Chapter 21

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The feeling that one is leaping into the unknown was once described to me as being very similar to doing acrobatics on a trapeze bar or trying a new flavour of ice cream; there is no guarantee that you will be able to survive or that you will enjoy it.

An associate of mine told me that he once attempted to do both these things while shooting an important film in an undisclosed location long ago. He described leaping into the unknown as one of the most frightening experiences of his life; his mind being unable to comprehend what could possibly happen and he was even more unsure of whether he would enjoy it. We once chatted over Peruvian coffee about how he attempted to show his stunt performers how to execute a proper triple aerial backflip with the exact timing required for it to be captured on film. With one of the performers being afraid of heights, my associate decided to demonstrate the action to ease their worries and all he can recall from those moments in the air is the sickly feeling that he would be unable to survive the fall if the stunt was performed incorrectly. He quite literally leapt into the unknown air and his mind filled with a great many scenarios of what would happen during and after this performance. He wondered about the consequences and whether he would succeed or fail; would he be able to film this stunt or not, would his performer get over their fear of heights, would he live or die and who would handle his affairs afterwards? He was fortunate enough that he did not fail and none of the most horrific thoughts occurred. The required stunt was captured perfectly in the following takes and the reward was a fine scene in an excellent movie. But it was the uncertainty of the outcome from this unknown stunt that he feared the most when taking that risk.

My associate then told of another time during filming that a particularly excitable chef came to the movie cafeteria one day, eager to have all the actors and crew try a new flavour of ice cream that she had invented. She insisted that my friend try it first and the same sickly feeling filled his body as he tasted the first spoonful. He stepped into the unknown and asked himself many more questions as he ate; would his nut allergy become a concern for his crew, would this flavour be better than the Belgian chocolate ice cream he'd tasted in his childhood, would it be suitable to make into milkshakes, and most important of all, would it taste good? My friend was fortunate enough again that he'd taken the chance and been rewarded with an excellent flavour ice cream that was served as a staple at the film's wrap party, despite the feeling that lingered deep within his mind in those uncertain moments.

Many years have passed since these risks into the unknown occurred and it haunts me even to this day to think of the questions that the same associate thought about in the moments before he faced the greatest unknown of all, where one goes after death and the eternal slumber that comes with it.

While Holly S. did not engage in any trapeze artistry nor had she tried a new flavour of cold, creamy confectionery, she could still feel the dreaded uncertainty my associate likely would have described if he had survived his encounter with death... that feeling of stepping into the unknown and facing the supposed consequences of where such a journey will take you next.

There is no doubt in my mind that the young girl had many questions filling her mind as the tiny yellow taxicab continued down a long dirt-covered road, taking her away from a place that her father had intended for her to be safe at, but she now knew was not... She likely wondered to herself if what she had done was the safest and best decision; to climb into the back of a stranger's car and drive to an unknown location. She stared down at the encoded message sent to her by K.S. and thought about the part of the letter that stood out to her at that moment.

Despite what your mother and father insisted, it is time for you to know the truth about many things.

What had they insisted on? What things were K.S. referring to? What truths? Was she truly going against her parents' wishes?

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