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-short story for you guys-

People coming in and out, ordering, finding a place, eating, drinking, chatting with friends or even do business. The scent of strong coffee mix with the sweet scent of those, round-like-ring displayed by the counter, donuts are invading every customers' nostrils. It's relaxing yet it gives  a nostalgic feeling.

Krispy Kreme was the best option for me.

Everytime i look around, i can see people (more of a customer) looking at me like they are judging me but i don't mind them. I'm just here to finish my book, at least.

I was busy writing when the bell rings that placed beside the door (when someone comes in it will ring) and that's what happened. I look up to see a girl, a cat-eyed girl. Wearing a cap with mask on, a big hoodie, that i think its not hers because it falls just right above her knees, paired with leggings and black vans(She's basically wearing an all black outfit that can hide her whole existence)

She look up causing our eyes to meet. Thoses eyes are telling me that something was off and i can't just ask her what's her problem when she just entered and she's a stranger. I'll be a creep if that happens. So i avoided my eyes and get back to what I'm doing. (I'm supposed to finish my story not to check out a girl, damn it)

In my pheripial vision, i can see her ordering her food awkwardly to the cashier (I'm holding my smile because she looks cute and i can't show it that i find her cute) She bows her head and proceed to find a place to sit but she failed. Every table is occupied but not the sit in front of me. I was about to ask her to sit next to me when she beat me to it and i swear, i just heard an angelic voice.

"Is this seat taken?"

"That seat is not taken at do i" I answered with a small smile and whispered the last one. She nodded and sat awkwardly in front of me. Now going back to what I'm writing, actually I'm just starting to write my very first book since the company wanted me to write one. I work at KnJ publishing since i don't know when because when the company was built i was there, I'm friends with the owner. So when she said i should write my own book because i have a creative mind and has the potential, i agreed. And it will be published at the end of the year (the perks of being friends with the CEO i guess)

What should i write? I don't have any inspiration nowadays and i don't feel motivated. The girl in front of me spoke that startled me a bit, she can communicate with others.

"Writing a book?" She didn't even look at me as she's playing with her original glazed donuts. If I'm her, that donuts are not on the plate anymore but I'm not her so i must stop thinking about it.

"Ah.... yeah" I answered, a small response won't mind right? She nodded as she continued playing with her food. I continue writing but no words are coming out my brain so i look up just to see her still playing with her food. (okay, that's it)

"You know, some people are starving and doing their best to have something to eat. And there are some people who'll waste their money for nothing." She look at me with furrowed brows, her other arm is supporting her cheeks and i find it cute.

"Your point is?" She asked, still looking at me. (Please, don't look at me like that i might melt)

"My point is...... you should eat your donuts before i snatch it away from you" She widen her eyes and immediately munch her donuts without pausing. What is wrong with her? "Slow down will you? You might choke...... here drink this" I offered her my unused water. She didn't hesitate as she drank it in one go. What else she can do?

I shake my head as a smirk escape from my lips and go back at what I'm supposed to do, writing.

"You don't need to pretend that you're writing something when clearly there's still no words on your paper" I was caught off guard. She noticed how i struggle coming up with a story, i guess. But i manage to talk back.

"Yeah....right. It's just-it's so hard to come up with a story that i wanted to write, you know?" That's one hundred percent true. When you can't come up with an idea, there's no point in writing.

"I bet you don't have any boyfriend that's why you can't come up with something, am i right?" You're wrong.

"Actually, you're.......... wrong. Well technically, i don't have a boyfriend because i prefer girls more than boys so......" I pause and i saw her smirk for a second but i think it's just my imagination.

"Hmmm" that's what she said. I don't know why but i feel comfortable when I'm talking to her. She's just...... i don't know. "Just start with a sentence that will catch the readers attention then you'll add whatever you wanted to write. Just think about something or rather someone. It's easy to write one when you know what you wanted to write or you know what you wanted to write but doesn't have any idea how to start? I guess you'll just have to feel it and express your thoughts. By the way, thank you for this. I must go. See you around" She smiled at me and waved her hand as she went out of the place. Okay...... what just happened?

I'm so confused on what she said but it inspires me to write something. An idea suddenly pops up inside my head and a smirk is now plastered on my face. She's really something.

days becomes weeks then weeks turn into months and months turn into years. It's been a year and a half since i published my very first book. It became the hot topic because of their curiosity to me and to the story i wrote. And........ i never get the chance to see her again and what's worst is that i didn't even get her name. all i know is that she has a cat-like eyes, a mandu cheeks, a mole on her eyelid, a gummy smile, has a perfect posture like a model and she's smaller than me. i never got to thank her for what she adviced me that day and never thank her for being my inspiration.

The book i published was all about her even though  i don't know her at all. It's weird that i wrote a book about a stranger but feels good that people liked- no, loved it. My name and face is unknown and only the initials of L.M can be seen as the author. For the past months, i was hoping to see her once again here at the krispy kreme, here in the spot where we first met but maybe we are really not meant to see each other again. It's just a one time thing. We're still strangers to each other and i guess this is the end of it.

I'm about to head out because I'm just wasting my time here waiting for nothing, fixing my stuffs and ready to stand when i heard the bell rings indicating that someone arrived. I look up just to see those eyes staring back at me. My heart suddenly beats fast as if it's about to come out off my chest. I can't hear anything not see anything, just her. This unfamiliar feeling is weird.

I came back to my senses when i heard the voice that I've been wanting to see and talk to. "Jennie" i furrowed my brows. That's not my name. Wait, am i assuming things that she came here for me or for somebody else? i look at my back just to see nothing. I look back at her again and got shock when she reach for my hand and shake it. "My name's Jennie and I've read your book. I've got a feeling that it is you and I'm not mistaken" she smiled at me, her gummy smile. I didn't realize that I'm starting to tear up. I smiled and immediately hug her as tight as possible. She gasp because of the sudden contact but doesn't push me away from her instead, she hugs me back and relaxes from the hug. This time i spoke. I let all my emotion because this day is what I've been waiting for ever since the day that we met here, at the krispy kreme, same spot but different feelings now.

"Took you long enough"

we smile and sign in content as we both hug each other tight, feeling each other's warmt.

Well i guess it's not really the end of it because we're just starting.



so many things that are happening. i found this short story on my notes and decided to publish it here😉 thankyou for reading and continuing reading my books even though I'm not as active like before. I love you all💖

Portrait : JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now