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"Antonia, can I get a minute of your time?" Tatum asked as she stood outside her bosses office. It had been a busy day at the mayor's office. Pena had meetings all day, leaving Tatum no time to talk to her about taking some time off.

Of course, Tatum." Antonia gave a smile to the young woman. "Come sit." She said, pointing a finger at the empty leather chair. Antonia Pena watcher the young blue haired woman enter the office, and take a seat across from her. The older woman could tell there was something on Tatum's mind. The mayor knew Tatum well enough by now to notice the little 'tells' she had whenever something was on her mind.

"I need to take some time off." Tatum said, watching as a frown took over Antonia's face. "It's my brother." The blue haired woman added quickly. Tatum didn't want the mayor to think this was some shitty way of giving her two weeks notice.

"Is everything alright with him?" Pena asked, letting out a small sigh of relief as the frown on her face slowly disappeared. Antonia knew eventually Tatum would one day move on from being her assistant. The blue haired woman that sat in front of her was too smart to just be handling her schedule and sitting in on meetings, but Pena hoped that day would be later rather than sooner.

Tatum nodded and gave her boss a reassuring smile. "He's fine. Well, he's probably better than fine." She said, watching as Pena raised an eyebrow towards her. "He's getting married, and his bride to be is pregnant." Those words still felt strange coming out of Tatum's mouth. Of course Angel had made her realize she was going to be a Tia, and Tatum was growing excited about that but she didn't even know who Cal was marrying.

"Well, congratulations." Pena said with a smile. "How much time are you looking to take off?" If the mayor had it her way Tatum would only get the day off for her brother's wedding, and the birth of his child. Antonia didn't want Tatum to leave Santo Padre for too long, she needed the blue haired woman around to keep her busy life on track.

"I'm not sure." Tatum said with a shrug. She hadn't really given much thought to how much time she needed off. "Enough time to help plan a wedding." It wasn't really an answer , but it was the best one she had.

Pena pursed her lips at Tatum's answer. That wasn't the answer she was hoping for. "Okay." Antonia nodded. "We'll work something out." She said with a tight smile on her face.

"Thank you, Antonia." Tatum said with a smile. She could tell by the look on the older woman's face that she was not too pleased with Tatum's request for time off. Especially since it was going to be longer than normal.

Tatum gave one last smile before exiting Pena's office, closing the door behind her. A sigh left Tatum's mouth as she sat down at her desk. It was official, she was going back to Charming.


Angel sat in the Mayans clubhouse, drinking a beer while watching his brothers laugh and enjoy the company of women. It was a typical Friday night at the scrap yard, and normally Tatum would be sitting by his side and sharing a drink with him, but not tonight. Angel had been avoiding Tatum all day (not that she probably even noticed he was doing so) he was still being selfish about her going back to Charming. Angel knew he really had no reason to be so selfish about her leaving. It wasn't like they were exclusive, but the thought of Jax Teller charming his way back into Tatum's heart and pants was filing the tattooed Mayan with rage.

"You okay hermano?" EZ asked while sitting down next to his brother, who seemed to have a scowl etched onto his face all day long. EZ knew Tatum James was the reason for the frown on his brother's face. The younger Reyes brother knew the blue haired woman who Angel had spent so much of his time with was leaving.

"Why the fuck do you care, boy scout ?" Angel spat, the scowl still intact on his face. The older Reyes brother knew it was a dick move to take his anger out on EZ, but he needed someone to take his anger out on and right now EZ was his victim.

"Don't take your fuckin' problems out on me." EZ said, standing up. "It's not my fuckin' fault that Tatum is going back to the Prince of Charming." He knew it was the wrong thing to say, but EZ was done with Angel's bullshit.

Angel stood up quickly, standing toe to toe with EZ. "Shut the fuck up." He said through a clenched jaw whole pushing EZ back, causing the younger Reyes to stumble a bit. That was all Angel could think about once Tatum told him she was going back to Charming, that she would just stay there and play house with Jax Teller, and to hear EZ say it out loud made it feel real.

EZ said nothing back. He regained his composure before pushing Angel back, watching the anger grow on his older brother's face. It quickly escalated into a brawl between the two Reyes men, punches being thrown, the two of them rolling around on the floor like two little kids.

"Enough!" Bishop yelled as the two fighting brother's were pulled apart by Coco and Gilly. "I don't know what the fuck is going on in your head." The president said, pointing at the heavy breathing Angel. "but figure it the fuck out."

Angel nodded, wiping the blood from his lip. He took one last look at EZ before walking out of the clubhouse. He quickly got onto his bike and rode off into the night. Angel knew exactly who he needed to be with right now.


(A/N: Thank you all for the views, votes, and comments!! It means a lot to me ! Sorry if there's any mistakes this is unedited. Don't forget to vote/comment 😊 Also, I have some new stories I'm working on which I'm excited for! So keep an eye out for them)

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