The Family Business Part 3

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Dash had never been so humiliated in his LIFE.

Since summer vacation had started early this year, football was cancled and there wasn't anything to fucking do. So Dash sulked in his closet, surrounded by his teddy bears and listening to Melanie Martinez while avoiding his parents as much as possible.

But after a couple of days, Dad said he wasn't allowed to sulk anymore.

So... Dash went to Paulina's house party. He got there early and found Paulina, Kwan, and Star lounging by the pool in the backyard.

What a joke.

"He lives!" Kwan said, hooting like an idiot. "Back from the dead, eeeeeey."

"Shut up," Dash said. "I never fucking died."

"Yeah, Kwan," Star said. "He was just, like, possessed by a dead nerd."

"Allegedly," Paulina said, with a smirk.

Dash glared at her.

"Huh?" Star said. "But he was glowing and-"

"Anyway," Paulina said. "I invited your ex-boyfriends. So. Brace yourself."

"You did WHAT?" Dash shrieked.

"Whoa," Kwan said. "It's cool, we'll just-"

"Wait a second," Star said. "Which ex-boyfriends did you invite?"

"Wes," Paulina said. "And Fenton."

"Fuck you!" Dash shouted. "I never dated Fenton!"

"Allegedly," Paulina said, grinning like a shark.

"Fuck you!" Dash repeated, stupidly. "You aren't allowed to invite nerds!"

"Um," Kwan said. "It's okay, we can-"

"Fenton isn't a nerd anymore," Paulina said.

"He isn't?" Star said.

"You can't just-" Dash wanted to fucking slap her, but Paulina had that LOOK in her eyes. He cut himself off, groaned, and said, "What's your fucking angle, you fucking cunt?"

Kwan laughed nervously and Star gasped theatrically.

They both waited for Paulina to respond and she giggled, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and said, "I want the ghost boy to come!"

"You're a genius!" Star said.

Kwan looked confused, "What does Fenton have to do with-"

"Fuck you!" Dash screamed.

"What?" Paulina said, pretending to look confused. "I thought you had a crush on the ghost boy?"

She batted her eyelashes at him, like a fucking cunt.

"Oh?" Star said. "Are you guys fighting over him again?"

"No," Dash growled. "I'm over that loser."

"What?!" Kwan said. "The ghost boy isn't a loser!"

Paulina pouted, "He saved you, Dash! Don't you want to thank him?"

Dash groaned.

"I'm confused," Kwan said. "Did I miss something?"

Star leaned towards him and whispered, "Dash is embarassed."

"Fuck you!" Dash shouted.

"Ugh," Paulina said. "Stop yelling."

"I'll stop yelling when I feel like it!" Dash yelled.

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