3. Breakfast

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I was awaken by the noises downstairs so I decided to go down.

Dahyun is chasing Nayeon. They're like Tom and Jerry running around the living room leaving their path in disaster.

"Did you even brush your teeth?" Nayeon shouts while still trying to avoid the pouting Dubu. She stopped running when Dahyun said yes. Dubu hugged her and gave her kisses on her cheeks as they giggle together not until Chaeyoung approached them and gave them cheek kisses before saying "I didn't." And ran laughing earning 'yucks' and 'eww' from the two.

Momo went out from the bathroom and walked behind me to squeeze my ass. "Morning Yeonie." She said pouted to me. She know I don't really like kisses so she just usually pout or give me air kisses.

The door opened revealing a sweated Sana in fitted sando and running shorts catching her breathe. "Morning." She winked at me before pulling the towel on her neck and damping it to her face.

"Morning jog?" Dahyun said hugging her. Sana nodded and pinched Dubu's nose.

"I see. You really want to keep that slim body of yours huh?" Nayeon said as she gestured her hands like describing a bottle of Coke.

Chaeyoung jumped to Sana and what she did left me in full shock.

"I envy this. Why don't you share some to me?" Chaeyoung said grabbing one of Sana's breast.

Sana shoved the two koalas and walked to my direction since I am at the foot of the stairs.

"I prefer these more." Sana said sliding her hand just above my breast before walking upstairs.

These girls are crazy!!

With the whole weekend full of teasing and flirting, I kinda get used to these girl's craziness. I sometimes reciprocates their actions aside from the kissing thing. I made it clear to them that I'm okay with everything just no kissing. They all get it except the stubborn Sana. She still tries to kiss me every time.

It's monday morning and yeah we need to go to school.

I went to the kitchen to get some milk when I saw Dahyun frying bacons.

"Good morning Dubu." I said as greeted her squeezing her ass so she looked at me scrunching her nose.

I opened the fridge and looked for some milk when someone back hugged me. "Good morning Jeonyeonie." It was Nayeon.

I smiled at her trying hard not to blush. Honestly, I find her cute the first time I saw her. She's caring and she seems to be the most normal person in this dorm.

She broke the hug when she heard Momo calling her asking for something I didn't heard clearly.

I watched Nayeon went to Momo and discussed their thing when Sana appeared.

"Dubu! You're so sweet to prepare me such a wonderful breakfast!" Sana said staring at me checking me from head to toe.

Dahyun and I looked at her confused until I get what Sana is implying.

Dahyun is dead laughing holding her knee at Sana's boldness. I almost got choke at my milk.

Sana walked towards me and straddled my lap. I tried to stand but her weight kept me in place. She's trying to kiss me so I tried my best to avoid her pouting lips. After numerous unsuccessful attempt, she left my lap and joined Dahyun who's now eating bacons.

I really enjoy making fun of Jeongyeonie. I can feel how she is tensed everytime I'm fake flirting with her. She's so cute.

Now, we're waiting for Momo and my cute little Jeongyeon to go downstairs so we could go to school. We usually ride together to first, save gas and money and second, of course, to bond during the drive. What's the point of riding separately if we will be sticking with each other at school right?

Ow, here comes Momo and Jeongyeon. She's wearing a striped long sleeved polo tucked in her denim pants with her signature white shoes. Ow my Jeongyeon heart. I know she will definitely attract girls and boys at our school with her innocent look today.

I acted as if I am dizzy. They all panicked especially Yeonie. She caught me before I touched the floor.

"Are you alright? Why don't you go back inside and take a rest?" Jeongyeon said helping me get up.

"Yeah, surely I am. It just that, you looked so hot that my knees trembled and got weak." I flashed my sweetest smile and I saw her blushed. Uwu!

I heard Dahyun whistled and the girls laugh. They're used to me pulling some corny lines. Jeongyeon shook her head and hit my head. "You're crazy." She said and entered the car.

The ride is nothing but me trying to get some kiss from Jeongyeonie bear and this bear rejecting me. Like seriously, is she allergic to kisses? Poor little thing. She's missing something wonderful about life.

When we arrived, of course, all eyes are on us. What do you expect? A group of visuals coming down a single car, this is called miracle.

As I went down the car, Rico, one of the university's basketball varsity approached me.

"Hey, Good morning. I just want to asked if we could like, hangout on friday?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

He's been trying to ask me out for a couple of weeks now but I don't really have any interest on him.

"My weekends are kinda fully booked you know." I said as I passed him but he grabbed my wrist.

"Let my hand go." I said but he held me tighter.

"Please just give—-" He was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Leave her alone, dead kid." Jeongyeon said piercing him with her icy badass stare.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and retorted back, "Who are you bitch?"

"None of your business." I said as I pulled Jeongyeon. Not is the time to get her first bad record. It's her first day for God's sake.

But I'm amazed that she is ready to protect me from that bastard. She is really something.

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