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Today was the day The Mayans and SAMCRO were having their sit down to discuss a new business plan. Angel was trying to keep his emotions in check on the ride over to SAMCRO's clubhouse, but the Mayan wasn't so sure he'd be able to once he saw Jax Teller. The Prince of Charming had become a thorn in his fucking side and he was more than ready to pull that thorn out. Angel ran a hand over his tired face as the long line of Mayans pulled into the lot of TM. It wasn't just Santo Padre who was involved with meeting the crows, Oakland was there as well because nothing got approved without El Padrino's say.

"You good?" Coco asked with his eyes focused on the opening door of SAMCRO's clubhouse, watching with a blank face as their president Clay Morrow led them out.

"Yeah." Angel nodded while looking down at his phone.

He let out a sigh as he stared at the blank screen, he had been waiting to hear back from his Pop about Tatum. The blue haired woman seemed to have disappeared into thin air while she went to get ice cream with her brother the night before, and of course Angel spent all night looking for her whole thoughts of all the terrible things that could be happening to her ran through his mind. He finally made a call to his Pop in the early morning hours and asked him to check around Santo Padre for his mi amor. Angel prayed that if she wasn't in Charming then at least he hoped she made her way back to Santo Padre, and was safe.

"Alvarez." Clay Morrow greeted the Mayans mother charter President with a smile and handshake. "Bishop." He repeated the action to Santo Padre's President. "Glad we could do this." The smile on his face turned smug as he lit up a cigar.

"Us too, Clay." Alvarez spoke.

"Where the fuck is she?!"

Angel looked up from his phone to see a seething Jax Teller making his way towards him with Opie Winston - the tall lumberjack on his left and Cal James in his right. Angel narrowed his eyes at the blonde SAMCRO VP. Who the fuck did this white boy think he was? Angel took a few quick strides towards Jax, closing the distance between them.

"I don't fuckin' know, chico blanco." Angel spat. "She's never disappeared on my watch." Angel said smugly as he stood toe to toe with Jax Teller. "I guess you SAMCRO boys don't know how to keep women safe." Angel wanted nothing more than to punch him right in the fucking face, but he knew if he did a fucking war would be started.

"She was safe the other day when she was kissing me." Jax taunted with a smirk.

Angel could feel Coco's hand on his shoulder, but he quickly pushed it off. "Puto gilipollas." Angel spat as his jaw clenched in pure anger. His hands were balled into fists tightly at his side, all it would take was one more smart ass thing to fly from Jax's mouth and punches would be thrown.

"Enough!" Clay's gruff voice bellowed. "Put your fuckin' dicks away! We got more important things to discuss right now."

Jax glared at Angel for a moment longer before turning on his heel and walking back towards the clubhouse with Opie following behind him while Cal staying in his spot, staring at Angel with a blank face. Angel was certain Callahan James was about to start with him too, he stood silently beside Jax the whole time, and The Mayan was sure Tatum's younger brother wanted his chance to blame him for Tatum's disappearing act too.

"Is she safe?" Cal asked, his words surprising Angel.

"I fuckin' hope so." Angel said while running a hand over his hair. "I got my Pop lookin' for her."

Cal nodded before walking off towards the clubhouse. He had begun to regret asking Tatum to come back to Charming. It only seemed to cause her heartache, and Cal never wanted heartache for his sister, he only wanted her to be safe and happy.

"You good to go in there?" Coco asked as he looked down at Angel's still clenched fists.

Angel nodded as he watched Cal's retreating form. "I'm not gonna break pretty boys face if that what you're askin'." He said with a humorless laugh. "Even though he fuckin' deserves it." Angel added while pulling his vibrating phone from his pocket. "Pop." He said with a sigh of relief once he answered. "You find mi sol?" Angel didn't care if he sounded cheesy as fuck right now, he needed to know that Tatum was safe.

"Yeah." Felipe said. "Tatum's safe, mijo."

Relief flooded Angel's body as he heard those worlds from his Pop's mouth. "Thank you, Pop."

Felipe nodded even though he knew his son couldn't see him. "Don't fuck up again, Angel." He warned his oldest son before hanging up.

Angel nodded as he placed his phone back in his kutte. There was no way he was going to fuck up again. Once this shit was done with SAMCRO he was getting the fuck out of this town and heading straight back to Santo Padre, and getting his fucking girl back.

"Let's get this shit over with." Angel said with a smile as he nodded towards SAMCRO's clubhouse. "I've got more important shit to do."

A/N: Sorry this one is short! I apologize in advance if any of my Spanish is wrong! I use google translate. Also, I hope everyone is staying safe during the corona madness. Be safe everyone!

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