13. PMS

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It's Saturday morning and the girls are probably sleeping aside from Dahyun who already headed out, she told me she had to meet a girl whom I forgot the name.

I am glad that Sana and I had the time to bond. Now I understand where the hell did she get that scar. I admit, I admire her toughness. She is a fighter. But still, she can't hide the little kid inside her at times. It makes me feel responsible. It makes me feel the urge to protect her at all cost.

I walked to the living room spinning a pen on my fingers when it slipped. It rolled on the floor when Nayeon appeared.

"Good morning Jeong—-" she didn't finished her sentence coz she accidentally stepped on the pen losing her balance.

My reflexes got me so I jumped to catch her which luckily, I was able to do so.

My back ached upon meeting the cold floor. Her eyes are closed as she fell just above me anticipating a painful fall down. My hands are resting above her waist when she slowly opened her eyes.

My gaze meets her brown orbs resembling the color of Earth. Those two diamonds are like a maze where you could lost your soul into. I could feel how blood rushed to my face painting my cheeks with red.

She opened her partly mouth to say something when we are interrupted by loud steps coming down the stairs.

"Go get a room." Sana said without throwing glimpse making her way to the kitchen snapping both of us back to reality.

Nayeon quickly got up and helped me. She mouthed 'Sorry' to me so I told her it's nothing. It is my fault in the first place.

Sana went out the kitchen with chocolate stuck in her mouth while using her cellphone. She's still on her pajamas and she passed by as if she didn't saw us.

Nayeon shrugged and apologized once again before going upstairs.
After lunch came

Sana is disturbing almost everybody except me. I seems to be invisible in her eyes. She hasn't gave a single word to me. I can't understand her.

Last time I checked, we're totally okay.

"It must be her PMS." Chaeng whispered to me.

She snuggled to Momo playing with her fingers while the other girl is busy watching the Tv. She's whispering something to her in Japanese which Momo casually answers.

"Aish I don't know how to make that. Go and ask Jeongyeon." Momo said pushing Sana who is pouting at her. Finally, I heard something I could understand but wae? What about me?

I pointed myself as the two of them eyed me. Sana is still hugging Momo's arm like a baby.

"Sana wants Cheese Kimbap. I told her you make good cheese kimbaps." Momo said looking back at the Tv.

"You want Cheese Kimbap?" I asked Sana who is looking at me blankly.

"Aniyo, I'll just order. She said dialing something on her phone." Her mood shifts faster than a lightning.

"Have you watched Avengers: Infinity war?" Nayeon elbowed me.

"Not yet. I wished I had a copy."  I replied.

"I have on my laptop. Do you want to watch it?" She said pointing upstairs.

"Ne." I said and followed her leaving the other girls.

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