Rebound - Part 5

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Phantom wasn't actively looking for Johnny. He wasn't.

He was just flying around aimlessly, as he often did. All his friends were at school, after all, and even when they weren't in school that didn't mean he'd get to hang out with them.

And it wasn't his fault ghosts stuck out like sore thumbs. He noticed their glow, even if he was so high up that the people of Amity Park looked like ants. Phantom knew when he was looking at a ghost.

Johnny was on a date with Kitty, it seemed. So Phantom stayed invisible.

That's just common courtesy isn't it? He didn't want to interrupt.

Shadow punched him in the gut for his troubles.

"Jeez, kid," Johnny sighed. "The hell are you doing sneaking up on us like that?"

Shadow was holding him up by the front of his jumpsuit. Phantom allowed himself to dangle there and didn't even flinch when Shadow snickered and reared his inky fist back for another smack.

"That's enough Shadow," Johnny said. "You can put him down."

Reluctantly, Shadow did so. Kitty cooed over him. "Aw, no fight in you today? What's wrong, sweetie?"

Phantom frowned at her. "Nothing's wrong."

"Don't be like that, baby," Kitty said. "You're saggy as a wilting flower. Like a love sick puppy. Girls giving you trouble?"

He glared at her.

"Don't flirt with the kid," Johnny growled.

Kitty pouted at him. "I wasn't flirting!"

Then her eyes brightened, glowing ominously, "And so what if I was? You flirt with human bitches all the time, but I can't play around with the baby ghost?"

Phantom blinked at that. Baby ghost? Is that how the others saw him?

Johnny groaned. "For the last time-"

"Nuh uh," Kitty said. "Stop right there, I'm not listening to-"



"Guys!" Phantom said. "Look, I just wanted to uh..."

They looked at him expectantly.

"Can you guys have sex?" he blurted out.

He immediately regretted it when Johnny groaned and Kitty clapped her hands together in delight. "Do you mean with each other or with humans?" Kitty said. "Little ghost! You are love sick!"

"Well, I was just wondering if, uh, if it works," Phantom stammered. "Um, down there. F-for..."

Kitty smirked, looking between the two of them. "If what works?"

"I'm just wondering-"

Johnny gave him a withering look. "You can't ask that in front of my girl."

"So he can ask you later?" Kitty giggled. "Is this what you guys talk about when I'm not around?"

"Oh yeah," Johnny said. "Don't you think he'd know by now that his dick works-"

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Phantom said. "Shouldn't have asked, shouldn't have interrupted your date-"

Kitty suddenly grabbed Phantom in a hug, pulling him into the sky with her and twirling around. "Sweetie, you should ask more often! This is great!"

Johnny floated after them with a scowling Shadow behind him.

"In fact, Johnny was just saying that our relationship is too boring," Kitty said. "He wants to spice things up. Invite more people in."

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