1. Yoo Jeongyeon

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"Okay. So, as I told you, today, my childhood friend will be arriving. She would be staying with us since she transferred to our campus. I wish you can get along with her. She's kinda aloof at first but she's the greatest bully I known in my entire life so be careful about pulling pranks about her especially you, Sana." Momo said shifting to me as she said the last words.

"Like seriously? Me? I'm such an angel incarnate. You all know that." Of course, rolling eyes are what I just received. I have a such bad people in my life.

"Is she somehow hot?" Chaeyoung asked earning a smack from Nayeon.

"What? I'm just curious!" Chaeyoung blurted out.

"Well, you judge." Momo said as she rushed to the door when someone rang the doorbell.

She opened it and invited the new comer. She looks very cute due to her short brown hair. Her bangs are sexy! She's wearing a simple sweater and a white short partnered with her white snickers but she is stunningly gorgeous and handsome at the same time. She got those knee-weakening eyes behind her eyeglasses. I'm starting to like her. A glint of red is painted to her cheeks as she blushed upon realizing that all eyes are on her. I could understand how stunned my dormmates are as if they saw an angel descend from the sky. She tugged some strands of hair behind her ear and started to speak.

"Hi. I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, I hope we can get along." Then she flashed the cutest smile I ever seen today. I want to throw myself at her and pinch her cheeks until the sun sets.

The girls seems to be still occupied by her smile so I jumped from the couch to greet her until Chaeyoung got her senses back and jumped as I did.

"Chaeyoung. Knock on my room if ever you need something and I'll be gladly to help you." Chae said shaking Jeongyeon's hand exaggeratedly.

I pushed Chaeyoung aside as I put my hand on Jeongyeon's shoulder and cupped her chin with my free hand. She flinched as she was shocked with my action earning a chuckle from me.

"Minatozaki Sana, yours for short but if you prefer to call me Babe, that's fine with me." I winked and blew her bangs making her blinked nervously.

"Stop that. You're making her uncomfortable. What did I say about pulling pranks?" Momo said as she shoo-ed me away.

I pouted at Jeongyeonie and just gave Momo a 'Whatever' look and went back to my seat.

I watched as Momo introduced her to Nayeon and Dahyun and then they picked her things up to transfer it on their room.

"Seems like you found a new prospect. Lucky Dubu, she won't longer need to deal with your silliness." Nayeon whispered to me before running upstairs.

Well, yeah, I'm also tired of disturbing Dahyun everyday and Jeongyeon seems to be a nice prospect. I mean she's interesting. I want to see if she can handle my silliness.


"Thanks." I said as Momo helped me unpack my things on our room.

"You know, the girls are really nice and sweet. I really hope you can get along with them." She said and sat at the edge of my new bed.

"Well, seems like they're not that hard to be close with." I shrugged and continued unpacking.

"Yeah but they could be crazy at times. They could be too clingy to the point you would question their sexuality but I'm pretty sure they're all straight except Dahyun or just I thought so." She said as she completely lay on my bed swaying her arms like making a snow angel.

"Why don't you give me a little insight about each of them." I said putting eyeglass on the bedside table and joined her on my bed.

"Well, Dahyun, A cute but cool maknae. She likes video-games, she dances well and you know what, she's a chick magnet." Momo scrunched her nose and sat up in an indian manner and continued. "Nayeon, she's a nerd. She's the peacemaker and she's the most matured one—of course aside from me but can be a total baby at times." She said trying to compliment herself.

"Chaeyoung, hmmm I don't know if this is right to say but sometimes she's a pervert. She has this thing about hot girls and boys. I don't know when is the time she is joking or not." She said putting her finger on her chin as if she is thinking if she is saying the right words. "And of course, the notorious Sana. Be careful. She's a total blackhole, she can make ladies and gentlemen fall for her in a snap. I could remember how she bent a nerd at school with her winks but you know, it just her playful self. I don't think she could be romantically drawn to anyone. She loves to tease and pull some cheesy lines every time. She's been hitting for Dahyun for some time now and I think she might be eyeing on you. Believe me, she's a psycho."

Seriously? I don't think I heard it right. I know she acted weird a while ago but is that what she really is? She seems to be normal to be. Or I just thought that.

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