suit was skin tight against her and hugged her curves perfectly. There is a silver belt around her waist and on her left arm is a device that allows her to communicate with her teammates. Each of the people in her agency have an earpiece that (Y/n) can tap into and talk to them if needed.

"Alright Max. Guard the house for me, I'm going to work." She says, patting the husky's head and leaving the home.

She runs to work since she doesn't have her car currently, and attempts not to bump into anyone.

Upon entering the facility, she sees Froppy talking to Vision.

"Hey Froppy, Vision." (Y/n) greets.

"Ma'am." They respond. She heads to her office and relaxes, sitting down. "Today's gonna be a looooong day." She groans, rubbing her bandaged back. Then there's a knock at her office door.
"Come in!" She calls.

Red Riot, or Kirishima, enters with Katsuki behind him, both of which in their hero suits.
"Oh! Kats-erm... I mean, Ground Zero, what brings you here?" (Y/n) stands up quickly.

"He wants to join the agency!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Oh! Okay. I'm just gonna need you to do something for me..." (Y/n) turns around and starts rummaging through her desk drawers.
"Here." She hands him some paper work. "Just fill this out for me and you're in. I already know your capabilities so you don't have to show me anything."
Katsuki looks down at the two sheets and then exits the room with Kirishima following right behind him.

"I can't believe he'd want to join my agency.. he's the number two hero.. why would he want to be here? Why not with Izuku and Todoroki in Endeavor's Agency...?" (Y/n) mumbled quietly to herself after the boys had left. Kirishima pokes his head in as she begins mumbling like Izuku does. Seems she had picked up the little habit the broccoli boy influenced onto her.

"Miss Cloud Nine?" He says.

(Y/n) stiffens upon hearing his voice, "Y-Yes Red Riot?"

"He's done with the paper work. Can he come back in?" He asks politely.

"Oh! Yes, yes." (Y/n) nods her head and sits down at her desk, awaiting Katsuki. The red head turns around and beckons Katsuki into her office and the ash blonde walks in holding the paper work in his hand.

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