7. Scar

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"You like to read books too?" Nayeon said joining me on the couch. Dahyun and Chaeyoung are making their homeworks on the floor. Momo is incharged in making the dinner today with Sana.

"Yeah. I read when I have free time." I said shifting my gaze to her.

"I see. Maybe we could exchange books sometimes." She said flashing her bunny smile to me.

I can't help but to copy her smile as I nod.

"Anyway, is it true that you joined Momo's band?"

"Momo forced me." I said flatly and continued reading.

"Well, that's actually nice you know, I can't wait to see you on stage." She said making me blushed. I never thought she would be interested to watch me perform.

"I'm not the main vocalist." I said tugging some strand of hair on my ears.

"But you're still part of the band." She said before making her way to the kitchen as we heard Momo calling her.

I followed her with my gaze. Nayeon you're making my heart skip a beat.

I am about to continue reading when I felt that someone is staring at me.

I saw Dahyun looking at me with a weird smirk on her face.

"What?" I asked her but the smirk on her face didn't disappear.

"Rooftop. Now." She said before heading upstairs. I just followed her out of curiosity.

"You like Nayeon right?" Dahyun said upon reaching the rooftop.

"Huh? What are you saying?" I tried to think of reason to defend my self but I was caught off guard.

"Irregular eye movements, Sweating palms, Shaking lips. Well, you can't lie to me Unnie." Dahyun said leaning on the wall.

"Am I that obvious?" I never know this maknae is smart.

"Well, not really, I'm just a very keen observer." She said acting as if she is Sherlock Holmes holding an invisible magnifying glass finding some evidence.

"Please don't tell them yet. It's just a little crush." I said scratching my nape.

"Yeah sure. Its not bad to admire someone. But you have to help me with my assignments. I suck in Math!" She said like she is throwing up after saying the word Math.

"It's a deal then." I said and wrapped my arms on her shoulder as we go downstairs.

"Where did you went?" Momo asked when we arrived at the living room.

"Upstairs. Jeongyeon unnie and I tried to find her math book but it wasn't there so she promised to just help me with my homeworks." Dahyun reasoned out.

"Whoa! Sweet unnie huh." Nayeon commented while smiling. I just smiled back and went to Dahyun who's now preparing her things.

"I'm jealous. You should help me too if I'll have some homework!" Sana complained with arms crossed.

I just shrugged and ignored the brunette. I know she is just on her playful mood.
"Chaeng, where did you put the folder I asked you to carry yesterday?" Momo asked Chaeng while busy preparing the table for dinner.

"It's on my bedside table unnie." Chaeng said who's still doing her homework.

"Jeong, can you get it for me? I need to send it to Jihyo now. She's been bombarding me with messages." Momo said typing on her phone.

I went upstairs and entered Chaeng's room. I walked to her bedside table and get the folder.

"Aish this kid, look how messy her table is." I whispered to myself as I arranged her things above the table.

I was startled when I heard a door clicked so I turned around only to see an almost naked Sana.

She's drying her hair with a towel and she's only wearing her panties. She didn't see me because the towel blocks her view not until she's flipped her hair.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah! What are you doing here!!" Sana shouted and panicked. She tried to cover herself but it's too late for I already saw everything when she shifted to me as she shouted.

We both turned around and I heard the noises as she deliberately find something to wear.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you would go out of the bathroom at that state." Swear to God, I know I am blushing very very hard.

"I-I'm sorry too. I didn't know you're here. I forgot my bra so I went out like this." She's stuttering too. "You can turn already, I'm done."

The room is filled with very awkward atmosphere. We are both red as tomatoes and no one wants to make a move. We're just both scratching our nape because of embarrassment.

The thick air was only broken when we heard Nayeon shouted that the dinner is ready.

She left the room first and I followed. No one is giving a word until we reached the dining.

"Why are you both blushing hard? Did you two make out?" Momo said with wide eyes as if even she couldn't believe to what she just said.

"N-no. Its not"


We said in unison waving our hands in total disagreement.

"Both of you are acting weird." Nayeon said while sitting.

Dahyun eyed me with a smirk as if she's guessing something on her mind.

"Seriously it's nothing, please let's not talk about it." Sana said lowering her head so the girls dropped the topic.

We started to eat but I cannot focus on my food. Not because I saw Sana's body but because I saw a scar under her boobs. It's like a deep cut but I'm sure it's not because of an operation.

I just wonder how she get that. Does the girls know that?

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