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Angel sat in the Mayan clubhouse nursing a beer and looking at his phone, a frustrated sigh left his mouth as he stared at the blank screen. Tatum had yet to answer any of the texts he had sent her, and he was growing more and more frustrated as days went by without any kind of contact with her. Angel hadn't realized Tatum meant she was going to cut off all contact with him while she was in Charming. The tattooed Mayan thought he'd at least get texts from her, but so far all he got was silence. It probably didn't help that mostly every text he sent was while he was drunk and incoherent. Fuck, he'd do anything to hear Tatum's voice right now. Fuck that. Angel would do anything to feel her skin under his fingers and kiss her lips right now. He hadn't realized that two weeks without Tatum would feel like a lifetime.

"That ain't gonna help man." Coco said while taking a seat next to Angel. Coco had been trying to keep an eye on Angel for the past few days. He noticed Angel had been drinking a lot more since Tatum left, and his anger was getting the best of him too. The older Reyes brother went looking for a fight wherever he could find one, and it was usually Coco who had to calm him the fuck down. "She needs some fuckin' time man. You can't keep drunk texting her like some loco." Coco had warned Angel the shit with Tatum and Adelita was gonna blow up in his face, but Angel didn't want to hear it. He kept telling Coco he had it under control. It was obvious to Coco that Angel didn't have it under control.

Angel drank the rest of his beer in one large gulp. He continued to keep his brown eyes on his blank phone, he was tuning out of at least trying to tune out Coco's words. He didn't want to hear the truth right now he just wanted to hear Tatum's voice. "I fucked up man." Angel said while running a hand over his face. "That fuckin' shit with Adelita man." Angel shook his head while lighting a cigarette. "I was a fuckin' idiot." The Mayan had met with Adelita hours after Tatum left and told the rebel queen that their carnal relationship were done. He would still work with her for strictly business purposes only, but there would be nothing more between them.

Coco ran a hand through his growing hair and lit a cigarette of his own. "Stop tryin' to contact her." Coco said simply.

Angel look at his phone one last time before placing it in the pocket of his kutte. He knew Coco was right, he needed to stop trying to contact Tatum. He was coming off as some obsessed stalker. It was going to be hard to do, but Angel knew he needed to wait until Tatum was ready to talk to him. Whether it be when she returned to Santo Padre or tomorrow. Tatum was the bright light on his darkest days, and he couldn't let that be taken away from him. Angel would wait forever if he had to.


Tatum sat across from Ima, an awkward silence filled the small diner booth they were sitting in. Cal had showed up on Jax's doorstep and begged Tatum to have lunch with Ima so the two could discuss wedding plans, and get to know each other better. Tatum didn't any desire to do either, but her younger brother had given her his best puppy dog eyes and smile, and like always she gave in to him.

The blue haired woman sipped on her soda while waiting for Ima to open her mouth and speak. Tatum honestly wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible but she knew that wouldn't happen if neither one of them started a conversation.

"So." Tatum said while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "are you planning on a big wedding or something small?" She asked the blonde. Tatum knew most of the men of SAMCRO liked to have small affairs whenever one of them get married but this was Ima she was talking to, and she doubted the blonde would want a small wedding.

"Medium sized." Ima said with a shrug. "Cal definitely wants the Tacoma charter there, the NOMADS, and of course the Mayans." The blonde listed off while checking her phone.

"The Mayans?" Tatum questioned. It didn't surprise her that the Mayans would be invited to Cal's wedding seeing as them and SAMCRO were allies now, and not sending an invite would be seen as a disrespect. She just didn't know if Cal planned on only inviting Oakland or if Santo Padre would be getting an invite as well.

"Yeah." Ima said with her eyes still focused on her phone. "I know your boyfriend is a Mayan."

"He's not my boyfriend." Tatum said through clenched teeth, cutting off Ima. It annoyed the fuck out of Tatum that Ima knew about her relationship with Angel. It was infuriating that the blonde knew about her relationship when she knew absolutely nothing about Cal being involved with her until two days ago.

"Okay." Ima shrugged. "Whatever." She said while not taking her eyes off of her phone.

Tatum closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head. She was two seconds away from grabbing the fucking phone out of Ima's hand and throwing it. Cal had asked her to give Ima a chance, but to Tatum it was pointless. Tatum James was never going to like or be friendly with Ima in any way, to her the blonde porn star was vapid, rude, and honestly just a bitch.

"Well, I've gotta go." Ima said while finally taking her eyes off of the phone. "It's been nice doing this with you." The blonde said with a face smile taking over her face. "See you later."

Tatum watched as Ima walked out of the diner, a frown forming on the blue haired woman's face. She had expected it to be a difficult two weeks, but she hadn't expected it to be this difficult already.


A/N: Sorry for this crappy filler chapter. I just wanted to show how Angel is doing while Tatum is away and have a little interaction between Tatum and Ima. Thank you all so much for the votes, views, and comments! I appreciate them all so much ❤️ This is unedited so I apologize if there's any mistakes.

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