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You know that feeling when you're tipsy? The one where your body feels fuzzy, and you're completely content with life at the moment, that was how Tatum felt whenever she woke up next to Angel Reyes. Most people would say that was love, but not Tatum James. The blue haired woman wasn't sure if she had ever truly been in love. Sure, she had deep feelings for Jax, but they were never fully explored. Tatum was just someone for Jax to hook up with when he and Tara were on a break. Tara always came before Tatum in Jax's life, so her feelings were pushed aside. Her parents were also no role models when it came to the love department. Ty and Vivian James truly did love each other. At least that's what they told Tatum when they announced their divorce when she was ten. She soon found out it was just another lie her parent's told her to help ease the pain. Ty and Vivian argued most nights when they thought their daughter was asleep, and while Vivian could usually most past their yelling matches, it was too much for her when a croweater showed up pregnant with Ty's child. That shit was suppose to stay on the road, not follow him home.

Tatum removed Angel's tattooed arm from around her waist, grabbing her phone from the nightstand before quietly exiting the bedroom. She made her way into the small kitchen, and switched on the coffee maker before listening to the voicemails from Cal and Jax.

"Hey sis! I've got some exciting new to tell you. Call me back! Love you."

She rolled her eyes and pressed delete on Cal's voicemail. Exciting news to her younger brother was Tig taking him to the jellybean, and getting a lap dance. Cal could wait a little longer for a call back from Tatum. She didn't need to hear about his activities this early in the morning. Tatum's finger hovered over the play button for a moment before she pressed it, Jax's familiar and missed voice played through her phone.

"Hey, darlin'. I know you're probably still mad at me for how our last conversation went, but I miss you. My head's all tucked up, and I wish you were here to help me. I miss you, Tatum."

A frown found it's way onto Tatum's face as the voicemail ended, she could hear the sadness in Jax's voice, and it made her heart feel heavy. When they last talked he was trying to convince Tatum to move back home. He claimed it wasn't safe for her in Santo Padre, and that her Mayan boyfriend couldn't protect her as well as he and the rest of SAMCRO could. The phone called ended with a 'fuck off and fuck you.'

"Morning, hermosa." Angel's sleepy voice broke Tatum from her thoughts. "You good?" He asked, his brown eyes noticing the frown in her face while she stared at her phone.

"Yeah." She nodded, putting a smile on her face. "Just family shit." She said with a shrug as she placed her phone down.

Angel nodded, he understood family shit. He made his way towards the cabinet and pulled out two coffee mugs, filling them up with the steaming dark liquid. "What you got goin' on today?" Angel questioned while placing one of the cups down in front of her.

Angel watched Tatum's lips part as she took a sip from the coffee mug, a grin taking over his face as he watched a blissful smile take over hers. The tattooed Mayan knew his life had changed for the better since he met Tatum James. She was like the bright light at the end of his dark tunnel, she made him feel like he wasn't worthless compared to his younger brother, EZ. Tatum made him feel like he mattered.

"Rey's coming over, and we're probably going to talk about all the hot sex she had with EZ." She teased, a laugh leaving her lips as she saw disgust take over Angel's face.

"Fuckin' nasty chica. I don't need that image in my mind so early in the morning." He shook his head, as if to get rid of the image of his brother fucking Tatum's best friend. Angel was happy for EZ, that he found someone to help him get over Emily Thomas. He didn't need to brood over his high school sweetheart. Especially since she was now married to Miguel Galindo.

"I think you'll survive." Tatum laughed, running a hand through her blue hair.

A comfortable silence fell over the pair as they drank their coffee. Tatum cherished these small moments with Angel, the ones were it was peaceful and he didn't look like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. The sudden vibrations from Angel's phone broke the moment, the tattooed Mayan quickly picked up his phone, moving to a different part of the house as he talked quietly to whoever was on the other end.

A sigh left Tatum's mouth as she gathered up the empty coffee cups, and placed them in the sink. She knew what was coming next, it always happened when they had a moment of quiet. The chaos came in the form of a phone call and put the weight of the world back on his shoulders. Tatum was use to the chaos, it had always been a part of her life. She could hear his footsteps getting closer as she gazed out the small window above the sink. "Gotta go hermosa." Angel spoke, wrapping his tattooed arms around her waist. He was grateful that Tatum understood his life, that she understood how he could never fully give himself to her before of the MC.

Tatum nodded as she leaned against him. "Be safe."

"Always am." He said with a mischievous look in his brown eyes, and a smirk on his face. "I'll check in with you later." Angel said, removing his arms from her waist. He pressed his lips against her tattooed neck before making his way out of the house.


"I don't know why we watch this shit." Tatum complained as Audrey and her sat in front of the tv later that day. Tatum took a bite of her pizza while keeping her eyes glued to the tv. Even though the show they were watching was complete shit, the blue haired woman couldn't look away. It was like watching a car crash.

"Because, it's mind numbing and I need something to numb my mind right now." Audrey said with a shrug. To say Audrey's night with EZ didn't go well would be like saying the sky wasn't blue. EZ was the one who had made plans with Rey last minute, and then to have him blow her off because of Emily Thomas was a shitty feeling.

Tatum looked at her best friend with sympathy. "It's fucking shitty that EZ stood you up, but he really does like you. The shit with Emily is just complicated." Tatum knew better than most about complicated relationships. "That being said, if he does it again I'll kick his ass." Tatum smile as she heard a laugh come from Rey's mouth. Tatum liked the younger Reyes brother, and thought he could be good for Audrey, but she wasn't afraid to kick his ass if he hurt her best friend. Tatum James was known for throwing a mean right hook.

The sudden ringing from her phone made Tatum roll her eyes as she saw Cal's name flash across the screen. "Hi, Cal." Tatum spoke into the phone. "What's up?" She asked her younger brother.

"I need you to come home Tatum."


(A/N: Thank you all for the views and votes! Don't forget to vote/comment 😊)

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