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Tatum sat at her desk twirling a loose strand of her newly dyed blue hair around her finger, while staring at the appointment schedule for her boss. Antonia Pena, the mayor of Santo Padre, and Tatum's boss liked her schedule to be perfect. She made sure to go over it everyday with Tatum, making the younger woman question why she decided on taking his job, and why she still did it after four years.

Four years in the small town of Santo Padre felt like a lifetime to Tatum. It felt like she had traded in one small town for another, yet she wasn't bored of the small town close to the Mexican border like she had been of Charming. The blue haired woman never expected to wind up living in California again after her stay on the East Coast for college, but things changed and she found herself in the quaint town of Santo Padre finished with college and no job in her site. Of course her father, brother, and every member of SAMCRO wanted her back home, but Tatum refused. Tatum knew if she went back everything would be the same as when she left. Tatum knew if she went home she'd be forced to take a job in the office of TM with Gemma, and she would fall into the same old routines with Jax. It was pointless in her eyes to go back to Charming. She would be wasting her hard earned and expensive college education there.  Not that she wasn't already doing that in Santo Padre, with being a glorified secretary to Pena.

"Hello, Tatum."

Tatum removed her eyes from the computer at the sound of Miguel Galindo's voice. "Hello, Mr. Galindo." She gave the older man in front of her a smile. Tatum knew Miguel Galindo was a feared man throughout Santo Padre. His reputation wasn't the best, and in Mexico it was even worse. Tatum didn't have a problem with him, he was always polite whenever he had his meetings with Pena. She wasn't sure though if it was because he knew of her affiliation to SAMCRO, or if he genuinely meant it.

"Please, call me Miguel. I've known you for years now." He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. "New hair color?" Miguel teased, raising his eyebrows. Miguel liked Tatum James, not in the I want to sleep with you kind of way. No, he liked the blue haired woman like a friend. Well, as much as Miguel Galindo could like someone as a friend. The cartel boss didn't have many friends, if he had any at all. He had Nestor, but that was different.

"Yeah." Tatum laughed. "I was getting bored of the other color." She said with a shrug. It was common knowledge to everyone that Tatum changed her hair color more than some people changed their underwear. It wasn't surprising to see her with crazy colored hair. If anything it was a comfort to the people who knew her the best. When Tatum first started working for Pena, she kept her hair it's natural color until a few months later when she showed up to the office with pink hair. To say her boss was a bit shocked at the color would be an understatement, though she quickly got over it, and now Pena looked forward to seeing what crazy color Tatum would pick next.

"It looks good." Miguel complimented.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Tatum returned her eyes back to the computer in front of her while Miguel took a seat, waiting for Pena. She knew he wouldn't have to wait too long, the mayor didn't like to keep him waiting. She liked to make her meetings with the cartel boss as quick as possible. Tatum finished fixing Pena's schedule for the next few weeks, and closed the screen before scrolling through emails, deleting the junk ones. Yeah, her college education was really being put to use.

"Mr. Galindo." Pena stood in the doorway of her office with a smile that didn't reach her eyes on her face. "Please, come in." She said.

Miguel nodded at Pena, and stood up from the chair wiping the nonexistent lint off of his suit. "Good to see you, Tatum." He said with a smile.

"You too." She returned the smile, watching the cartel boss and mayor walk into the latter's office. It seemed like certain things in Tatum's life she couldn't escape, like shady deals behind closed doors.


"Goodnight, Antonia." Tatum bid goodnight to her boss as she shut off the computer. Her work day was over, and she was ready to get home to the tiny house she rented, and have a few too many stomach hurting fruity drinks with her best friend while watching the latest cheesy reality show.

Audrey Rivera, or Rey as Tatum lovingly nicknamed her was Tatum's best friend in Santo Padre. The two had met on their first week in the small town, and instantly hit it off. Audrey had come from San Diego with a teaching degree, and was eager to start her new job at the local high school. Rey was the mike to her cookies, something Tatum hadn't really had since Jax.

The blue haired woman felt a smile form on her face as she noticed the familiar motorcycle in it's unofficial parking spot. He leaned against his bike with a cigarette hanging from his lips, and his beloved Mayans kutte on his back. Angel Reyes was someone else Tatum didn't know how to describe her relationship with. It was like she traded one complicated relationship for another, as well as trading MC's. She had left Charming to get away from SAMCRO, and her up in the air relationship with Jax Teller, yet here she was in Santo Padre with the Mayans, and Angel Reyes.

"You lost Reyes?" She teased, taking in the handsome bikers tattoos.

"Nah, chica." He laughed while tossing his half finished cigarette to the ground. "Came to pick you up." Angel said while playing with her hair. "Like the color." His brown eyes taking in the newly dyed blue hair.

It wasn't uncommon for Angel to pick her up from work. The two usually spent their nights together unless he was on a run, or had other things to do, but Tatum knew she told him earlier about her girl's night in with Audrey. "Rey's coming over tonight." She told him, raising an eyebrow at the Mayan biker.

"Do you not check your phone?" Angel asked with a playful roll of his eyes. It was a rhetorical question. He knew Tatum hardly checked her phone while at work. "Pena would have my ass if she saw me on my phone for anything other than work." He could recall her words the first time he freaked the fuck out when shit went sideways, and she didn't answer any of his calls or texts. Tatum still never answered her texts or calls even after that day, and even though it pissed him the fuck off, Angel knew he wouldn't get her to change.

"You know for a fact that I don't." Tatum said while pulling her phone from purse. A few missed calls from Cal, a few from Jax, and a few texts from Rey. The calls from Cal and Jax could wait until tomorrow, though it did peek her interest to see Jax's name on her phone. The two hadn't talked that much in a few months, their last conversation ending on a sour note. 'Have last minute plans with EZ! I promise to make it up to you!' Tatum read over the text, and let out a laugh, she typed out a quick reply before tossing her phone back into her bag. She wasn't mad at Rey for canceling, she knew her best friend and EZ were growing closer, and she enjoyed watching the two form a relationship.

"They grow up so fast." Tatum said, pretending to wipe away a tear from her eye. "I'll meet you back at my house." She placed a quick kiss on his lips before sliding into her beloved Mustang.

Angle nodded, his eyes full of lust as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Tatum started her car, fiddling with the radio for a minute before pulling out after him. Tatum James had left her small hometown to adventure out into the big world. Yet, all she found was another small town, and Angel Reyes, a man like Jax Teller who made her life complicated.


(A/N: Don't forget your vote/comment! Sorry for any mistakes it's unedited)

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