{Kogane Kazuto}

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NAME: Kogane Kazuto
AGE: Fourty-Seven
OTHER: Leads a high branch of the League Of Villains
FAMILY: (M/n) Kazuto [Wife-Deceased], Yuka Kazuto [Son-Villain{Caught}], (Y/n) (L/n) Kazuto [Daughter-Hero]

Kogane's last known location was in southern Hosu. Its rumored that he was working with the Hero-Killer Stain. After Stain's capture years ago, Kogane went into hiding and hasn't been seen since. The only one who knows his location is his daughter, (Y/n).

"Kalia. Have you managed to track down my daughter?" Kogane asks the girl before him, who typed on a computer.

"Yes sir. Would you like me to dispatch one of our three to eliminate her now?" Kalia, or Medusa, asks. On a bigger screen above the girl's computer showed a picture of (Y/n) and all her details that Medusa had managed to find.

"Not yet." Kogane says. Kogane is a tall, (e/c) eyed male with shoulder length black hair. He has glasses that are thin and sit comfortably on the bridge of his nose and white gloves on his hands.

"What about this Bakugou kid?" Medusa asked. The magenta snakes that sprouted from her head looked up at Kogane. Meduse wore a slim black dress and she always had a pair of blinders on. She can see out of them but people can't see her eyes so they won't turn to stone unless she removes them.

"..." Kogane was quiet for a moment as he studied the picture of the crimson eyed boy. "Can you find that news article on Yuka's capture again?"

"Sure thing." In a matter of seconds, an article appeared on the large screen. Kogane reads over it a couple of times.

"Hm. I want you to send a spy in, to keep watch on the two. I have a sneaky suspicion something is going on." Kogane says.

"Would you like me to contact Haru?" Kalia asks, picking up her phone.

"Yes. Do that."

Kalia dials a number into her phone and holds it to her ear. A teenage boy answers on the other line.


"Hi Haru! It's Kalia! The boss has a job for you!"

"Oh. What would that be?"

Kalia looks up at her superior for an answer.
"He will monitor the relationship between the heroes Ground Zero and Cloud Nine."

"Boss man wants you to see if Ground Zero and Cloud Nine are getting it on."

"What?! Bwahahaha! Is he getting protective of his daughter now?"

"No... He's being serious though." Kalia feels a snake of water curl around her neck.

"Alright then, I guess I will. How would you like me to report back to HQ?"

"Call me the minute you confirm their relationship."

"Will do. Haru out."

Kalia hangs up the phone and Kogane releases her neck. She sighs with relief and goes back to work. Kogane walks away and to his office, where he usually resides.

On his desk was a framed photograph of (Y/n) and her brother Yuka. Next to the frame was an opened red marker. There was an X over Yuka's face in red ink.

~ With (Y/n) ~

"Red Riot! Heads up!" (Y/n) shouted.

The hero put his arms up in the shape of an X and blocked an attack from one of the villains they were fighting. (Y/n)'s vapor thickened around her fists and she ran forward, sending a barrage of punches at a female on the squad.

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