{Babies Babies Babies}

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~Months Later~

Quite some time has passed since Bakugou proposed to (Y/n). The two of them still live together and (Y/n) is planning the wedding with the help of her girlfriends.

Speaking of girlfriends, (Y/n)'s best friend, Momo, gave birth to two healthy baby boys. One had little sprouts of white hair while the other had red hair. Seems like they both were going to look like their father.

Katsuki and (Y/n) decided that their wedding would be on the thirty-first of March. It was currently November.

"Hey Kats, how do you feel about gold and white?" (Y/n) asked, sitting at the bar in a sports bra and underwear. Katsuki was busy making breakfast for the two of them while she wrote down the ideas for their wedding.

"I don't care. Just don't do pink." He says.

"You're no help. I'm thinking monochromatic." (Y/n) says, writing things down in her notebook. She had been searching the internet for prices and ideas, finally settling on a theme.

"Whatever you wanna do babe. Anyway, here." Bakugou slid a plate in front of her with french toast.

"Thank you, my love. You don't mind hanging out with Todoroki and the kids for a little while, while me and Momo go shopping?" She asks.

"Eh?! Why are you telling me this now?! I gotta be with Icy Hot and the Icy Hot Duo?!"

"Yes, Katsuki. I think a few hours, you can last. Besides, those little boys are probably going to be around a lot. I am their god mother, which means when Momo and Shoto have things to do, I will to watch them. And their names are Rei and Hino. Stop calling them the Icy Hot Duo." (Y/n) sighs.

Katsuki grumbles and finishes his breakfast. He takes both his and (Y/n)'s empty plates and does the dishes. (Y/n) runs upstairs and puts on some clothes before Momo shows up.


Speak of the devil, (Y/n) dashes back down the stairs wearing tan pants with a mid-sleeve white button up and nude heels. She carried a white side bag with a gold chain strap. On her left hand was her engagement ring.

Katsuki opened the door and the Todoroki's entered the home. Momo carried one baby and Shoto had the other, along with a diaper bag. (Y/n) smiled widely at the babies and went to Shoto first.

"Hi~!" She cooed, taking the baby from Shoto. She gave him a side hug, then went back to adoring the little red head in her arms. (Y/n) bounced the baby up and down in her arms. Hino, the red haired baby, giggled at (Y/n) and blew raspberries in an attempt to speak.

She handed the baby back to Shoto and then took Rei from Momo. He was sleeping peacefully until (Y/n) took him. Momo and (Y/n) shared a cheek kiss and (Y/n) cradled Rei. She swayed him back and forth, giving him a finger of hers to hold. He made small sounds, having just woke up, making (Y/n) smile.

Katsuki watched as (Y/n) adored the small child and he smiled to himself.

She'd make an awesome mother...

"Here Katsuki. Be gentle with the babies please and don't yell. Max and Lucky are staying upstairs so they don't scare the children. Me and Momo will be back before dinner." (Y/n) says, handing him Rei and kissing her lover on the cheek.

"Call me if there is a problem at all, okay Shoto?" Momo shares a quick peck with Shoto before leaving the men with the children.

"Do you think I should be worried?" Momo asks.

"No.. At least, I hope not. Katsuki just needs to keep his anger under control and not scare the babies. I'm sure they'll be fine." (Y/n) says.

"I hope you're right," The two of them got into Momo's car, "Have you thought of some ideas for your wedding dress?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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