12. Super Powers

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"Shall we catch something to eat?" She asked me as we head out.

"Are you asking me to go out with you?" I said acting cute.

"Aish. Don't use that aegyo to me." She said messing my hair.

"Why oppa?" I said pouting my lips. She chuckled and excitedly walked on the road.

I was taken aback when I saw a car approaching but she raised her hand signaling it to stop and so it did.

"My first power, I can stop running cars." She said chuckling but she stopped when she saw me looking flatly.

"Even a ten year old child could do that." I said teasing her.

"Sha sha sha. You're such a no jam." She complained like a kid.
She decided to have something spicy today. I'm glad that Jeongyeon accompanied me today. As much as I wanted to avoid her, I don't like the idea of her hugging lots of girls and boys.

Possessive Sana. She's not even yours.

Stop it mind. I'm just concerned. She might catch virus from those peeps you know.

K. If you say so.

Ts. Brat.

"Are you done battling with yourself?" Jeongyeon asked me with a teasing smile.

"How did you know? Are you a mind reader or something?" I asked her amused.

"Ani. It's just that, it's all written on your face. Cuuute." She said smiling and pinched my cheeks.

"Aish stop that." I said trying to hide my blushing face. It should be me teasing her and stuffs but now it's the other way around.

She let go of my cheeks and sit back properly.

"Anyway, Thank you for saving me this morning. I didn't know how to get out of there if you didn't came." She said giving me a shy smile.

"It's nothing. Pay for the foods and we're even." I chuckled.

"That's not fair, I already accompanied you a while ago." She complained but I know she's joking so I choose to ride her joke.

"Do you want me to call Jihyo and told her you wanted to be a hug mannequin again?" I said threatening her.

"Aniyo. Don't do that Eomma!" She said acting cute making us bursted in laughters.

The dinner went well. I actually enjoyed it with her corny jokes but it's not her jokes that made me laugh but the way she laugh so hard with her own jokes.

"Aigoo. I'm so full." I said resting myself on the chair.

"It's still early, are you in for some walks? Lets burn the calories?" She said getting her bag.

"Seriously, you wanted to work out after eating to burn calories? You should just asked me to not eat instead." I joked at her.

"That's not it. Let's just hang out a little bit more." She said chuckling.
We ended up seating to a bench of a nearby park. We watched the sun slowly setting on the sea horizon.

It would probably a romantic date but it isn't a date in the first place.

"What happened to your Mother?" Jeongyeon asked so I looked at her but she's still looking at the sunset.

She looked at me too and waved her hands in front of her, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. You don't have to answer it."

"Well, I lost her when I was still a kid. Eomma is sick and I wanted to cook something for her but I ended up burning the house." I said shifting my gaze back to the sunset.

"Appa isn't there and I don't know what to do. I panicked. That incident, took away my Mom and gave me a scar to remind me that it was my fault." I continued biting my lips trying to fight my tears.

I felt her rubbing my shoulder. "Shh. It's not your fault."

"Appa was very mad. He blamed me. It was then I realized, it was not just my mom that I lost but also him. He sent me to my Auntie since he doesn't want to see me anymore. But Auntie, Auntie already died last year so I'm all alone now." This time, I cannot held it back. My tears started to flow like a river.

She hugged me and rubbed my back. The warmth of her body helps me to relax and fight the pain and tears.

"Shhhh. It's not your fault and you're not alone. The girls are here for you. You just have to trust them. And I'm here for you from this day forward." She said hugging me tighter. I can now hear her heartbeat. It resembles the sound of the ocean. It's like a music calming the raging storms inside me.

She played with my hair until she was sure that I stopped crying. She patted my head and held me on my shoulders, "That's my second power. I can stop your tears from falling." She said and kissed me on my head before pulling me again for another hug.

Swear, that kiss almost made my heart to rip my chest and jump out.

"It's your third power, You could make me fall for you more without knowing it." I said soft enough for her not to hear it.

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